dunno, its not nute def. they look overwatered cuz they were doin the same thing wen the medium was wet,if yu think they ought to dry out some more do that.not sure.
also,jus tossin in my 2 cents, if the feeding doesn't help, def the soil or water source, ive started seedlings out in infected bacterial soil I thot was fresh and dropped them kinda like that,hope that's not the case.
Worse case senerio, Can I run and grab a different batch of soil and transplant. I did tip one cup before watering to take a look at the roots. The roots are many and are all the way to the bottom of the cup. At quick glance the look white and healthy.
jus got in from takin elderly pops to doc,lol,i hate hospitals....ive been lucky with reg ballast, my 1000 is 4 yrs old ,the 600 is 5 yrs old still takin care of business for now... yu gonna have to send it back for replacement or the shop
yeah maybe, or get a mag... possible try these ferrite cores.. people seem to have success with them..the aluminum foil works but i dont like keeping it on top, another member has been helping me via message and concours with making a box with aluminum foil or trying these