Barney farms lsd or pineapple express


Well-Known Member
Both sound good. What do you suggest? Gonna buy some seeds soon. LSD sounds like fun, but pe is a great yielder from what I've read. The high on both seem about the same both have different qualities. Don't know which to get might end up getting both.


Well-Known Member
Only cause scottyballs grow if you havnt seen that yet have a look on the forum for it Awsome . Pinapple express for me :D


Well-Known Member
Both look amazing,but i went with LSD this grow,but i dont think u can go wrong with these 2 options,good luck,hope u choose a strain that u enjoy in the end :-)


Well-Known Member
mmm i didnt like the lsd really... it wasnt as dense as i like, and the flavor was a musky nutmeg thing not really a flavor i was really impressed with... yeild was good for its height though, and pretty. and a lot of people *did* like it a lot and we still got regular retail for it 4k a lb, it was pretty funny actually while getting rid of the last couple we were all talking shit about it couldnt help it. but some people like that weird musky taste. high is strong but less lethargic than most indicas.


Well-Known Member
only pineapple express seed i got was a freebie and was a male.. but he was strong and *HUGE* and smelled like a dead skunk so hit a haze mist and the arcata trainwreck with his jizzz. the seeds are fattening up now.

however pineapple punch is badass and the yeild is incredible. largest single plant we had at 3.5 lbs and biggest single nugget at 23 grams... like a flaming sword.


Well-Known Member
I got LSD in late flowering and Pineapple Express in early vegging. My only comment is that I had some germination issues with the LSD, with only 6 out of 10 sprouting.

Good luck regardless.....


Well-Known Member
Lol right on everyone! Census seems to be about 50/50. So guess I will try to get both. Maybe I'll luck out and get a male and female make some LSD express


Well-Known Member
"I thought G13 Pineappleexpress was you get a male...was it herme????"
yeah it was femminized, but apparently it can happen, and naw it wasnt a hermie.