bar fridge


Well-Known Member
:wall::wall:so bad news guys my little fridge fell over last night when i was sleeping and broke my baby all to shit so im going to have to start all over agin ill just start a new journel with 2 dif kinds from seed it will probly be a week or so till i repost:wall::dunce::dunce::-(


Well-Known Member
Man sorry to hear that. You sure they won't make it? I had something similar happen. I dropped a nute container directly ontop of one of my Mendo Purps seedlings. Cracked it in half and now it is still alive but growing side ways a little. Pretty resilient little guys.

Fuck that really does suck if they don't make it. Your not in Cali by chance?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
shit man that does suck sorry to hear .....remeber there a weed so if you are quick about it they still might be ok and then dont stress them out once you got them back up right and in soil.......or hydro.......looking forward to the newwer bigger and better frig hahaha sounds like a comercial that be good idea thoe just tell the kids thats were i keep my beer stay out hahaha awww man this purple kong is making meeee feeel nice hahaha :bigjoint: does canada have clinics ??


Well-Known Member
no not that i know of i think there is a few on the west cost in bc but in on the east cost in ontario