Barneys Farm Acapulco Gold


Well-Known Member
There is no way the strain is gone.. people just have not gone to Acapulco to find it :-) Sounds a bit promising.
thanx to the drug cartels importing seeds from everywere in the world i doubt they will ever find it!!! and if they do find some golden bud it wont be that same has the origenal... mexico is a melting pot of all kinds of strains from all over the world... thailand, south america, centrel america, jamiaica, afghanistan, canadian, dutch ect... while all this importing and hybridizing took away some of those heirloom mexican sativas everyone over 50 raves about........ IT DEFENENTLY MADE MEXICAN POT STRONGER THOUGH!!!


Well-Known Member
That was the only weed we could get in the 60's. Yeah, it was a "buzzer" all right but I remember my first acid trip too so just saying maybe it was because we so young it seemed better than it really was?

Now, where'de fuck do I get sum? Barney's or...?


Well-Known Member
I just got some from Attitude last week but am yet to plant it. There is a thread around here of a guy growing it too


Well-Known Member
When is the last time you went to Mexico to find them?

why would i chase something that if doesnt exist will be like finding a needle in a hay stack... best bet is finding and old mexican marijuana grower who is like 20 or so generations deep in growing bud, and doesnt deal with the cartells....


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Cartels have to buy their weed somewhere, I am sure there are some oldtime Mexican growers :-)


Well-Known Member
I think part of the difference might be the way they process the bud down in Acapulco. They dry it in the sun; that's what gives it the gold color. I've only had this once - back in the day - but it was by far the best I ever had back then.
Actually, they supposedly girdle the stalk of the plants, restricting nutrient flow for the last few weeks and turning the buds "golden."
It'd be interesting to try a flush this way.


Well-Known Member
Cartels have to buy their weed somewhere, I am sure there are some oldtime Mexican growers :-)

the cartels wanted stronger bud, with larger yields, that can be harvested faster.... sooo they spent lots and lots of money buying beans from the dutch and canadicans... and gave to all there growers to cross into there own landraces...


Sector 5 Moderator
I stand corrected guys. Another case of repeating something you heard on here without checking it out. Crap I hate that. The biggest thing I remember about Mexican weed was the harsh taste. My cuz, who was a dealer, said they bricked it up and poured a Coke over it to make it stick together. I don't know if that's true or not but it always ripped my throat out. My all around favorite was Colombian, followed closely by Jamaican. Then there was the AG that was in a category by itself. The smell and taste of Colombian was just amazing. I can't wait to see how my super lemon hazes and kushes come out this year; two more months!


Well-Known Member
i smoked it in 70's but these seed people took names from old days with no connection to strains of old

reserva privada or how ever you spell that fuckin name i bought their headband and its makup not even same as original headband ggo figure


Active Member
Has anyone found a journal of someone growing these? I ordered a few from Barneys and would like to see what to expect.


Sector 5 Moderator
With my apologies to the OP for this but do you think the "girdling" technique would work well on kush and super lemon haze in an indoor grow? It just got me thinking.


Well-Known Member
I just got some from Attitude last week but am yet to plant it. There is a thread around here of a guy growing it too
In case anybody is still curious I have started my Barney's Farm Acapulco Gold on 7/30. Here is a few pics of her. I told my budtender about it and he told me to import some volcanic ash to mix with the soil and supposedly that is what gives it it's gold color. I'm yet to read this anywhere or hear it from anyone but him and I am willing to find out. I'll probably take some clones from her and flower her before I try the volcanic ash experiment.



Sector 5 Moderator
Bajafox, you're onto something there my man. Think about all the places with volcanic ash, Alaska, Wa, Or, Ca, and the Caribbean; they all have superior weed. From what I've seen of the Mat-Su valley in Alaska, that stuff is amazing for plants. I'm stoked about your grow; I'm down for keeping an eye on this one. They are off to a beautiful start.

Edited to note: the leaves look very indica dominant or pure indica. That begs the question is this really AG? AG is a 100% sativa.


Well-Known Member
Well I looked up ordering volcanic ash, it doesn't seem too expensive to try out. I highly doubt that is what it is but I think it'll be fun to find out

I started that and a Sharksbreath (Indica/Sativa) and her leave's are noticeably wider. We'll see in a few months I guess, I don't think I've seen a full harvest yet. There is another thread growing it and he's well ahead of mine


Oracle of Hallucinogens
The golden color (from what I've read) comes from a process called "La Mona Amarilla":

"The production of “la mona amarilla ” or gold buds is attained by girdling or removing a strip of bark from the key stem of an almost mature plant, so limiting the flow of water, nutriments, and plant products. Over a couple of days the leaves dry up and fall off as the flowers slowly die and turn yellow. This produces the highly valued “Colombian gold ” so abundant in the early to middle 1970s"


Sector 5 Moderator
I am definitely going to try this on one of my plants. Might not even have to trim it, LOL. BTW, Columbian was my FAVORITE!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey there all - I saw this thread and thought I'd post up some pics of my Barney's AG grow which is now in it's 7th week of flowering. Enjoy the pics and come visit my journal as well!!


These buds have really got me excited - they smell incredible and are super-frosty. Ironically enough, as the white pistils are finishing, they're turning yellowish (gold if you like) and I had to think of it's name in this regard...however I know after reading this thread that this color is not what the name refers to. =) ....can't wait to sample these girls - should be harvesting around the second week of December! :leaf: