Banned wagon

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ClaytonBigsby again.
  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to fdd2blk again.
  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Balzac89 again.
  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to racerboy71 again.
I don't even have the ability to spread reputation :lol:
I cant believe you still waste time on this website. I can't believe any of you do. What the fuck people find something constructive to do.
You've been registered longer than almost anyone here.

Edit: Just paged down to check my dates & it seems you've been here longer than anyone in this thread.
Pot -------->Kettle----------> Black.
You said "no I don't" when I said "you have a LONG way to go" you have a LONG way to go to make any money from Youtube. You saying "no I don't" is the thing that is flawed.

I've already ymade money from Youtube. Ask Buck, he saw the check :dunce: So, TOLD YOU SO :D :lol: This is hilarious. You're stupid :D
hey there's the big boy that never paid for pot
what's happening, how does your garden grow

EDIT: bat signal of LIKE/UNLIKE sent...waits for it