• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Barneys Farm Seeds


Well-Known Member
No buzz huh? I'd be floored, growing out a seed strain with no buzz. Not glowing reports here on Barneys. Am growing barneys Red Diesel, Red Dragon, Red Cherry Berry and G13/Haze.
My Red diesel are shortish plants with highly held sidebranching, keeping a small footprint. They are light blockers in my indoor grow so i keep them on the outer edge of the grow. The other 3 strains are all monsters at nearly 6 weeks 12/12, Red dragon are going to yield huge. If any of these give me no buzz, i'd be amazed. This group of plants have the best odor of any crop to date for me. Have grown just about every breeders seeds you can think of, Mr Nice my fav att. Will post back to this thread with the results of my smoke.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any experience with any of your strians... I will let you know how Barney's Pineapple Chunk is when I harvest it this fall.


Well-Known Member
Red Dragon is a favorite of mine G13XHaze is nice also,,,Wish people would post more pics of there tangarine dream,,,Cause outta like 7 seed's I might have one or 2 that actually sprouted,,,got so frustrated I mixed a bunch of seed together an lost track of what I planted,,,except the Kandy Kush is doing very well.

Brick Top

New Member
this is of course a matter of opinion .. i don't rate barneys very highly, i prefer mr nice and tga at the moment.. the cali collection and bog also have some nice looking pictures they are also on my list
I really hope you do not put much stock in pictures of plants you see on any seedbank and factor them into your decision to purchase. Many times over the years I have seen the exact same picture used for different strains from different breeders used on various seedbanks.

on a side note i find it amusing how the world of elitism is at play here
we have strains like cheese that are held in high regard by many, when cheese is just a selection of skunk1 .. with orig diesel chemdawg that was apparently found in bag of seed some hippy called "chumpdawg" got hold of ...

i recently read about a strain called clockwork orange, which is apparently an alaskan ice self. from ghs found in a pack of 10 which is selling now for over £100 for 10 seeds

you really do have to fight your way through a great deal of hype in this world of elitism and cheer leading ... i am waiting for the next elite to be found in a bag of 10 from kc brains i am going to name this elite lemon bullsheet OG BX when i find it

It is true that some so called strains are nothing more than a phenotype of an actual strain rather than something that it itself was intentionally bred, not something that was the actual breeding goal. But sometimes they turn out to be gems, sometimes they turn out to be better than the goal that was set. It is not the norm, but it happens, and when it does if the phenotype can bred and stabilized so people can count on getting it rather than just possibly getting it they are marketed.

Other times strains are selfed and renamed and sold and one can be considered to be great while the other may never be seen as the equal of the one that came from the original. A better name along with some slick advertising combined with people's perception are what makes the difference in those cases.

I have never heard of a strain called; "orig diesel chemdawg," and I am not doubting what you said since it is possible. But I am familiar with Chemdog and Chemdog Sour Diesel and unless the information I has seen was made up their strain lineage is about as clear as many or most strains and that wouldn't be the case if any of them come from a seed found in a bag of; "some hippy called 'chumpdog."

There are elite strains but due to slick advertising, public perception and the 'love' and loyalty some people have for a breeder many strains and stabilized phenotypes of strains that are not actually elite still come to be seen by many as being elite.

Something else that factors in is the lack broad/wide, extensive comparative base for someone to base their judgment or claim of something being elite on. The more breeder lines someone tries and the more strains of each they grow they begin to realize there are few true elite strains and rather just a lot that would better be defined as being pretty good. But when someone has a small narrow comparative base to use for their scale or yardstick they can run across one of the pretty good strains for the first time and think they ran across 'The Holy Grail' and proclaim it and it's breeder the best, or at least among the best of the best, when that is not actually reality.



Active Member
I really hope you do not put much stock in pictures of plants you see on any seedbank and factor them into your decision to purchase. Many times over the years I have seen the exact same picture used for different strains from different breeders used on various seedbanks. .
Ive noticed the same thing. If you take a look at the attitude, Sweet Afghani delicious, White domina, and Black domina all have the same pic for their profile and they are from different breeders... lol

Brick Top

New Member
Originally Posted by Brick Top I really hope you do not put much stock in pictures of plants you see on any seedbank and factor them into your decision to purchase. Many times over the years I have seen the exact same picture used for different strains from different breeders used on various seedbanks. .

Ive noticed the same thing. If you take a look at the attitude, Sweet Afghani delicious, White domina, and Black domina all have the same pic for their profile and they are from different breeders... lol
I have seen that many times over the years on numerous seedbank sites and with numerous breeders. I do not recall which seedbank it was but on one I saw the exact same picture used for three different strains from three different breeders. The exact same picture. There was no mistaking it.

I really do not know who to blame, the breeder or the seedbank, but once a good number of years back I did once ask one seedbank about it and they claimed that in that particular case it was only temporary, the breeder did not supply a picture so they picked one to use since they liked to have a picture with each strain.

I never saw the picture changed for as long as the seedbank remained in business.

The other thing is you often times see the advertising copy for knockoffs of famous strains, White Widow in particular, used word for word, being exactly the same as the advertising copy of the original genetics strain. To me that is misleading and is misrepresentation in that it causes those who do not know a knockoff from the original to believe they are purchasing the very same genetics from some other business for a better/lower price.

There are no truth in advertising laws in regards to cannabis strains and genetics, but there needs to be. Many breeders would fight that happening until their last breath or last penny had been spent and so would some seedbanks, but it would be some breeders in particular. The very last thing they want is to have to be honest about their strains/genetics.


Well-Known Member
brick top your reply there pretty much sums up the situation ..
i would say though i don't blame these seeds companies for exploiting the hype and using false pictures of strains etc etc .. they are in the buisness to make money in an unregulated industry. so they are free to do what they like

the chumpdawg thing that was just my sense of humour .. below is what seedfinder says

Aka: Chemdawg
Breeder: Chemdog

Heritage (no serious source known):
Speculation 1: unknown indica strain (Kush, HP or NL?)
Speculation 2: Nepali x Thai

At a Grateful Dead show at Deer Creek Amphitheatre, joebrand (aka wonkanobe) and pbud met chemdog and sold him an ounce of very high quality pot for $500. Joe and Chemdog exchanged numbers and they later arranged for two ounces to be shipped to chemdog on the east coast. According to chemdog, one ounce was seedless and the other had 13 seeds.

In ’91, chemdog popped the first 4 seeds. From these seeds, one male was found and disposed of (chemdog was young, you can’t blame him). The 3 females were labeled "chemdawg" (now '91 chemdawg), "chemdawg a" (now chemdawg's sister), and "chemdawg b". In 2001, chemdog and his girlfriend attempted to germ 3 more seeds, labeled "c", "d", and "e". the "e" seed never germinated, "c" turned out to be junk (according to chemdog), and chemdawg "d" was the keeper. In 2006, chemdog and joebrand reunited and joe was given 4 of the last 6 beans: Chemdawg phenos 1-4, "4" being the chosen keeper. Joe thought the "4" was the best representation of the original and thus dubbed it the "reunion pheno". Chemdog still has two seeds left in his stash.

the problem is having elite strains in the first place .. what is elite to one person maybe not so great to another again its down to personal preference ..

since natural selection has shown us that rare selected pheno types/ or mutations or self breeds can be better/ more sort after by many growers .. than strains breed with traceable history

how much better are these elite phenos than just say a really good plant ?
how much of it is just hype ?
who is able to judge the eliteness of a given strain ?

the sour diesel thing, like cheese , and many of the OG strains have some questionable backgrounds when it comes to how they were conceived .. but yet these are some of the biggest names in the game .. look how many strains are now being sold claiming to be using these or part of these original elites in there genetic makeup

you buy a packet of seeds you know its a lottery .. if your lucky you may get something that resembles the description on the packet in some way .. but the plant/plants you do get gets you stoned so you forget that it isn't what it was meant to be ...

i do wonder sometimes if half the so called breeders out there, don't just all buy cheap seeds from kc brains and rename them .. i mean who would know ?

put 5 kcbrains skunk seed along with 5 kc northen light seed in 1 packet. hay presto you have a packet of 10 unstable shiva skunk cross
you could double the price or even triple it :razz:
better still grab 10 skunk haze from seedsman, and rename it amnesia haze or something and sell it at 10x the price

i do appreciate some of the more straight forward talking breeders

background and general information from breeders like mr nice and tga who both seem to be more open about their strains and the diversity that often they show

so i guess my overall point is, since its all a lottery there is a chance i could buy a packet of 10 from barneys and find the best plant ever .. if i give my selection a fancy name and share it out ... after enough time and hype develops we have a new elite ... now maybe my plant really is elite maybe it isn't ... who is to judge i guess that is the point, its bullshit feeding off more bullshit :leaf:

Brick Top

New Member
the chumpdawg thing that was just my sense of humour .. below is what seedfinder says

Aka: Chemdawg
Breeder: Chemdog

Heritage (no serious source known):
Speculation 1: unknown indica strain (Kush, HP or NL?)
Speculation 2: Nepali x Thai

At a Grateful Dead show at Deer Creek Amphitheatre, joebrand (aka wonkanobe) and pbud met chemdog and sold him an ounce of very high quality pot for $500. Joe and Chemdog exchanged numbers and they later arranged for two ounces to be shipped to chemdog on the east coast. According to chemdog, one ounce was seedless and the other had 13 seeds.

In ’91, chemdog popped the first 4 seeds. From these seeds, one male was found and disposed of (chemdog was young, you can’t blame him). The 3 females were labeled "chemdawg" (now '91 chemdawg), "chemdawg a" (now chemdawg's sister), and "chemdawg b". In 2001, chemdog and his girlfriend attempted to germ 3 more seeds, labeled "c", "d", and "e". the "e" seed never germinated, "c" turned out to be junk (according to chemdog), and chemdawg "d" was the keeper. In 2006, chemdog and joebrand reunited and joe was given 4 of the last 6 beans: Chemdawg phenos 1-4, "4" being the chosen keeper. Joe thought the "4" was the best representation of the original and thus dubbed it the "reunion pheno". Chemdog still has two seeds left in his stash.
It does say that in the section for unknown or legendary strains. I had only looked in the other sections of Seedfinder where it lists the full lineage of the strains called Chemdog that are available. Above where you began your C&P it said the following.
Unknown or Legendary - Chem Dawg

That means there is speculation and a 'story' connected to it that is believed but also unverifiable. I am not saying it is not true or that it is not at least partially true. I am only saying I would not take it as being carved in stone and handed down from the mountaintop type truth.

There are lots of stories from the past that are believed by some or many and then other stories that refute them, seemingly in a way that has to be believed, but even they can leave questions. An example is Sam the Skunkman has said in numerous interviews that he knows that Neville never received any strains from and never met the Haze Brothers and one reason he knew that is he was their neighbor and their friend. In one article with one of the Haze Brothers he said they talked with Neville, they met with Neville and they shared some of their strains with Neville, but not all of them, not the ones they felt were their best. They wanted some to remain original and not only in a breeding stable but to be released in their true original form and they did not trust Neville to do that so the claim was that they shared but held back their best. Neville has said nothing was held back. There's three stories from people that were involved, at least to some degree as in the case of Sam, and none of them match up. Which do you believe? That's just the sort of thing that goes with legendary and unknown strains, legends and the unknown.

the problem is having elite strains in the first place .. what is elite to one person maybe not so great to another again its down to personal preference ..

What do you believe would be needed for a strain to be considered to be elite? Would one like the original White Widow that stood the cannabis community on it's ear and the strainis still one of the best selling strains today, normally knockoffs of it, would that qualify even if some people do not like it? If based only on personal preference there could never be any elite strains because there would always be someone who said it is not their cup of tea. But if overall impact on the cannabis community, longevity of the strains popularity and if it was a game changer, if it produced a wave of other famous much loved strains that also withstood the test of time, wouldn't that be enough for elite status to be considered if not given?

how much better are these elite phenos than just say a really good plant ?
I suppose that would come down to a case by case/strain by strain thing and also what criteria someone would insist on and or accept being the scale or yardstick they would be measured by.

how much of it is just hype ?

In at least some cases hype is bound to play a big part.

who is able to judge the eliteness of a given strain ?

If you mean what individual, the answer I believe would have to be none. Any unless something unimaginably good and overwhelmingly popular would come out I think the only way to be able to consider any strain elite is by looking back at it rather than looking at it in the present, sort of a Hall of Fame for strains sort of thing. Did it shake the cannabis community right down to it's roots and did it withstand the test of time? If so then it could be called elite, if not, then it could not be called elite.

The problem I have with the term elite being used is when it is given/used about something new or at least still fairly new. Many rookie athletes have had amazing first seasons and look like sure future Hall of Famers only to fade into obscurity in a few seasons. Some strains have been similar and some have had overblown claims made about how spectacular they were and how they changed the game and the word elite might have been used with them.

In cases like that I believe it is more a growers/tokers ego, their need to claim they are growing/smoking the very best of the very best that causes them to claim the strain they love so much to be elite. In the case of breeders, if they claim elite status for some new or still fairly new strain, unless it is unquestionably a large step up from everything else, it can only be hype. But if 10 or 15 years after creating a strain is is still a top seller and still loved and still can run with the younger big dogs, and maybe even beat them, then I believe a breeder would have the right to call it elite.

the sour diesel thing, like cheese , and many of the OG strains have some questionable backgrounds when it comes to how they were conceived .. but yet these are some of the biggest names in the game .. look how many strains are now being sold claiming to be using these or part of these original elites in there genetic makeup

There has always been some degree of question in regards to many strains, many of them very famous strains, going way back to the beginning of what could be called the modern era of breeding that in some cases predates the beginnings of 'The Dutch Masters.' Sometimes they are ones of where and who created a strain and other times they are ones of what all actually went into the strain. There are a number of different versions of the creation of Northern Lights, as in who, where and when, and some people swear one story is true and another person will swear another or another is true. If you look through Seedfinder, a site with information I use a lot and believe to be about as accurate as any site like that could be, and look at the lineage of many strains and you will see where is says something like Nepal - probably sativa or Unknown sativa or unknown indica or mostly one or the other but there is no way of knowing what type, nation or region they came from or in what percentages they are. Consider Romulan. Ask 50 people what the real true original Romulan was like and where it came from and what it was and you will get about 49 different stories.

Early breeders sometimes got their hands on strains they knew were damn good but they really didn't know much of anything about them that they could be positive of. Then it was not like perfect documentation was kept on each and every original strain they had or with what it was crossed with that later when 'The Dutch Masters' got their hands on the genetics they could say in all honesty and accuracy what something actually was, though often times they were not above claiming the credit for the strains, as if they were their creation rather than something they only came by from some source that was and remained mostly unknown to the world.

you buy a packet of seeds you know its a lottery .. if your lucky you may get something that resembles the description on the packet in some way .. but the plant/plants you do get gets you stoned so you forget that it isn't what it was meant to be ...
That is true to a point but then I have had many packs of seeds over the years that while not every plant was so similar that they grew like clones they were very stable and I saw little variation in either growth patterns or the high that they gave from plant to plant and pack to pack. But then most of those were not like the mutts of today. They were mostly strain made up of two or three landrace strains unlike many of the strains today that are made up of Heinz 57 Variety genetics where something from the past can and will pop up now and then giving you a plant or several plants that are very different from the description or at least the rest of the plants that came from seeds from the same pack or packs.

And when it comes to the whole phenotype thing, breeders, true professional breeders, will grow many plants and attempt to find every possible phenotype and then make every possible variation of crosses with all but those that show some true weakness or that are clearly lacking. Then they grow out as many of those as possible looking for the best phenotype and that's their choice to either market or gone on with to use in an unfinished final cross they had in mind and hoped to create. So what is marketed is always the phenotype the breeder believes is the best of the best. Just now and one that did not originally show its face later pops up or does pop up in the original batch and if able to be stabilized so it can be replicated then if it is good enough, or different enough or better, it is marketed too and normally under a different name even though it is still the same strain. Whatever unique property it carries is often times where the new name comes from, like Cheese. I am not saying that alone should ever be enough for a strain to be claimed to be elite, but it is only good business sense to rename and market one if it is different or unique enough. The breeder gets a two-fer, two products that can be marketed all from the efforts of attempting to create one. That's a real bonus for the breeder and the grower/toker too.

i do wonder sometimes if half the so called breeders out there, don't just all buy cheap seeds from kc brains and rename them .. i mean who would know ?
I doubt what you just asked is the case. If anything it would be more a case of a quality breeder's work would be ripped off and marketed under a new name or claimed to be a different breeder's version of the same strain, a knockoff. But I would not be at all surprised if that happens, but just not from the work of low end breeders. Considering the profits that would be made by ripping off a decent to good or maybe even great strain I think any breeder would be more than willing to pay for a few packs of seeds that were at least decent quality considering that would be their largest investment for adding it to their line and the amount of time, often times years, that it would otherwise take to create a new strain that in the end might be a flop.

I cannot swear to the accuracy or honesty of it but I did post a message here that came from the Mr. Nice Forums and was allegedly written by Shantibaba and it said that one reason Green House Seeds went all female was they did not have a large quality breeding stable or the skilled breeders to work with it and to save time and money Green House Seeds purchases other breeder's gear and feminizes plants and then sells them under different names or sometimes using the same name and claims it to be Green House Seed's own version.

If so they do not have to have a large breeding stable, they do not require much more skill than being able to grow plants and feminize them and then produce seeds and they do not have to spend the time and money it takes to create strains. Instead they can buy packs of seeds, grow, feminize, make seeds and sell and because of it they can sell them at a low price and still make large profits because their cost to bring them to market would be far below that of doing it from scratch, from building a large breeding stable and taking the time, often times years, and spending the money to attempt to create something marketable.

True or not, I don't know. Sour grapes or not, I don't know, but I doubt it. But it would make sense and it does sound feasible that it is, at least partially, the case.

put 5 kcbrains skunk seed along with 5 kc northen light seed in 1 packet. hay presto you have a packet of 10 unstable shiva skunk cross
you could double the price or even triple it :razz:
Sure you could, and you could sucker in all the puppy growers and possibly even retain their business for some period of time, but an old dog who tried it would never repeat the error of purchasing from that breeder again and the key to business is repeat sales.

better still grab 10 skunk haze from seedsman, and rename it amnesia haze or something and sell it at 10x the price
The reply to your previous example fits here too. You could sucker in a percentage of newbies and maybe even keep their business, for a while, until they branched out and found things far better, but at best you would only get an old timer once and repeat business is the key to success in business. Without it you fail.

i do appreciate some of the more straight forward talking breeders
I think anyone who has grown long enough to learn a few things about breeders and strains would appreciate straight talking breeders.

background and general information from breeders like mr nice and tga who both seem to be more open about their strains and the diversity that often they show

If past history were to be taken into consideration I would not want to get into saying why your choices for who to hold up as examples was not the best in an open forum.

so i guess my overall point is, since its all a lottery there is a chance i could buy a packet of 10 from barneys and find the best plant ever .. if i give my selection a fancy name and share it out ... after enough time and hype develops we have a new elite ... now maybe my plant really is elite maybe it isn't ... who is to judge i guess that is the point, its bullshit feeding off more bullshit
Anything is possible but when you consider the probability of something happening is can then turn out to be nearly an impossibility, and I think that would be the case with any mid level to low level breeder's line being where someone might find; "the best plant ever." It could easily be the best plant some individual ever had, but the probability of it actually being; "the best plant ever" drop to about as close to being zero as could mathematically be calculated if the seeds came from some mid or low lever breeder's line.

If their breeding stable held the high quality genetics needed to produce; "the best plant ever" then unless they were total morons totally lacking in breeding skills they would not be mid or low level breeders to begin with and would instead have a high quality line. If their breeding stable is made up of low quality or mid quality strains, largely or mostly low to mid quality crosses made by others and not a collection of high quality landrace strains and high quality crosses what would be needed for; "the best plant ever" would not exist in their breeding stables and you cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit no matter how much mayonnaise you add and even if you leave it in the refrigerator overnight or for days or weeks or months or years for the flavors to blend together you still will not end up with chicken salad.


Well-Known Member
overall a good read brick top lots of good points there

although i still think you are missing the tone of my point .. did you mean white widow that is now black widow from Mr nice do they not still fight over who and what was the first white widow lol ?


how did white widow really do what your claiming, its not a strain i have ever cared for that much i am surprised you would call it elite .. but then this is your definition of what is "elite"
and if you think white widow is elite i am happy for you to say that as i still believe its a matter of taste

your comparison with athletes doest really hold up to scrutiny, as the overall performance of athletes can be measured and compared etc etc

with weed that's just not the case, its all opinions and i know you're too smart to think the canapiss cup is real lol

skunk #1 said to be the first or one of the first sat/ind hybrid .. also known as very true breeding years ago virtualy everything was crossed with skunk#1 , there are many more crosses of skunk1 than white widow, but who wants to
smoke skunk1 these days ?

is skunk1 elite ? its also what cheese is said to be, so that must make it elite now ?
but i can think of many strains i would rather smoke, that wouldn't have "elite" status

who RIGHT NOW has the most elite plants ?
some dude from Cali with his latest OG ?
some guy from Holland with his 20 year old haze ?
or some guy that bought a pack of 10 and found a winner ?
the latest chump to buy the canapiss cup ?
or the latest breeder with the most street/forum cred?

honestly i think there are bad plants good plants and very good plants, elites are just in the minds of people that want something special they can boast about

we all can find good plants and very good plants if we search long enough, finding the very good plant will still come down to what we judge as a "very good plant"

what about wine ?
why are the best grapes the best grapes ?
again i think its down to taste, sure some guys family has been growing grapes in France for 500 years. but maybe i like the taste of Aussie wine LOL

people are attaching false value to things, that is what i am saying
its a type of , snobbery

when i go to the supermarket there are about 20 different types of apple i can buy , which apples are elite ?

Lt. Dan

Well-Known Member
2 months ago, I put 3 LSD, and 3 White Widow seeds in rockwool............ 1 of the LSD's didn't pop.......... of the 2 other LSD seeds, 1 grew normal, and 1 was a MUTANT and had to DIE!

P.S. EDIT: first grow, 18 days into flower

Brick Top

New Member
overall a good read brick top lots of good points there

although i still think you are missing the tone of my point .. did you mean white widow that is now black widow from Mr nice do they not still fight over who and what was the first white widow lol ?


how did white widow really do what your claiming, its not a strain i have ever cared for that much i am surprised you would call it elite .. but then this is your definition of what is "elite"
and if you think white widow is elite i am happy for you to say that as i still believe its a matter of taste
I thought I was clear by saying; "the original White Widow, which would tell anyone who knows of the name change to Black Widow that it was what I was talking about and for everyone else that there is an original and then there are fakes. Sure the uninformed argue over if one version is the real deal or not or just as good or not or close to being as good or not, but since I was talking about the original White Widow all only factors in to a small degree.

And I did not say it is an elite strain but I did use it for an example, and it makes for a good one, of if ever a strain, or at least a modern era strain could be called elite it would be one. When released it shook the cannabis community down to it's roots and some 15 or 16 years later it is still among the best and it is one of the top, if not the top seller each year and might have over the years far out sold other strain names. Sure some of those sales were knockoff versions bought by people who did not know they were knockoffs and thought they were buying the real deal, but that is because they wanted the real true original White Widow and just did not know any better and ended up with a knockoff. Some knockoffs are bought by people who actually believe, like one fairly recently said to me, knockoff or not it has to be good enough and close enough to the original to be able to carry the name or else it wouldn't be called White Widow so there really isn't a real difference between them, which is pure bull.

There are about 30 strains right now that are called White Widow and some are mostly sativa and some are mostly indica and breeder description flowering dates range by as much as 20 days or more. That alone is proof that most if not all cannot accurately be compared to the original White Widow, Black Widow.

But the point is real or knockoff the strain name withstood the test of time because the original was, and is, so good, but many others that came later have fallen into obscurity and some, even Cup winners, have since been discontinued. They did not withstand the test of time. While seen as good one year or for three years or maybe even five years, soon enough they were seen as being nothing special, as being old hat, as being yesterday's news ... just as many or most strains that people today proclaim to be elite strains.

If a strain deserves to be called elite that could be one, but that alone does not make up my definition of an elite strain since I do not have a definition of an elite strain. The problem is there is no totally accepted definition of what an elite strain actually is, what it needs to be to be considered to actually be elite. You talk about what people claim of some strain or strains to be elite but there is no set and accurate scale or yardstick to use to go by and it comes down to personal preference, to each person's personal definition.

To one person it might be the highest level of THC and to another it might be if it stood the test of time like the original White Widow, and all the knockoffs, that are still among the most favorite and the best sellers. To someone else it might be some unique trait a strain carries. To someone else it might be how rare a strain is and to them if they could get their hands on a true pure original Romulan clone or true pure TrainWreck clone they might consider it to be elite simply because of how few people ever get to possess, grow and smoke those strains.

your comparison with athletes doest really hold up to scrutiny, as the overall performance of athletes can be measured and compared etc etc
Actually it is not a bad comparison. You can chart an athletes whole career and judge the impact they had on the game and you can chart the sales of a strain and you can judge the impact it had on the cannabis community. You can look at the longevity of an athlete and also see how long they were productive in relation to other younger players and you can look at the longevity of a strain.and see how long their sales remained high in relation to other strains. You can also look at their career stats and see if they add up to being worthy of being inducted into the hall of fame and you can do the same with strains.

But you can't do any of those things over just a season or two or year or two with either athletes or strains. The best, the true elites, can only be seen over time and normally not until you look back at them rather than judging them in the present.

with weed that's just not the case, its all opinions and i know you're too smart to think the canapiss cup is real lol

It could be argued that it is all opinion but when a majority holds an opinion it carries a lot more weight than any individual opinion.

As for the HTCC, if you go back in time far enough there was a fair degree of legitimacy to it. It was never perfectly structured and run but there was honesty to it and the best attempts were made to pick the best. For some years now it has been nothing more than a dog and pony show that really does not mean squat. A winner will get some bragging rights and great advertising out of it but both will only fool those who do not know that the competition has lost much if not all of it's honesty, has lost all legitimacy and has become a farce.

skunk #1 said to be the first or one of the first sat/ind hybrid .. also known as very true breeding years ago virtualy everything was crossed with skunk#1 , there are many more crosses of skunk1 than white widow, but who wants to
smoke skunk1 these days ?
Who claimed Skunk #1 to be the first hybrid or even the first indica/sativa hybrid, Sam the Skunkman? The original Bubble Gum was a mostly indica hybrid and it was created in 1971 in Indiana. In the 70's I smoked it when I would visit relatives whose farm was part in Eastern Illinois and part in Western Indiana so I know it existed then and from there it made it's way to New England and eventually 'The Dutch Masters' got their hands on it and only then did the world learn of it ... but I knew it well long before. When talking just hybrids the Haze Brothers were making hybrids in the 60's and 70's and while I might be wrong I believe Skunk #1 came out in the early 80's, a decade or more later than the two examples mentioned, and those were only two examples. Romulan was a tall lanky long flowering Korean strain brought back from the Korean War by Canadian soldiers. They worked to acclimatize it to their areas and they picked the shorter bushier faster flowering phenotypes to breed to each other but while some kept it pure others crossed it with indicas and others with sativas and hybrids were made. The Korean War was in the 50's.

So maybe you need to pick a date for when you think any time after that if a hybrid were created it would be the first and exclude all those previous to it. Maybe you would like it to be the birth of 'The Dutch Masters' or maybe slightly before it, but lacking a date it is impossible to say when the first hybrid, either all indica or all sativa or indica/sativa was made because in reality it might have been made hundreds or thousands of years back and we just don't know about it .. but we do know that at least some existed prior to Skunk #1.

is skunk1 elite ? its also what cheese is said to be, so that must make it elite now ?
but i can think of many strains i would rather smoke, that wouldn't have "elite" status
I wouldn't call Skunk #1 an elite strain, but I would call it a classic of sorts, something of a ground breaker or game changer for the modern era. The claimed elite status some have given Cheese is not because it is really just Skunk #1 but instead because of the uniqueness of the particular phenotype. Lacking an actual definition of what an elite strain actually means, what it has to be to earn the title, relying on a vague broad word used as a descriptive term allows it to be used about many, many, many different strains.

Who would want to smoke Skunk #1? Well just like your position of elite status being nothing more than a matter of opinion the same would apply to who would want to smoke Skunk #1. It is still a good strain and it is a great strain for a new grower to grow because it has always been very easy to grow and very forgiving, so for some it could be the very best strain to grow.

When it comes to smoking it, I would rather smoke it than many more modern strains, The Church being one. There have been so many low grade and mid-grade mediocre or worse strains created over the years, strains that if I were a professional breeder I would never have released because I would not want my name on such shoddy strains, but the perception held by many is that newer is always better, that the latest is the greatest ..... even though that is not even half often the case.

The 'flavor of the month' strain club might have more members than the hair club for men.

As for comparing the original White Widow/Black Widow and Skunk #1, that's a poor comparison to make since White Widow, either original or a knockoff, is still one of the best selling strain names some 15 or 16 years after it's release. It withstood the test of time that very few strains have been able to do.

who RIGHT NOW has the most elite plants ?
some dude from Cali with his latest OG ?
some guy from Holland with his 20 year old haze ?
or some guy that bought a pack of 10 and found a winner ?
the latest chump to buy the canapiss cup ?
or the latest breeder with the most street/forum cred?
When you stop using a vague undefined word as a descriptive term and come up with an singular accurate definition that is accepted by all, or at least by an overwhelming majority, your question(s) can be answered. As long as you only say elite without having any accepted definition connected to it no one can answer your question(s) and all anyone can do is blather their personal opinion.

honestly i think there are bad plants good plants and very good plants, elites are just in the minds of people that want something special they can boast about
If you had said strains and or genetics I would have been able to more or less agree with you but since you said; "plants" I cannot agree with you. I have had plants that if entered in a competition that would be judged like a Christmas tree competition I could have won hands down. They were perfectly shaped and structured with incredible growth patterns and healthy and lush and a beautiful sight to behold ... and sometimes their smoke turned out to be mediocre. And I have had plants that looked like Charlie Brown Christmas trees but the smoke that came from them was so potent it would send a hardened party commando running home crying for his mama like a little girl with a skinned knee.

Good plant or bad plant only means so much, mainly in production but not in quality. That comes from a combination of genetics and grower skill. If either are lacking the final result will not be all it could be and might be downright terrible regardless of how good the plant itself might be.

we all can find good plants and very good plants if we search long enough, finding the very good plant will still come down to what we judge as a "very good plant"

My last statement again applies. It is not about good plants or bad plants, it is about genetics, about strains, about what a plant is made up of combined with grower skill, but not at all about a plant itself.

what about wine ?
why are the best grapes the best grapes ?
again i think its down to taste, sure some guys family has been growing grapes in France for 500 years. but maybe i like the taste of Aussie wine LOL

If you want personal taste, personal preference to be the judge of best, just as if a strain is elite or not, then every wine expert would be out of a job tomorrow.

You mentioned my athlete comparison to strains not being very accurate, well your wine comparison is even less accurate. Wines are not rated by if they get you drunk and how drunk they get you and how few glasses of wine you need to get drunk and how long you remain drunk and how enjoyable they way they make you drunk is. They are rated by totally different standards than cannabis. Wine experts do not guzzle glasses of wine to test them. They sip, savor and spit and then cleanse their palate so they can more accurately taste and judge the next.

Sure flavor of cannabis is mentioned but it is not all that important. To use the original White Widow for an example again few strains have garnered the same degree of fame but from the beginning the one real knock against the original White Widow was it's flavor, it's taste. But that did not hold it back from becoming likely the most famous of all of the strains from the modern era of breeding, from when 'The Dutch Masters' came into being.

Cannabis is rated or judged completely opposite of how wine is judged so comparing the two is an apples and zebras comparison once past saying when it comes to the everyday person, the individual, that one might like one wine better than the other .... but then the everyday average person normally cannot afford to purchase the very best wine so most never get a chance to compare them to what they like best in the price range they can afford. If they ever had a chance to sample the best they then might realize that what they thought they really liked tastes like liquid from a septic tank in comparison.

In that way strains are similar in that many cannot afford the highest quality strains so their favorites are found among the mid and lower priced strain. But that in no way means they are of equal quality to the highest quality higher prices strains. It only means someone prefers some Boone's Farm strain over a Ripple strain or over a Thunderbird strain or over a Night Train Express strain that would all fall into the same general price range that they can afford.

Not ever trying something that is top rated, either by choice or because someone cannot afford it, does not make what they like and afford any better than it is or any closer to being as good as the best.

Someone who has never driven a Volvo or a BMW or maybe a Mercedes Benz might love their Honda Accord and tell people that it is the best car made and the best to drive .... but just because they do not know that better vehicles exist does not mean they are correct.

I think it is the same with some who claim an elite status to whatever their preferred strain or strain might be. It might be good but lacking a broad enough comparative base, lacking experience with enough different strains from enough different breeders leaves them a very small group of strains to pick one or more elite strains from and greatly lessens the odds that if there is such a thing as an elite strain that that happened onto one or more.

Since Uncle Ben has a vineyard I'm sure he could give a far better reply but in the case of wine I believe the better grapes come from a combination of strain and largely the soil in the region and the normal average weather of a region and to a degree the age or maturity of the vines and of course grower experience/skill and care given.

If you were able to get your hands on some clones from the most famous vineyard in the world, the one that most consistently produces the highest quality wines and grew them in your back yard the wine you end up with might not be as good as Night Train Express or Thunderbird.

people are attaching false value to things, that is what i am saying
its a type of , snobbery

Maybe it could be called snobbery but I consider it to be more of a case of ego. Many people like and want and need to believe they are smoking or growing and smoking the best so once they find something that according to their personal likes and preference is the best they can afford their ego causes them to proclaim to the world that they are lucky enough to be smoking the very best of the very best and nanny nanny boo-boo on the rest of you who are not as lucky.

I am just the opposite. What I grow and smoke is good and it is enjoyable but the best strains I ever smoked cannot be found anymore and while what I do grow and smoke is plenty good I would not consider any of it to be the best ever.

Some, when it comes to trimming down strains by some fairly tightly defined classification, I might say are better or far better than others, but the true days of wine and roses have long since passed ... so I make due with the best I can find these days that is available to the public that fits my likes and preference the best.

when i go to the supermarket there are about 20 different types of apple i can buy , which apples are elite ?

That made for a poor example to use in regards to something being elite. Apples are bred for different uses, and I do not mean as in some for eating and others for some other use. But some are bred to be eaten just as they are and some are bred for baking and when it comes to baking some that work great for apple pie don't work as well in other types of baking, or for baked apples. Then some are bred to make applesauce, even though few people make their own and instead purchase Mott's or some other brand. Some of the most flavorful eating apples will make terrible pies and some baking apples will not be very good at all for just eating.

Unless you are factoring in pure medicinal marijuana, like some fairly recently created strains that are very high in CBD but have almost no THC in them at all and will hardly if at all give someone a buzz there is only one use for cannabis ... the buzz ... and the people who claim some strain is elite are ones looking for Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, ones judging by a buzz, and not if it keeps them from have epileptic seizures.

My athletes example or comparison was a much better example or comparison. Your apples comparison was not half close to being an apples to apples comparison or example.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I bought a 5 pack of Top Dawg from BF and planted one or 2 and got a plant. It won a cannabis cup and some descriptions in Skunk or HT mags made me want it. The description of this strain recommended 12/12 from seed and that's what I did. After many weeks is was apparent that it just wasn't as good as the other stuff I ws growing at all. There was no trichs and it was the leafiest plant I've ever seen. It grew on massie dominant cola but even after 10 weeks it had barely any trichs that looked like trichs on my other ones at 2 weeks flowering. I didn't have the space to continue flowering the one plant because the rest wee finished so I figured I'd try and give it a few more weeks under cfls see if it matured a little. It ended up rotting from the inside out, IDK if it was there before being placed in there or not but overall I was not impressed at any stage of its growth. It was my irst 12/12 from seed but I just follwed the instructions from the breeder. I might grow some out again and I have a Blue Cheese seed too hopefully it's not another waste of time and space.
Speaking of Skunk no. 1 and "Dutch Masters" I remember reading this one time.

Almost all of the Dutch varieties contain germ plasm from one or more of the founding genetic building blocks brought from North America. Cultivars such as Original Haze, Hindu Kush, Afghani No. 1, and Skunk No. 1 were established in California before their seeds were taken to the Netherlands in the early 1980s. As these cultivars were relatively stable seed varieties, breeders had a greater chance of selecting a favorable male plant as a pollen source for breeding. Cultivars such as Northern Lights, Big Bud, Hash Plant, and G-13 went to the Netherlands from the Pacific Northwest as rooted female cuttings. There were never males of these varieties, and, therefore, commercial seeds were all made by crosses with a male of a different variety such as Skunk No. 1, or more rarely by masculinizing a female cutting to produce pollen for self-pollinating.


Well-Known Member
My athletes example or comparison was a much better example or comparison. Your apples comparison was not half close to being an apples to apples comparison or example.

you have taken every point so literally i cant stop laughing
this could take forever .. ahhh never mind i think i am going to have to take a different tact here

you cant compare athletes to weed , hence my wine and apples examples making light of your example ... unless you are talking about your favorite athlete.... DON'T worry the penny will drop eventually !

i was using the example of wine to point out "snobbishness" for example those who chase so called elite strains/pheno's are nothing more than snobs acting "elite"

i was using the example of apples to illustrate how silly i think the term "elite" is when used with weed strains .. i was sure you would pick up on that ..but sadly you didn't :(

you even went on to mention cooking apples and eating apples and such .. your apple hypothesis was unwarranted but amusing so thanks for that :)

it would seem that you want to convince me that white widow is a better stain than i think it is.. perhaps you could just accept that sometimes other people have different opinions than you do

you have spoken a great deal about white widow again
personally i would put skunk1 and northern lights above white widow simply because its all a personal preference to me, both those strains have had a larger impact for me when i first started growing,

i have always thought white widow was overrated with a pretty bland taste but thats just my opinion

all these great things you say white widow did in Holland i must of missed that but then again having little interest in white widow i could of easy overlooked it .
what specific things did white widow do? did it win some trophys ?
white widow is certainly NOT a top selling strain now
in fact have a quick look on attitude top 8 selling strains, white widow is not there ..
but i do see a skunk1 cheese cross and several strains from "lower echelon" barney LOL

white widow has not had such an effect here in the UK while it have some popularity

northern lights was revolutionary here for commercial growers
skunk1 cheese pheno is more sort after
blueberry still is a much more popular strain here also

i do not know why you focus on what happens in Holland so much what happens in Holland does not account for the rest of the world

at the moment i am growing Canadian strains using a UK discovered hydro method NFT, using a UK made food vita-link .. its not all just about Holland !

mr nice's most expensive line is still a skunk northern light haze line not white widow. maybe he doesnt think its as great as you do < sorry that's my humour again ...

i will try to remember to announce my humour and any points that are not to be taken "literally" as to avoid further confusion

Jack herer also said to be part of a similar line and no white widow
although we do have sharkshock

seedfinder lists sensi seeds skunk1 as having 67 direct strains crossed with it
now even if the sensi's version is not the original skunk1 it still seems to have been used a great deal more for breeding than the 13 direct strains from black widow .. now that could be down to time frame also .. although most of the white widow crosses are by mr nice himself
skunk1 over the years has been used by many breeders to improve lines because of its true breeding nature

i did point out that skunk1 was one of the first
i was careful to include "one of" maybe not the first, although many state that it is the first modem sat/indica hybrid .. who are we to believe ?
perhaps you missed the "one of" part of my comment

skunk1 was indeed around in the 70s according to all that i have read, BUT i was not around then so i cant state that as fact

now the guy from THseeds claims he made the original bubblegum that he then gave to serious seeds. . he also stated he started his version from 1 rejuvenated plant after his grow rooms were broken into

the bubblegum weed you smoked in the 70s could of been anything, i mean i have a bubblegum flavor Jamaican .. so which bubblegum do you mean ? was your bubble gum from a higher echelon breeder than the current thseeds and serious seeds offerings ?

you stated in a previous post that barneys farm are not one of the "upper echelon" breeders .. i would be interested to know how you reached that conclusion, and who in your opinion are the "upper echelon" breeders .. please list them :)

this is all starting to remind me when people debate the Windows vs Linux thing < literal point to be taken seriously
or when people debate over what is the best anti virus program there is no definitive answer
it really is all down to opinions.

you judge white widow to be more important because of the criteria you are judging by maybe different to the criteria i am judging by

you think white widow is great .. i do not
you think some breeders have "elites" i do not
you think skunk1 is less important than i do
i think that about sums it all up :)

Brick Top

New Member
]you have taken every point so literally i cant stop laughing
this could take forever .. ahhh never mind i think i am going to have to take a different tact here
you cant compare athletes to weed , hence my wine and apples examples making light of your example ... unless you are talking about your favorite athlete..
You can compare the two in the way I said, by charting what they have done over time, how long they remain on top or among those at the top.

i was using the example of wine to point out "snobbishness" for example those who chase so called elite strains/pheno's are nothing more than snobs acting "elite"

i was using the example of apples to illustrate how silly i think the term "elite" is when used with weed strains .. i was sure you would pick up on that ..but sadly you didn't
Your phraseology did not appear to be anything other than examples of how you believe that the term elite does not actually apply to anything because individuals have personal likes and dislikes and someone will always disagree with something being called elite.

That is why I said you stick with a vague very broadly used word as a descriptive term and until there is an actual accepted definition for the term elite no strain could be called elite and most strains could be called elite, because the way you see it elite is in the eye of the beholder, in the mind of each individual.

you even went on to mention cooking apples and eating apples and such .. your apple hypothesis was unwarranted but amusing so thanks for that
What I did was point out that your apples example was not an apples to apples example. Evidently you did not care much for that being clearly pointed out.

it would seem that you want to convince me that white widow is a better stain than i think it is.. perhaps you could just accept that sometimes other people have different opinions than you do
No ... you totally misunderstood me, or missed something earlier on, or lack reading comprehension skills or suffer from short term memory problems. I said I only used it as an example because of how it had such a major impact on the cannabis world and how it is still one of the top sellers today, some 15 or 16 years since it's initial release, that it has withstood the test of time in a way that almost no other strain has equaled. I made no comment on if I personally would call it elite or not. I only said that if there is a strain out there where a valid argument could be made for it being elite it would be the original White Widow and that is because it was not a flash in the pan loved this year but forgotten about the next year strain like so many that people have over the years considered to be wunder-weed.

you have spoken a great deal about white widow again
personally i would put skunk1 and northern lights above white widow simply because its all a personal preference to me, both those strains have had a larger impact for me when i first started growing,
I explained why I selected the original White Widow for an example. The same argument cannot be made for either Skunk #1 or Northern Lights. Just like the original White Widow both Skunk #1 and Northern Lights were big deals when released and just like the original White Widow many breeders created their own version of Skunk #1 and Northern Lights. Most breeders offered both. Now you only see a few offering a Skunk #1 and most who offered a version of Northern Lights have dropped it from their line. There are still some but no where near as many as there were a handful or so years back. Why do you think that might be but at the same time a version of White Widow can be found from far more breeders plus the original, Black Widow, is difficult to get your hands on because it is sold out so much of the time at every seedbank that handles it?

i have always thought white widow was overrated with a pretty bland taste but thats just my opinion

From day one the one big knock on the original White Widow was the flavor, the taste. That is why in the following years there were so many crosses made with it by different breeders attempting to retain all it's good traits but give it a good flavor/taste.

But it is becoming more and more apparent that you seem to believe that you are the only one who is qualified to say if a strain is elite or not or if such a thing as an elite strain actually exists since so much of what you said is in your own words, based on your opinion.

Again I can go back to the point that until there is an actual definition, an actual definition of what a strain would have to be to be elite it will always remain a case of personal opinion and that being the case there is no reason why your personal opinion should carry any more weight or be any more accurate than anyone else's personal opinion.

all these great things you say white widow did in Holland i must of missed that but then again having little interest in white widow i could of easy overlooked it .
what specific things did white widow do? did it win some trophys ?

Yep, it did, and it did it long before the HTCC turned into a dog and pony show that totally lacked legitimacy. Add that to how some 15 to 16 years later it, in both the original version and in other breeder's knockoff versions, the strain name is still one of the top sellers, the top seller for some breeders, combined that somewhat says something impressive about it regardless of your personal opinion or mine.

white widow is certainly NOT a top selling strain now
That is incorrect. While I normally purchase from Attitude, Hemp Depot or Hemcy I do check out numerous seedbanks just for the heck of it and some list their top sellers and White Widow is often times their number one seller and it is often in the top 5 of their best sellers. Also if you watch threads here and on other similar sites, like I do, you see a lot of threads about White Widow, far more than many other strains.

in fact have a quick look on attitude top 8 selling strains, white widow is not there ..
but i do see a skunk1 cheese cross and several strains from "lower echelon" barney LOL
That is one seedbank, only one. As for Barney's sales, are you saying that higher sales numbers equates to a product being of higher quality? In Feb. 2011 GM sold 207,028 vehicles. Ford sold 156,232 vehicles. Chrysler sold 95,102 vehicles. Mercedes Benz sold 16,176 vehicles. BMW sold 16,416 vehicles. So does that make GM, Ford and Chrysler cars of higher quality than Mercedes Benz and BMW, or are GM, Ford and Chrysler vehicles just more affordable to a much larger number of people than Mercedes Benz and BMW's are?

Also when it comes to Barney's Farm with Tangerine Dream having won the dog and pony show that the HTCC has turned into, and there still enough people who actually believe that winning a Cup today actually means something, it has boosted their sales. It is partially a case of perception and also of price.

white widow has not had such an effect here in the UK while it have some popularity

Is the UK the largest market for seed purchases and is the UK they yardstick of scale that is used to judge or rate or rank strains?

northern lights was revolutionary here for commercial growers

As it was in many parts of the world, in years past. But then it is also common knowledge that the UK was behind much of the world when it came to quality of commercial strains for a long time, and for all I know it still is. People were going all Lady Gaga over Skunk strains there when Skunk strains were old hat and seen as of lesser quality in some other parts of the world.

skunk1 cheese pheno is more sort after
That really didn't say anything.

blueberry still is a much more popular strain here also

Blueberry is still fairly popular in some areas of the U.S. but in different areas it has become seen as yesterday's news, as being old hat and while good, not as good or as desired as some other strains.

i do not know why you focus on what happens in Holland so much what happens in Holland does not account for the rest of the world

But you think that what happens in the UK says more?

At the same time you keep going back to Barney's Farm and the only reason it's sales are up is Tangerine Dream winning in Holland, winning a Cup.

What I mention about Cup wins is from the past when the competition had some legitimacy to it but you rely on it now, by returning to Barney's Farm, even though it has lost all it's legitimacy among anyone other then newbies and the uninformed. I find it odd that you do that, that you use it in a round about way but think it is wrong to use it in a direct way.

at the moment i am growing Canadian strains using a UK discovered hydro method NFT, using a UK made food vita-link .. its not all just about Holland !
Goody gumdrops ... color me impressed.

mr nice's most expensive line is still a skunk northern light haze line not white widow.
I guess that depends on where you checked the pricing and what the actual strain you were referring to. If what you were talking about was Mr Nice Seeds NL5/Haze x Skunk using U.S. pricing, U.S. dollars, Attitude is selling it for $97.58. Black Widow has the exact same price. Now Super Silver Haze and Mango Haze and Neville's Haze are all priced at $165.90 and a handful others are priced higher than the $97.58 but less than the $165.90.

So what is the name of the Mr. Nice Skunk - Northern Lights - Haze strain that I must have missed and must be priced higher than $165.90, or that Attitude does not stock but costs more than $165.90 through some other seed vendor?

i will try to remember to announce my humour and any points that are not to be taken "literally" as to avoid further confusion

That would be helpful since you do not make it at all clear that you are making a weak attempt at humor and instead at making actual comparisons or actual statements.

Jack herer also said to be part of a similar line and no white widow

I guess that depends on what is enough for you to consider something similar. You like SeedFinder, as do I, but just because it says countries name for where original strains used in crosses came from does not mean they will be all that similar. You do realize that there can be, and normally are, many different strains found in each country where the old original landrace strains used in different crosses came from and they can be very different from one to another, don't you? So is nation of origin alone enough for you to consider each and every strain from that country to be similar?

although we do have sharkshock
That's wonderful news .... but what does it mean other than it being a Black Widow x Skunk #1 cross? What was your point?

seedfinder lists sensi seeds skunk1 as having 67 direct strains crossed with it
now even if the sensi's version is not the original skunk1 it still seems to have been used a great deal more for breeding than the 13 direct strains from black widow .. now that could be down to time frame also .. although most of the white widow crosses are by mr nice himself
skunk1 over the years has been used by many breeders to improve lines because of its true breeding nature

Should I take it that your point is that because is strains lineage are traced back Skunk #1 has been used in so many crosses than Black Widow that Skunk #1 is better or would qualify more for the term elite?

If that is your point than Mexican would be even more worthy of elite status since you will find Mexican in most strains that are not predominantly indica. Sure it notmally only mentions "Mexican" and not an actual strain name but then not all Mexican strains had unique names, not all were like Acapulco Gold or Highland Oaxaca Gold, but it is found in many many strains and if you want to claim better or elite by tracing lineage you should go all the way back to the beginning of each line rather than stop at some point in the lineage that best fits a point you hope to make.

i did point out that skunk1 was one of the first
i was careful to include "one of" maybe not the first, although many state that it is the first modem sat/indica hybrid .. who are we to believe ?
perhaps you missed the "one of" part of my comment

You did clearly say; "skunk #1 said to be the first or one of the first sat/ind hybrid" but that was somewhat misleading since there were others, many others, a decade or two previous to Skunk #1's creation. But it did fit your need so of course you used it. For someone who said; "i do not know why you focus on what happens in Holland so much what happens in Holland does not account for the rest of the world" you sure seem to want to ignore everything that happened previous to the beginnings of 'The Dutch Masters."

skunk1 was indeed around in the 70s according to all that i have read, BUT i was not around then so i cant state that as fact
It was a regional strain created in 1978 but it was the early 80's before it made it's way to British Colombia and then to Holland and then world release.

now the guy from THseeds claims he made the original bubblegum that he then gave to serious seeds. . he also stated he started his version from 1 rejuvenated plant after his grow rooms were broken into

Unless the guy a TH Seeds is pretty old and from Evansville Indiana he's lying if he's saying he created the original Bubble Gum. Possibly he was part of the original Dutch version release and he realizes that so few people today realize how a number of famous strains were created in the U.S. and Canada well before 'The Dutch Masters' got their hands on them or on a male or a female and then attempted to duplicate the original as close as possible and then attempted to lay claim to what they made being the original.

When it comes to honesty you cannot believe some of what some breeders claim. In a PM I recently received was a link to a Green House Seeds video where Arjan flat out said that he himself created the original White Widow, not that it was originally released under the Green House Seeds name but that he himself, personally, created the original White Widow. Could more than 1% or 2% of the growing community not know that was a lie? It didn't keep him from making the claim though?

the bubblegum weed you smoked in the 70s could of been anything, i mean i have a bubblegum flavor Jamaican .. so which bubblegum do you mean ? was your bubble gum from a higher echelon breeder than the current thseeds and serious seeds offerings ?

Nope ... do some real research and you will find that the original Bubble Gum strain was created in Evansville Indiana and then made it's way to New England and then finally to Holland, a fair number of years after it was first created in Evansville Indiana.

you stated in a previous post that barneys farm are not one of the "upper echelon" breeders .. i would be interested to know how you reached that conclusion, and who in your opinion are the "upper echelon" breeders .. please list them
When I read or hear of enough people talking up a strain or strains I will from time to time deviate from what I normally grow and try one or three of the 'flavor of the month' strains and I have tried several Barney's Farm strains and was never impressed. The same has been the results of friends of mine who like me have grow for more decades than many people here have grown in numbers of years and in some cases in numbers of grows/crops. It was enough for me, and most of my older growing friends, to learn our lesson and not waste any more money on Barney's Farm gear.

Who would I say are the better breeding companies? Mr. Nice Seeds, Reeferman Seeds, Serious Seeds, Sensi Seeds is not all it once was but it is still more reliable and of higher quality than most, for years I had great luck with Sagarmatha Seeds but I have read a few less than wonderful news about them lately so I am not sure if I could still include them, but for years I could and did. While Sannie's Seeds doesn't offer strains that I like the most, Sannie's is high quality. De Sjamaan is high quality. There are also a good number more that while I might not call them top breeders I would rank well above Barney's Farm.

this is all starting to remind me when people debate the Windows vs Linux thing < literal point to be taken seriously
or when people debate over what is the best anti virus program there is no definitive answer
it really is all down to opinions.

That was my point about you getting your thong in a twist over people calling some strains elite strains. There is no set accurate accepted by all, or at least accepted by most, definition and lacking that it comes down to personal preference, what someone likes the most, and while I am not saying I agree with some of what people have claimed to be elite strains since it is and likely will remain a matter of personal preference, your personal preference carries no more weight and is no more accurate than anyone else's personal preference and you just need to accept that and give up your bitching about someone or another claiming some strain or another to be an elite strain.

If an actual definition ever exists and someone goes beyond it, steps outside of it's bounds, and claims something to be elite that clearly does not fit the accepted definition, well then there would be cause and reason for you to draw attention to it and say they are wrong. But you are only doing it now because your personal preference is different than that of someone else's and that makes you disagree with them and you give more weight and accuracy to your personal preference than to theirs.

Maybe you do not believe such a thing as an elite strain exists, which regardless of my using White Widow as an example I would say that what few strains that I might call elite either no longer exist or are impossible for the average person to obtain, so I don't know if I would call any strain that can be purchased by the masses an elite strain. But even if both of us do not believe elite strains exist, others do, and since our beliefs are based on our own preferences and opinions what we may believe is no more valid than what they believe. If they are elite to them, then they are elite. If one day a set accepted definition is created they likely will find that they were wrong, but until then it falls under the category of reality is whatever someone perceives it to be.

you judge white widow to be more important because of the criteria you are judging by maybe different to the criteria i am judging by

you think white widow is great .. i do not
Quote me where I said that I believe White Widow is; "great" or "elite," go ahead and do it if you can.

You evidently missed where I said, more than once, that I used it as an example of a strain that if elite strains do exist it would be one that maybe the very best case could be made for it being elite. That is all I said. It was an example of a stain that had a major impact on the cannabis world and some 15 to 16 years later is still a top seller, regardless of your inaccurate claim saying it is not, and that at least in it's original form, and maybe one knockoff, is still very high quality when compared to other new strains.

Maybe it bothers you that between the original White Widow and other versions using the name and or the original entered by someone other than Shanitbaba, there have been 13 Cups won over the years, not all 1st place of course, and you cannot say the same about Skunk #1.

As for you're having said; "you judge white widow to be more important because of the criteria you are judging by maybe different to the criteria i am judging by." Again that is not at all anything I have ever said. It is another case of you putting words in my mouth. I never said any strain was; "more important" than another, not so much as one single time did I say that the original White Widow or any other strain has been; 'more important" than any other strain. I simply used it's impact and longevity as in example of how if a strain could claim elite status that it would be one a valid argument could be made for.

Was that really all that confusing to you that you were unable to understand such a simple concept? Or was it crystal clear to you so the only way you could attempt to make a case for your beloved Skunk #1 was to put words in my mouth and claim I said things I never said?

you think some breeders have "elites" i do not
I wish you would not put words in my mouth, like you did by saying I think White Widow is; "great" and now saying I believe some breeders to be; "elites." I made neither claim. I do know that some breeders are without question better than others, but that is not the same thing as my proclaiming them to be the; "elites" of breeding

Evidently since you have been unable to refute what I have said you have been forced to spin what I have actually said and attempt to put words in my mouth so you could then have something to argue against that you believe would let you make a valid argument.

you think skunk1 is less important than i do
i think that about sums it all up

I thought this exchange was about how you felt people were wrong and being "snobbish" by claiming some strains to be elite strains and not about what sort of impact Skunk #1 has had. Oddly though you are being very; "snobbish" about Skunk #1.

I find what you said a bit odd and rather confusing since you said; "skunk #1 said to be the first or one of the first sat/ind hybrid .. also known as very true breeding years ago virtualy everything was crossed with skunk#1 , there are many more crosses of skunk1 than white widow, but who wants to smoke skunk1 these days ?" If few want to smoke Skunk #1 these days but many still want, and do, smoke White Widow, both the original and about every knockoff version of it that is available, what does that tell you about Black Widow and the White Widow knockoffs?

If you had ever asked if I felt that Skunk #1 played a key role in many of the more modern strains I would have flat out said yes. But then if you want to talk lineage I would have to add that Skunk #1 would not have been the hit that it was or used in the crosses it was used in if not for the Mexican strain in it or the Colombian strain in it or the Afghani strain in it ..... so each of them were of utmost importance to create what you believe to have been some strain of strains and minus any one of them or had some other strain or strains been used in the combination the name Skunk #1 might not be remembered by anyone today ...... so if you want to talk about the importance of lineage in modern crosses you should not stop tracing back just until you get to something you personally revere and instead go all the way back to the original roots.

For someone who does not seem to believe in elite strains you seem to be hinting that Skunk #1 is, or at least was, an elite strain. Maybe that is what has your nickers in a twist, that you see Skunk #1 as an elite strain but few if any others do so because they will not recognize what you see as being elite you refuse to accept what they consider to be elite as being elite.

You talk as if I have said terrible things about Skunk #1 and like I said it was not anything special or not important in the creation of other strains. How did you manage to come up with that sort of belief? Did you miss the following bits that were in response to when you asked who wants to smoke Skunk #1 today?

"I wouldn't call Skunk #1 an elite strain, but I would call it a classic of sorts, something of a ground breaker or game changer for the modern era.

Who would want to smoke Skunk #1? Well just like your position of elite status being nothing more than a matter of opinion the same would apply to who would want to smoke Skunk #1. It is still a good strain and it is a great strain for a new grower to grow because it has always been very easy to grow and very forgiving, so for some it could be the very best strain to grow.

When it comes to smoking it, I would rather smoke it than many more modern strains,"

At a time Skunk #1 was tops and then it went on to be used in many newer crosses where some of them turned out to be very popular strains, though not all did, and it, including the landrace strains it was made up of, played a key role in the creation of many strains. But what in the wide, wide world of sports does that have to do with your problem of some people claiming certain strains to be elite strains?

Is it that most, if not all, other crosses have not been used in the creation of as many crosses as Skunk #1 has so they do not deserve to be called elite due to that and that alone, even if in some cases they have not bee around enough years to have been used in many other crosses or in some case not yet used in any other crosses?

I am unsure how things went from do elite strains exist or are people who claim some strains to be elite; "snobbish" and if elite strains do exist would a valid case be able to be made for the original White Widow to the impact and importance that Skunk #1 has had on breeding over the years.

I have had people run around and run from things I have said before but you did a Road Runner act like I have ever seen before. If you keep this up I'm going to have to tie myself to an Acme rocket to be able to have a chance of keeping up with you.


If you actually believe that Cups are won these days strictly by merit this is your lucky day. I happen to own a bridge that connects two of the boroughs of New York, Manhattan and Brooklyn, and I have been thinking of selling it and I will give you a great deal on it. I like to call it the Brooklyn Bridge but once yours you could of course call it anything you like.

The price is reasonable. I will accept a modest down payment and will finance the rest for 30 years. PM me if interested.
That's hilarious.

Lots of people like Barney's gear, and I'm glad they've had so many good results. I have grown Sweet Tooth and have decided, personally, that it's a bunch of hype. The results I had with Sweet Tooth, coupled with Barney's statements after winning the cup, made me decide not to pursue Tangerine Dream.


Active Member
Smoked a number of Barneys strains at their coffeeshop in amsterdam...the ones I smoked, I was satisfied with, but while picking out my weed, I remember seeing a lot of crap as well... best to worst:

Acapulco Gold
Dr Grinspoon
Tangerine Dream

Currently growing LSD and Grinspoon...
imo, LSD is a very special smoke...grinspoon is good too, but a little overrated...but im trying to grow it myself to see if I can get better results...