Barack Obama Wants U.S. Economic Failure

but nice job at sneaking in the "you're gay, i win" method of debating. that should be reserved for people like nontheist who constantly speak of asses and nuts and dick sucking.
I take it that means neither of you have the moxie or the insight to tackle the op! LOL

Dude your thread is was either talk about what I want or put up recipes and right now I'm on a diet..again why should I vote for Romney..I like Obama.I think he is more understanding of ALL the people..Now why should I vote for Romney ????
you're assuming the same annual deficit. that deficit will decrease as we return to normal employment, health care costs decrease, etc.

more revenue increases in other area will help as well.

i can't help that you are a retard and set up an impossible loaded question and then marvel at your ability to set up an impossible loaded question.

Bucky, listen to what you are saying!
Of course I'm assuming the same annual deficit, but in reality that deficit will actually grow each year!
Are you accounting for that, better yet, give me one year in the last five decades the national debt did not grow.

How in the hell does $1,200billion a year minus $100billion a year balance out. I hope for your sake all these stories about your in-laws being wealthy is true, because you're going to need some financial help my friend.

Dude your thread is was either talk about what I want or put up recipes and right now I'm on a diet..again why should I vote for Romney..I like Obama.I think he is more understanding of ALL the people..Now why should I vote for Romney ????

I guess you're right, economics is stupid for guys like you!
Bucky, listen to what you are saying!
Of course I'm assuming the same annual deficit, but in reality that deficit will actually grow each year!
Are you accounting for that, better yet, give me one year in the last five decades the national debt did not grow.

we went from 1997 - 2001 without raising the debt ceiling.

national debt went down towards the end of clinton's second term.


and no one cares about your "it will grow prediction. that's your opinion, not a fact.

How in the hell does $1,200billion a year minus $100billion a year balance out. I hope for your sake all these stories about your in-laws being wealthy is true, because you're going to need some financial help my friend.

no one ever said it did balance out. your question is as retarded as me starting a thread demanding that someone add 9 to 17 and get 42, then mocking them if they can not. we should be posting pictures of retarded wombats or recipes for a good carrot soup (i have lots of carrots in my freezer, good harvest this year).
we went from 1997 - 2001 without raising the debt ceiling.

national debt went down towards the end of clinton's second term.

and no one cares about your "it will grow prediction. that's your opinion, not a fact.
no one ever said it did balance out. your question is as retarded as me starting a thread demanding that someone add 9 to 17 and get 42, then mocking them if they can not. we should be posting pictures of retarded wombats or recipes for a good carrot soup (i have lots of carrots in my freezer, good harvest this year).

I don't know where you get your information but the national debt never once went down during the Clinton years, I'm 100% confident of that.

Speaking of retarded, you and Obama seem to think our economy was booming back then because Clinton raised taxes, the fact is, he lowered taxes on businesses and investment and the economy responded accordingly, do your homework junior!

Keep in mind that I am not looking for concessions on your part, it's the exposure of your stupidity that motivates me.
I don't know where you get your information but the national debt never once went down during the Clinton years, I'm 100% confident of that.

someone who is probably not a fan of obama just posted a graph that backs up mine. deny reality harder.

Speaking of retarded, you and Obama seem to think our economy was booming back then because Clinton raised taxes

i would say it had more to do with the boom, but i can see how it is retarded to make the assumption that i think that. good job on calling your assumption about me retarded. i assure you, it is.

Keep in mind that I am not looking for concessions on your part, it's the exposure of your stupidity that motivates me.

77,000 +731 = 77,731, prove me wrong. if you can't that exposes your stupidity at mathematics.
you're assuming the same annual deficit. that deficit will decrease as we return to normal employment, health care costs decrease, etc.

more revenue increases in other area will help as well.

i can't help that you are a retard and set up an impossible loaded question and then marvel at your ability to set up an impossible loaded question.

The Republicans KNOW they have to get in before that happens. They can take credit for the recovery gut reform before people decide they like it and pay back their supporters (the ones that are paying them not the idiots voting for them)
Nope, I'm arguing to balance the budget and lower taxes on businesses and investments!

Whoa, real groundbreaking stuff there.

Hmm, let's see. You wanna decrease tax revenue and balance the budget, hmmm how would that work? Oh, wait; to make up fir all that lost revenue we can just cut services to the poor and aged. Yes!!! Those damned bloodsucking poor and old people taking all that away from Job Creators.

We'd all be better off if Mitt payed less than 1% on his investments. Because ya know, it will trickle down right?
Beenthere just hates Obama so whoever runs against he will vote for...Now we need to get to the real reason he hates Obama
someone who is probably not a fan of obama just posted a graph that backs up mine. deny reality harder.

Graphs fool a lot of people!
These figures are from the US Treasury.

National DebtDeficit
FY1993 09/30/1993 $4.411488 trillion
FY1994 09/30/1994 $4.692749 trillion $281.26 billion
FY1995 09/29/1995 $4.973982 trillion $281.23 billion
FY1996 09/30/1996 $5.224810 trillion $250.83 billion
FY1997 09/30/1997 $5.413146 trillion $188.34 billion
FY1998 09/30/1998 $5.526193 trillion $113.05 billion
FY1999 09/30/1999 $5.656270 trillion $130.08 billion
FY2000 09/29/2000 $5.674178 trillion $17.91 billion
FY2001 09/28/2001 $5.807463 trillion $133.29 billion

i would say it had more to do with the boom, but i can see how it is retarded to make the assumption that i think that. good job on calling your assumption about me retarded. i assure you, it is.

If I'm not mistaken, the dotcom bubble was speculative investment boom. I wonder if it's just coincidence that after the capital gains tax was lowered, the boom started? LOL

77,000 +731 = 77,731, prove me wrong. if you can't that exposes your stupidity at mathematics.

I'm not interested in playing adolescent games.
Whoa, real groundbreaking stuff there.

Hmm, let's see. You wanna decrease tax revenue and balance the budget, hmmm how would that work? Oh, wait; to make up fir all that lost revenue we can just cut services to the poor and aged. Yes!!! Those damned bloodsucking poor and old people taking all that away from Job Creators.

We'd all be better off if Mitt payed less than 1% on his investments. Because ya know, it will trickle down right?

Well, since Bain Capital is a world leader in private investment firms. It can clearly be proven that Romney has ACTUALLY been responsible for saving and creating thousands of jobs. Sure, some companies did fail but their track record under his leadership was somewhere in the range of 75%.

He got rich by creating and saving thousands of jobs.

Obama got rich by writing a book no one was going to read until he became president. And then he proceeded to shrink the economy by a net of millions of jobs that are no longer existing.

Who created and saved jobs again?

And you are god damn right it trickles down. It means paychecks for people. It means more jobs, more growth, more prosperity.

Government is asking to confiscate yet more wealth so they can avoid cutting spending and you are right along with them. It is really hilarious and yet scary at the same time to watch your thought process or lack thereof....
If Clinton really balanced the budget, wouldn't the number under the deficit heading be Zero?
Wait a second......
Clinton never balanced the budget. All he did was decrease the public debt, but then increased governmental debt by more than he reduced the public debt. The net effect of which was an ever rising deficit. Same as all other presidents since 1971.