Barack Obama is a Liar

Like a guy who had his mortgage over half paid off, yet still qualified for HARP? That kind of bullshit?

LoL, you expect me to be on here all day checking for replies? I have businesses to attend to im not tryin to brag im just sayin some of you guys are a bit to serious on the replies, be easy. At the end of the day I dont have to prove myself to anyone on here, and im not about to campaign for myself, I stand by what I said and I dont need to reply 100 times just to "win" a thread conversation.

And I must add, HARP was passed over 2 1/2 years ago it was not just recently passed, I mean damn does everything have to be explained to you guys?
All politicians lie at some point

There are lies, and then there are damn lies. We know that the details get shaded back and forth to make points, to describe a wider view, etc. But, damn lies, said with contempt, to win personal gain, are not accepted.

When the President does that it, it belittles the Presidency, imo.

As I understand all of this, Obama's problem is he believes his own bullshit. He can't be flexible and is too arrogant to even negotiate with the Dems. He is on the Rock Star ego trip. This is from Woodward, no friend of the Pubs.

Woodward has said the sequester was Obama's idea, and cooked in the Oval Office. Then it was given to Harry Reid, who hard-balled the House with it.

So, Damn lies are hated. But, when the Commander does it.... to tell Damn Lies to us, there will be an accounting.

That is what we are seeing. Obama said he didn't apologize on his tour to damn America. Damn Lie. We have it all on tape. He tap danced with the semantics of apology but we see him bow. He say says he condemned Benghazi as an "Act of Terror." He didn't. Damn Lies from the Commander.

To the UN. Damn Lies from Obama, to put Colin Powell's WMD, little pony show, to shame. But, not from a throw away, used up General.

No, our shameful President. He is not a politician. He just thinks he is. It's all he knows. And that is the problem.

To not send help to our Ambassador is criminal, imo.

To tell the enemy our plans in Afghanistan is criminal, imo. Not political.
Obama said he didn't apologize on his tour to damn America. Damn Lie. We have it all on tape.

cool. show me a single apology then.

He say says he condemmed Benghazi as an "Act of Terror." He didn't.

get the transcript.

the best lie of all was when you tried to claim that it was a "typo" when you said FDR was denied his second term.

maybe brush up on american history a little to avoid making an ass out of yourself repeatedly.
If it's in a transcript that Barack Obama mentioned he was muslim, is it so?
just asking!

and if he was muslim, so what?

are you familiar with the first amendment, or did you just want to let us know that you are bigoted against muslims as well as niggas?
Actually Obama didnt bail me out of anything, I own 3 businesses I dont need help from ANY PRESIDENT. Get my drift? Obviously you dont know what the HARP program consists of, maybe because you dont own a home which is understandable. It basically forces mortgage companies to lower interest rates on homes that have alot of equity, the more equity in the home, the more your mortgage company has to comply.

Seeing that my home is more than 50% paid off, with the drop in my interest rate im saving $100 a month now. Its not a huge chunk of change, but that can go towards my electricity bill now, saved money is made money. GET IT? Now I ask, what has Romney and bush done lately? lol

I dunno, what has Carter and Roosevelt done lately?
Obummas agenda has always been more important than America or it's people. A man you cannot trust to protect you or your country & does not care to work for the good of our country. He had His chance & proved what a dishonest man He is. I HOPE for CHANGE & a real leader for the future in a great businessman & leader, ROMNEY.
Guarantee whoever is president will spend a fuck ton of money, the question is will it be spent here or will it be pissed away to military contractors/bankers. Whole point of being president seems to be hooking your friends up. Clinton hooked up private prisons, Bush hooked up military contractors and bankers, Obama hooked up poor people. Obviously after spending millions of dollars on a campaign the winner gets to control the public spigot for 4 years...

Are you guys saying Romney won't run up more deficit? That's delusional....

obama hooked up his campaign finance bundlers, several large conglomerates (like GE AIG GM Dailmer-Chrysler, and the unions) with his "bailouts" instead of bankruptcy and restructuring, and generous "green energy" finance programs.

let us also not forget scrotal scrubbing in africa, more giveaways to china, despite their massive trade advantage over us, coddling of some despots, missle strikes against others, disdain for israel and it's security and refusal to adhere to his campaign promise to NOT have any lobbyists in his administration, and his promises of "transparency and openness".

all the promises i wish he would have kept were tossed aside like rubbish, and all the things i HATED about bush were embraced like long lost friends.

i got no love for obama. he promised us an administration that would tighten the belt, and we would have to eat millet soup and a bowl of rice, but it was needed to turn the economy around

instead, we, the tax payers got a bowl of shit soup and a thin gruel of piss and walnut shells, served up cold, with a pubic hair floating on top.

GE GM AIG and the auto unions got roast beef and fine wine. obama even allowed/ordered eric holder to crack down on those nefarious potheads, and inexplicably snuggled up even closer to china.

yeah... i think ill vote gary johnson, even though in california my vote has already been cast for The O-Man.

Here is set of clips of things Obama said. It sounds apologetic to me and to anyone with a fair mind. He didn't use the word apologize.

So what? Semantic quibbling. He was representing a chastened and sorry America and I was offended by such an amateur approach.

Here's the middle part of the Rose Garden message on 9/12. Mentioning in general, acts of terror, as a abhorrent notion, is hardly the same as telling the truth to America. Truth he knew. Truth he still covers up. Again the Damn Lie and the semantic tap dance as thin cover. Ostrich thinking.

There is an entire paragraph between Benghazi and "No acts of terror...." talking in general about 9/11/2001. There is a hard core legal definition here, set by Congress. He refuses to use it.
Don't be duped by the Lies.

And then the retarded cover up and let me say what is next.

Using Damn Lies, to get people to riot and kill each other in 30+ locations around the world is Inciting to Riot and criminal, imo. America can forgive a lot for a Rock Star but we are all not as stupid as some might think.

Of course, yesterday was already a painful day for our nation as we marked the solemn memory of the 9/11 attacks. We mourned with the families who were lost on that day. I visited the graves of troops who made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan at the hallowed grounds of Arlington Cemetery, and had the opportunity to say thank you and visit some of our wounded warriors at Walter Reed. And then last night, we learned the news of this attack in Benghazi.

As Americans, let us never, ever forget that our freedom is only sustained because there are people who are willing to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in some cases, lay down their lives for it. Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.

He didn't use the word apologize.

so an apology tour without ever apologizing or saying sorry? :lol:

that's just about as awesome as the claim of your that roosevelt was denied his next term.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.

he talks about acts of terror, then talks about what just happened.

i caught a little fox news today, they were just about in tears like you that we aren't talking about this 24/7 like you want to.


i will cry some crocodile tears for you, right after i mourn about how roosevelt was denied a second term :lol:

so an apology tour without ever apologizing or saying sorry? :lol:

that's just about as awesome as the claim of your that roosevelt was denied his next term.

he talks about acts of terror, then talks about what just happened.

i caught a little fox news today, they were just about in tears like you that we aren't talking about this 24/7 like you want to.


i will cry some crocodile tears for you, right after i mourn about how roosevelt was denied a second term :lol:


??? both roosevelts got second terms, theodore nearly got a third, but lost to woodrow wilson, and Franklin won 4 elections, served 3 full terms, but died before he could take his fourth term.

wtf you talkin aboot buck? have you gone canadian?
??? both roosevelts got second terms, theodore nearly got a third, but lost to woodrow wilson, and Franklin won 4 elections, served 3 full terms, but died before he could take his fourth term.

wtf you talkin aboot buck? have you gone canadian?

i am mocking doer.

he said something a while back about america only being saved because roosevelt (fdr) was denied a second term. all the while he was trying to sell us on some sort of alexjonesian type of conspiracy theory.

he tried to write it off as a typo when in fact there was no conceivable way it could have been a typo. it was an indictment of his absolute ignorance of american history.

so, yeah.
i am mocking doer.

he said something a while back about america only being saved because roosevelt (fdr) was denied a second term. all the while he was trying to sell us on some sort of alexjonesian type of conspiracy theory.

he tried to write it off as a typo when in fact there was no conceivable way it could have been a typo. it was an indictment of his absolute ignorance of american history.

so, yeah.

perhaps its just an artistic "Post-Modern Interpretation" of history.

so an apology tour without ever apologizing or saying sorry? :lol:

that's just about as awesome as the claim of your that roosevelt was denied his next term.

he talks about acts of terror, then talks about what just happened.

i caught a little fox news today, they were just about in tears like you that we aren't talking about this 24/7 like you want to.


i will cry some crocodile tears for you, right after i mourn about how roosevelt was denied a second term :lol:


Obama has yet to apologize to the families of the victims who were murdered in the terrorists attacks in Libya.
His only concern is getting reelected.