Barney's Farm - Liberty Haze - 400w Waterfarm


WK9 - 16 Days Flower
PPM 1005
Tie down in effect. She reacted real well too. at this point I have pistols on all of her branch connection points. Everything seems to be going well. I have added liquid Koolbloom for some added P-K boost and I toss in 10ML of Floranectar a total of twice a week to feed the bene's. I am doing a 90-95% drain out every week in hopes of not completely getting rid of all the bene's. Kind of drawing on my fish tank/beer brewing experiance here, lets just hope it works lol.
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Looking good! I've got a LH in a wardrobe right now in a small hydro recirc setup under 76W CFL at 4 weeks of veg. Will be flowering under a 250W HPS in a couple of weeks. I'm worried because I've heard that these Lib Hazes can take a long time to mature in flowering, although some people say you should still cut at 9-10 weeks to take advantage of the alert, cerebral high from a young harvest (regardless of whether only few or no amber trichomes are present). I'll be watching yours with interest. Good luck!


Looking good! I've got a LH in a wardrobe right now in a small hydro recirc setup under 76W CFL at 4 weeks of veg. Will be flowering under a 250W HPS in a couple of weeks. I'm worried because I've heard that these Lib Hazes can take a long time to mature in flowering, although some people say you should still cut at 9-10 weeks to take advantage of the alert, cerebral high from a young harvest (regardless of whether only few or no amber trichomes are present). I'll be watching yours with interest. Good luck!
Thanks, I have 2 weeks of growth to post today. My LH is very Indica dominate so Im not too worried about my flowering time, in fact Im at 4 weeks flower right now and I am loaded with mushroom headed trichomes of which about 20% are cloudy already.
On a side note, if room size is an issue make sure you plan on doubling in hight for your stretch. My last grow barely stretched at all, but this one is now over 6 foot tall lol.


WK11 - 30 Days Flower
1000 PPM
I finally got tired of hauling RO water from the store so I bought a StealthRO 100 and a float valve. While it wasn't overly difficult to figure out how to install it, getting it installed to my standards was a little tricky, not helped by the fact I know nothing about plumbing other then the saying "shit flows downhill and payday is on Friday".
Anyhow now that the install is complete I am thrilled with the results. 300 PPM going in - 5 coming out. I am weening her off the Floranova nutes and switching to the 3 part Flora, I love the nova's strength and will continue to use it sparingly, I just don't like how much kelp sludge I get in my system.
I've nearly run out of head room so I'm hoping the stretch is near over, she grew to 6 foot tall. Anyhow enjoy the early bud pics
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Well-Known Member
Well if anyone has any suggestions on what to do when your plants reach 6 foot tall and your about to run out of room I'd be glad to listen. Im thinking about letting the "problem" bud grow into the glass and then push her to the outside of the light letting her grow up past. I've got her tied down about as much as I can. Here is a link to my grow, she is 30 days flower now. Barney's Farm - Liberty Haze - 400w Waterfarm
WooHoo! ABSOLUTELY Beautiful Plant!

Hehehe, I have ALOT of Experience with OverGrown Plants, so as far as suggestions... this is what I would DO!

Since you dont want anymore height, it would the Perfect time to do a Major Defoliation to stunt the upward growth! It will also increase the light to the lower buds, lower humidity, and increase airflow to prevent mildew.

Thanks for the Invite, hope you dont mind if I stick around to see this BEAUTY Finish?



WooHoo! ABSOLUTELY Beautiful Plant!

Hehehe, I have ALOT of Experience with OverGrown Plants, so as far as suggestions... this is what I would DO!

Since you dont want anymore height, it would the Perfect time to do a Major Defoliation to stunt the upward growth! It will also increase the light to the lower buds, lower humidity, and increase airflow to prevent mildew.

Thanks for the Invite, hope you dont mind if I stick around to see this BEAUTY Finish?

Hell yes stick around! I really need to do something to show how tall this monster is lol. She stands 7 feet off the ground so subtract the bucket and she is around 5.5-6.0 feet. The roots are starting to grow right up out of the hydrocorn lol. I am going to take your advice but probably at about 50%, instead of a MAJOR Defoliation I'm going to do a Medium one. Humidity is no problem here so I really don't have any concerns about that but the more light penetration the better.