Barneys Farm L.S.D. CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Let him be. He's new here. At least registration-wise. He doesn't know how we roll =P
Heheh.. I know he is new here but newness doesn't excuse rudeness. He is like a guest who brings nothing to the table but complains about the food.


Active Member
I wonder what that guys other 7 posts are like ...
Hey Jad3 how's your second try coming along man ?


Well-Known Member
I wonder what that guys other 7 posts are like ...
Hey Jad3 how's your second try coming along man ?
Hey man! How's it been? Check it out! In my sig. New setup, more space, more light. Hopefully tons more bud! =)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, heres an update, 12 days since sprout.

Growing a bit slower than Im use to. Using about half the light power now, I buried the stem and watered til I seen runoff because I know the bottom of the roots was prolly bone dry from me just misting.
Purple stem from temps being a little on the cold side, shouldnt be a problem now with the extra lights.
Overall everything is going well.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man. It's about the same age as mine are. And development wise they look very similar too!

Keep up the good work, and everything shall go smooth! =)


Well-Known Member
Grow it the biggest you can manage!

And keep posting some pics from time to time! =P


Well-Known Member
Not sure what the hold up is here, 16 days today.

Seems to be a bit yellow, shouldn't be, I added some epsom salts last water.

This is some regular store brand top soil she is in with some perlite.
Im going to mix Happy Frog and Ocean Floor for her in the 5 gallon.
She will go into the 5 gallon once she hits 5 nodes then mainlined.
Thanks, peace!


Well-Known Member
It'll jump up when you transplant. Looks like it's not loving the soil right now.
Have you nuted so far?

Once you mainline it, how long do you let it go until you flower?


Well-Known Member
Hopefully she is ready to be mainlined by another two weeks. I would like her to be ready for flower with a total veg time of 45 - 60 days, including the last 16 days.
No nutes yet, just small amounts of molasses and Epsom.


Active Member
man what a difference can soil make huh .. I'm sure she'll pick up the pace once you transplant in FF ;-)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you should try the Hempy Bucket method. I'm running 100% Perlite, and they are sucking those nutes up!

It's awesome AND simple. =)


Well-Known Member
I think it looks like it may be a problem with the potting soil too. My seedlings used to look like that when I used cheap potting soil.

I have since switched to hydro and took a growth comparison photo. Both of these plants were 1 week old when the photo was taken. 1 plant was put in a weak hydro solution with my regular MH lighting set very high above the plant. The other plant was was set in indirect household lighting and was just given a little water. Can you guess which is which?



Well-Known Member
I think it looks like it may be a problem with the potting soil too. My seedlings used to look like that when I used cheap potting soil.

I have since switched to hydro and took a growth comparison photo. Both of these plants were 1 week old when the photo was taken. 1 plant was put in a weak hydro solution with my regular MH lighting set very high above the plant. The other plant was was set in indirect household lighting and was just given a little water. Can you guess which is which?

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Wow! Great comparison photo! What wattage is your MH?


Well-Known Member
Wow! Great comparison photo! What wattage is your MH?
Hi Jad. My MH is 400W. I set it around 24" above the seedlings. I believe the faster growth was due to several things.

The light and the added warmth it gave off.

Something for the plant to eat. I have read several posts stating that a seedling doesn't have to be fed; that you only have to start feeding when the first true leaves appear..... WELL, it looked like my seedling really liked a little food.

Moisture and plenty of airation. When I started my seedling in potting soil it compacted and the cup stayed heavy and too wet IMHO.

So the right amount of warmth, light, food and airation made the difference in MHO.

The first time I tried this 2 of the seedlings seedlings croaked... just sriveled up.. because they were set slightly too high for the hydro solution to soak the rockwhool well.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like someone who knows his stuff =)

Good stuff man! I'm curious to check your grow now. Mine are 2 weeks old now and look very similar to yours!