Bare Bones Basics


Well-Known Member
I digress today as I read all of the struggles we have as growers. Lighting, nutes, Ph, temps, etc. etc. But when I was a freshman in college MANY MANY moons ago, I planted a seed of some dirt weed. I placed it in some soil I got from a local store (don't even know if it was miracle grow but it may have been) and I grew it on my dorm windowsill like a house plant 'cause I thought it was pretty. I never gave it nutrients, just water when the dirt got dry. The plant was the biggest most beautiful plant I have ever grown. It stayed in veg ofcourse since I did not even know then that I could flip its lighting cycle and make it flower. When my freshman year was done I went to visit my mom for the summer and she was NOT having it, so she made me get rid of it. I say all of this to say that it occurs to me that the more educated I have become I have had great grow successes of course, but also many failures trying to do the newest thing I have read. Plants were designed to grow ... period. We can make enhancements, etc. to get a bigger better final product, but at the end of the day find BALANCE and allow your girls to do what they were naturally designed to do ... GROW! We love our babies so much that at times we can LITERALLY love them to death! BALANCE, PATIENCE, TLC, without overdoing anything makes for a happy, healthy, successful grow. Hell, it can be downright spiritual if you chill and let it. Peace and much grow love.
I digress today as I read all of the struggles we have as growers. Lighting, nutes, Ph, temps, etc. etc. But when I was a freshman in college MANY MANY moons ago, I planted a seed of some dirt weed. I placed it in some soil I got from a local store (don't even know if it was miracle grow but it may have been) and I grew it on my dorm windowsill like a house plant 'cause I thought it was pretty. I never gave it nutrients, just water when the dirt got dry. The plant was the biggest most beautiful plant I have ever grown. It stayed in veg ofcourse since I did not even know then that I could flip its lighting cycle and make it flower. When my freshman year was done I went to visit my mom for the summer and she was NOT having it, so she made me get rid of it. I say all of this to say that it occurs to me that the more educated I have become I have had great grow successes of course, but also many failures trying to do the newest thing I have read. Plants were designed to grow ... period. We can make enhancements, etc. to get a bigger better final product, but at the end of the day find BALANCE and allow your girls to do what they were naturally designed to do ... GROW! We love our babies so much that at times we can LITERALLY love them to death! BALANCE, PATIENCE, TLC, without overdoing anything makes for a happy, healthy, successful grow. Hell, it can be downright spiritual if you chill and let it. Peace and much grow love.

Agreed. I'm as nooby into growing as they come and I have a lot of regrets(just flipped first grow) but the one thing that stands the truest is patience and not worrying so much. Overthinking is easily my leading cause of any problems I've had wether it be watering too much or not enough wether it be too much heat or not enough so on and so forth. Patience is key and my next grow will be bang on perfect as far as I'm concerned haha
Also, do not get your heads twisted up in urban legends...... There is lot's of shinola out there that confuses the hell out of people new to growing. We are growing plants not nuclear babies, plants want to grow regardless if we help or not. Trust me keeping things simple is best.