Barney's F - Vanilla Kush / TGA Subcool - Ace of Spades = Waterfarm - 600w


Well-Known Member
im particularly interested in the fact that they breed there plants to be very hardy under heat stress. coming into summer here in aus its going to be a major issue and by the looks of it they are producing some fairly hefty buds in plus 40c heat.
I'm definitely giving them a go next summer. The temperatures where I live can easily reach 35+ outdoors. During the worst days not even ACs can bring that heat down. Up to reading about heat resistance I was thinking that I'll give it a break over the summer, instead I'm gonna try them seeds and see what comes up


Well-Known Member
ah righto i just asked because i can usually tell roughly what time all the americans go to bed cause the site gets really lonely but u seem to keep fairly similar hrs to me


Well-Known Member
Which are the seeds with natural borne heat resistance?
I've been pushing this concept around my head for a while, would like to read up on it.

I don't like the feminized/autoflower industry.
Autoflowers for their impact on the market,
and Feminized seeds for the long-term effects on the Cannabis Gene Pool.


Well-Known Member
the chill om, kalichakra, satori, mango zamal and the orisha all jump out at me as the warmer climate plants. the satori looks awesome though

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Daytz Your Pic's Are Awsome.I Was Just Wondering What Kind Of Midevil Lsting Are You Doing On Your VK In Pic 1?????


Well-Known Member
hey dayzt i thought u might like to look at this. dude grew some nice vanilla kush turned out blue. some good photography too. the second picture in particular is great
Hey man - thanks for the link! Those VKs look great - I'm guessing he's got a high temp fluxuation between light periods to get those purps from the cool temperatures...

Daytz I've got my pics larger too
Can you repost a link to them? Sorry, I'm too lazy to look back for the one you posted

Daytz Your Pic's Are Awsome.I Was Just Wondering What Kind Of Midevil Lsting Are You Doing On Your VK In Pic 1?????
If you're referring to the staple-gun and flashlight hanging from the screen, I'm using those heavy weighted items to pull down the screen at the corners - it helps spread the edges of the plant down and gives some of the bud sites in the middle more light... the screen bulges in the middle since it's so flexible, so by pulling the screen down with heavy weights, it couter-balances the bulge a bit. It may be beneficial to do this in the middle of the screen (from underneath) as well, but at this point I don't think I'm going to bother. She's looking pretty happy the way it is. The VK buds are really starting to bulk up now - we're approaching the end of week 3 of flowering (Sunday) and I'm guessing these plants will both go at least 8-9 weeks total, but we shall see! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey there! I got some decent pics this evening just before the lights came on. Some of these pics are 'postcard' style and could be made into wallpapers if anyone is ineterested, I have the high MP versions here as well.

Enjoy!!!! :leaf:


-=The Ace of Spades=-

-=Vanilla Kush=-



Well-Known Member
Mother of God, I love your picture updates Dayzt. So much quality so much bud! As always so perfect.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, yeah the girls are looking great. I haven't noticed too much smell, but I've got the tent vent perfectly so It's kept pretty low key. The buds smell like grape soda though - should be some some sweet tasting bud.

Here's one more close-up that I cropped from one of the AoS buds...



Well-Known Member
Oh dear God...that is lovely. Why in the world would anyone think that God didn't mean for us to cultivate, grow, and enjoy something that gorgeous!


Active Member
No unfortunately the police raided me that year took em all. U will like the satori, mandala has great gear for the price, Its just I produce products for people who prefer the retarded high so I'm limited.