Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.


Active Member
Alright, so I figured it was about time to start growin my own bud and ordered some seeds off a wonderful thing called the internet. Now, I ended up ordering 5 Barney's Blue Cheese fem. and received a free 5pk of G-13 Labs Power Skunk for free, also feminized (had to split the free seeds with a friend who also ordered seeds, 5 white widow fem.). If you would like to know the story of how I came to the blue cheese decision read on, if not skip to the next paragraph. Back in March a friend and I had the same idea every stoner has had at one point, lets go to Amsterdam. So, instead of talking about it for 10 minutes and moving on to another baked idea, we were going to go to Amsterdam. We picked a date (coincidentally, if I hadn't crashed my car and had been able to save the money, we would be leaving for A-dam tomorrow), made reservations at the hortus hotel and researched the shit out of as many coffee shops and their different strains as possible in a month or two. Now, when shopping online for my seeds I came across Barney's Blue Cheese and as something I was looking forward to smoking when we got to A-dam, along with some Mothers Finest from Pink Floyd, I couldn't resist the chance to smoke it before going on the trip in April.

Ok, so now to the important part. I germinated 2 seeds on Sunday and came home last night to find my blue cheese had a nice white root tip stickin out and dropped her in some soil. I covered it lightly with soil and have a couple 26w cfls on her all day. Here's the question, it's a 2 parter. I am supposed to have the light on it now that its in soil right?, and after almost 2 days should i give up hope that my power skunk seed is going to germ or just give it a little more time?
Thanks for lookin and for any and all help. Get High!


Active Member
Ok, so after being patient and giving the PS (Power Skunk) a little extra time I was pleased to wake up this morning to a nicely sized root tip. I dropped it in soil and put it in next to my BC (Blue Cheese) which i am quite pleased to say sprouted and with a little assistance dropped its casing today. They are both feminized I'm eager to see how they turn out. I don't think I'm going to LST my PS just because i want to get a harvest asap and since i only originally planned on growing 1 BC to start off with, I think ill make that my primary concern and let the PS kinda do its own thing.

1 question. I planned on having up to 10000 lumens on my one plant, how much do you think ill need for my 2 girls once they get a little bigger. I plan on going to wally world tomorrow to get a couple 42w to put over em as well. Im thinking about just ordering one 105w 5000k off ebay for 30 bones and having that and a bunch of 2700k 23w for flower.
Again thanks for any help. Get High!
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Active Member
Ok, so far it looks like im the only one posting here and im not sure why. If u guys arent replyin cuz ur not supposed post in others journals thats cool I guess and thanks, but im gonna have some questions and I'd love some answers. So if you have something to say that you think might help, by all means say something.

So now to the update. Got home from work tonight and was happy to see my PS had sprouted and is looking good. My BC is growing well and seems to love the lights causing me to move them a little further away. However, I feel the BC may be stretching a little and the young leaves (cant think of what theyre called at the moment) are curling up a little around the edges, just wondering what might cause this. Thanks again for any help, feel free to post, new pics below.


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Active Member
hey sprouts are lookin good man. Im just a noobie so I cant really offer any valuable advice but I ordered my feminized white widow seeds last week and ill be doing an all flo gro. Been reading some not to good things about feminized seeds lately though so now im wonderin if I made the right choice. keep us posted im curoius to see how your femmed seeds turn out.


Active Member
Hey everyone (those of you who are actually lookin at this) back again for another update. Day 6 of veg, I think they look pretty good, they're growin faster than i expected under only 2 26w daylight cfls. I also threw 1 19w soft white cfl in there over the BC, I know im still in veg but i found it in my closet and figured what the hell, light is light, its gotta help a little. Anyways new pics below and thanks for any replies.



Well-Known Member
all your answers lie in this website, if you want answers you have to provide people with specifics so they can give you an estimated guess based on experience. right now you are okay for light, but it would be beneficial, and faster if you got more light, how much money can you drop on a light if you're looking to order online High Tech Garden Supply is the place to go, but ebay also has good steals. good luck and awesome choice of strain.


Well-Known Member
hey, check out my journal for blue cheese ( they stay short and branch out alot)... great smoke!
your seedlings are looking good... keep your water ph 6.5 and keep thoes lights close so they dont stretch and as the guy above said more light is what u need for fast growth and bigger buds... also b carefull of the tin foil that can burn little holes in the leaves.. what light period u going to have 18/6 / 24/0? good luck..


Active Member
Hey everyone, thanks for lookin at the journal and replyin . Woke up and check my babies this morning. They look pretty good, I dont see any signs that the foil may be burning the PS but I think I might need to get it outta that cup its in right now, is it still too early to transplant the PS? Also, I know this is a ways away but I'm thinkin bout just gettin a 220w HPS for flowering, shoulld i even bother LSTing my BC if I'm going to have the HID? Thanks again and reply often.

Oh yeah, my lights are on 24/0 right now but if the temps get too high when I add more lights I might kick em back to either 20/4 or 18/6. I saw ur grow a couple weeks ago caliboy, how much did u end up getting from ur Blue Cheese?
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Well-Known Member
u could transplant PS if u want make sure u water well after transplant..
I dont think u need to LST the blue cheese as it stays short and branches out a lot.. i got like 1.25 oz from each blue cheese flowered at 12 inches..


Active Member
Hey everyone, back for an update. So I transplanted my PS last night and i must say it was no simple task for a first timer, at least not this one. That plant just would not let go of the bottom of the cup and I'm surprised It's doing as well as it is. I put my daylight bulbs over the PS for the night in hopes this might help it out. I still have a soft white bulb over the BC which I know isn't what I need for veg but its what I got til tomorrow when i make a trip to wally-mart. The BC is lookin good, although I feel I need to get a fan in there asap because the stem is already having a little trouble supporting just the leaves. New pics below and feel free to speak up with any advice or opinions on something that could help. (Guess those are prolly the same thing) but anyways, help is always welcome.

First 2 pics are Blue Cheese 3rd Power Skunk and the 4th is my complete setup.



Well-Known Member
Looking good man!!!!Ya definitly get a fan in there to fatten them stems up...real important!!! How big is your grow space? Post some pics of your grow space...ventilation...lights ext. As for your 225W hps...if your working in a small space I wouldnt recomend it. CFLS are best for small spaces and if u keep ur plants 2-4 inches away the whole grow you will be suprised at how good they will grow. try and get atleast 7-10k that should be plenty for a small space...again noone can really answer these questions properly w/o some info on ur growspace/ventilation ext. HPS get REAL hot and unless u got about 4+ft CFL's are the best choice. Check my grow log its a micro 1.8x1.8x1.8 bagseed grow. I am gonna be LST. I would have recomended LST but that guy said Blue Cheese grows short and bushy...I would still recomend it cuz it creates 30-50% more bud sites but ive never worked with bluecheese so go with his recomendations ince hes growing it. He knows!!! 1.25 O is fucking amazing for a 1 ft pplant. Definitly get some advice from him. He knows how to grow em good. Hope this helps.



Active Member
Alright, tomorrow or later today, depending how you look at it, I'm going to wally-mart to get at least 4 more bulbs but I'm curious as to what would be best. They sell a 42w bulb but I'm unsure as to what the spectrum is. I believe it as a GE brand bulb and I searched the entire package very thoroughly with no luck before sayin fuck it and movin on to buy the 2pk of 26w daylight bulbs. I have no problem buying more of the same bulbs but I'm just curious as to what the spectrum of the bigger ones are just for a convenience factor. There are also bulbs on sale at a local grocery store but im not sure as they also fail to indicate the spectrum. I realize i could just buy a pack of all these bulbs and plug them in to see the light and tell but I guess that just seems like alot of work. Anywho, I'll be back on in after a couple hours of sleep. Thanks for all and any help. Get High!!


Active Member
Hi am planting blue cheese in miracle-gro moisture control compost mixed with perlite... this is my first grow, I am keeping it under 125W cfl with reflector so I use this light from start to the end...
do you think that i can grow another seeds coming up and I want to grow them in miracle-gro moisture control compost with perlite it a good choice!? can I plant them directly to the bigger pots?!

And just waiting for someone who can share his opinion with me...
And very apreciate replay from some one


Active Member
Hey man, 125w should be good for what ya got. I know ur just lookin for some help but thats why they make it so easy to start ur own thread. Dont post ur own questions in other people shit. No one reply to his question please. I'm not trying to be a dick, I just don't want that shit in MY journal. Thanks, update is coming soon.


Well-Known Member
sori ;]
how can I start my first jurnal?
are u retarded.....? Seriously its not fucking rocket science. I know damn well you know how to start your own damn thread. Its not cool to come blow peoples threads up to get attention. Make your own damn journal dude seriously...can a mod delete his posts from his journal?

Baked you need to get your plants out of that cardboard asap...thats huge fire hazard...believe me you dont want to come home to a burnt down house with cops and fireman looking around pointing to ur plants....get a rubbermaid or something. Cardboard is very bad idea. Get a couple 30 gallon rubbermaids and make a grow space out of em. I will find the tek to do this and post it.

And I ment to ssay 15-20k not 7k-10k 15-20k is a good number for 3-4sq foot small space. Was baked when I typed this haha.



Well-Known Member
Hey man, 125w should be good for what ya got. I know ur just lookin for some help but thats why they make it so easy to start ur own thread. Dont post ur own questions in other people shit. No one reply to his question please. I'm not trying to be a dick, I just don't want that shit in MY journal. Thanks, update is coming soon.
sori ;]
how can I start my first jurnal?
are u retarded.....? Seriously its not fucking rocket science. I know damn well you know how to start your own damn thread. Its not cool to come blow peoples threads up to get attention. Make your own damn journal dude seriously...can a mod delete his posts from his journal?
Comments like this are best kept to pm IMHO.


Active Member
Ok, sorry it's been so long for an update but here it is. Both plants are doing well and seem to be in good shape. The PS has shot up quite a bit recently and the BC is growing well also. I think it might be about the time to start LSTing them but I'm not too sure so please give me some opinions. Yesterday a couple branches were starting to droop a little and I'm not sure what that means but when I got home tonight they seem to have started growing a little more upwards towards the light. However, the leaves are starting to curl up a little bit around the edges, any ideas about that? I'm sure i could go and find my answers somewhere else on RUI but I'd rather just ask questions and get your guys' input. Thanks again for any help, it's greatly appreciated.

Oh yeah, Sexologist, I really appreciate your concern and I'm seriously considering changing my setup to something with rubbermaid tubs as my setup right now is not very light or smell proof how I'm using it and the BC is already giving off a wonderful little scent. Thanks again, Get High!

One more thing I should add. First 2 are the Blue Cheese and the 3rd is Power Skunk. I know it doesn't look like theres much soil under the PS but thats a big half full pot and I'm going to Walmart tomorrow to get more soil to fill that pot up and put my BC in it's final resting place so I can start to LST soon. Peace.

