Barneys farm sent me 2 orders and one is weird?


Active Member
Well i would rather 2600 watts of HPS lighting over the sun anyday. Maybe if cloudy days didn't exist then sure the sun is better but its not as '' reliable'' in the sense that your not always going to have perfect lighting conditions with the sun. I know in Hawaii its usually sunny but im sure you get some cloudy days too. There's only so much light a plant can make use of and if you have adequate wattage for your area your HPS should do you just as good as the sun. The main advantage of the sun in that its full spectrum. The sun also emits UV rays which some claim do nothing to a plant but research shows it increases potency and resin production. Pretty much what im trying to say is the sun is a better light source than an HPS bulb but if you have adequate wattage for your grow area its not going to make much of a difference. I would rather have full control of my environment and never worry about overcast weather.

The sun in better but you can't control it... so in my opinion HPS is better.


Active Member
Ya it does though, and I guess time will tell. If Barney's ships all their seeds with cotton in them from now on then I won't doubt it one bit. I just don't like anomalies lol , I consider it an uncertainty. I got a free pack of seeds with a hole in the back covered with tape lmao how can anybody even say I don't have just cause for concern? I consider MJ seeds to be treated with pharmaceutical care and control. To some people this is medicine. If a patient researches a strain he wants which has the medicinal characteristics he needs for his particular condition and receives a random bag seed strain then the patient wont get the proper medicine he needs. I think opening the breeder packs is a bad practice. It defeats the purpose of even having a sealed pack. When buying seeds from famous breeders your paying for the name and reputation and little things like this just put you off. I'm still a loyal customer for life and Barney's is still the shit BTW.


Active Member
makes sense they put cotton less friction less breaking less damage more cushin for the pushin as they say

  • Ya it does though, and I guess time will tell. If Barney's ships all their seeds with cotton in them from now on then I won't doubt it one bit. I just don't like anomalies lol , I consider it an uncertainty. I got a free pack of seeds with a hole in the back covered with tape lmao how can anybody even say I don't have just cause for concern? I consider MJ seeds to be treated with pharmaceutical care and control. To some people this is medicine. If a patient researches a strain he wants which has the medicinal characteristics he needs for his particular condition and receives a random bag seed strain then the patient wont get the proper medicine he needs. I think opening the breeder packs is a bad practice. It defeats the purpose of even having a sealed pack. When buying seeds from famous breeders your paying for the name and reputation and little things like this just put you off. I'm still a loyal customer for life and Barney's is still the shit BTW.​



Well-Known Member
Ya it does though, and I guess time will tell. If Barney's ships all their seeds with cotton in them from now on then I won't doubt it one bit. I just don't like anomalies lol , I consider it an uncertainty. I got a free pack of seeds with a hole in the back covered with tape lmao how can anybody even say I don't have just cause for concern? I consider MJ seeds to be treated with pharmaceutical care and control. To some people this is medicine. If a patient researches a strain he wants which has the medicinal characteristics he needs for his particular condition and receives a random bag seed strain then the patient wont get the proper medicine he needs. I think opening the breeder packs is a bad practice. It defeats the purpose of even having a sealed pack. When buying seeds from famous breeders your paying for the name and reputation and little things like this just put you off. I'm still a loyal customer for life and Barney's is still the shit BTW.
yu should be concerned I got a imitation pac of dj short beans few yrs ago and freaked out,was supposed to be dj short grape krush beans and was in same type package one thing diff was the crosses labled,so I grew them out turned out to be some strtchy long crapppy grapefruit strain and was furious.1 week laater attitude emailed me and responded to my email and said someone was in fact imitating his pacs to the world seedbank distributers but they made up for it and turned out to be true blue grape krush.


Well-Known Member
also in Hawaii in the capitol city rain spays rain off and on off the long row of volcanic hills and and sprays on you on the beech ,,cool tunnel road underneath to get to the other side,smokin Hawaiian hashplant ,lol,reminiscing.


Active Member
sounds pretty sweet man lol.. its funny though cuz it sounded miserable until you mentioned '' i was smoking Hawaiian hash plant in a tunnel '' when I figured that sounded pretty fucking awesome.. taking shelter frmo a volcano in a tunnel in Hawaii smoking a local bomb strain lol..awesome

kona gold

Well-Known Member
Well i would rather 2600 watts of HPS lighting over the sun anyday. Maybe if cloudy days didn't exist then sure the sun is better but its not as '' reliable'' in the sense that your not always going to have perfect lighting conditions with the sun. I know in Hawaii its usually sunny but im sure you get some cloudy days too. There's only so much light a plant can make use of and if you have adequate wattage for your area your HPS should do you just as good as the sun. The main advantage of the sun in that its full spectrum. The sun also emits UV rays which some claim do nothing to a plant but research shows it increases potency and resin production. Pretty much what im trying to say is the sun is a better light source than an HPS bulb but if you have adequate wattage for your grow area its not going to make much of a difference. I would rather have full control of my environment and never worry about overcast weather.

The sun in better but you can't control it... so in my opinion HPS is better.

Glad Barney had an answer for you....still strange....was the cotton inside the seal or was their no seal and the cotton in its place? Also forgot to ask you if both seed pack seeds look similar?

I agree to some degree about the sun......but i live in the "sun belt" on the southeast side. The furthest most point south in the US: It is approximately 19 degrees north of the equator. So the sun is powerful more on this island than the others. This also does what you say to the increases the pod or "calyx" size conciderably!
But of course there is a downside when freaky weather near the end of the cycle can cause plants to rot. But inside is not free of troubles. Depending on where you can run into power outages, light leaks, fried bulbs, ac malfunction, bugs, infra red detection, fires, flood, outside sweltering heat and humidity. No one is free from all theae things....even with a back-up generator! Parts fail! What if you are running at go to turn on your light and it fries, you don't have a back up bulb and its a holiday weekend and no stored see what i mean?
2600 watts is not much light.....your room can't be much bigger than an 8 x 12. Most you will get from a 5' plant with this set up is 4-6 oz per plant if you know what your doing. Where a 5' plant in this set up can yield 8-12oz. I know these aren't huge numbers by Cali standards....but they only have one season where i can do it all year long. You can put plants out every two weeks, so potentally can harvest 24 crops a year if you are really working it. The smoke is also much more potent than some of the better stuff i've tried from Cali. I mean Hawaiian weed is legendary for a reason!

kona gold

Well-Known Member
I must agree I don't get that many branches and is not inferior to outdoor plants.i jus grow small yure pics ,would love to see some monster budding plants.peace.
I will post a picture of the plants i just put out.....but i need to know how, or i would have already been posting pics. I only have a 3g trac phone from walmart. So if you have any idea how i can load pics from my phone, i would appreciate any help.
Nice pics you shared.


Active Member
seeds vary in looks ,strain to strain. just compare how the seeds look. If they look the same they probably are.

kona gold

Well-Known Member
also in Hawaii in the capitol city rain spays rain off and on off the long row of volcanic hills and and sprays on you on the beech ,,cool tunnel road underneath to get to the other side,smokin Hawaiian hashplant ,lol,reminiscing.
Yes....showers pop up all the time. Like shower for a minute the sun/rainbow....crazy!
So when did you come to Big Island and smoke the Hawaiian Hash strain? Used to have that strain, but that was many years ago. Haven't seen her for a i'm thinkin' you were here a while back as well???

If it was one of the stronger indica's you've ever smoked...then it was the real deal! Indica's in Hawai'i take on a more sative effect, but still crush you like a great indica.

kona gold

Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha I obviously affected your existence, you keep responding with your newb opinions as facts to me/us.....and well frankly it holds no merit......and of course I am going to check my plants through out their entire life cycle (way more than 14), that's what us real gardeners do with all and any plants we grow .....durrr! Man your newbish statements get worse the more you write......he he he...... and fyi.. I also have spare areas at multiple facilities that are strictly for testing new strains ......Keeping it real son!......... Aloha oe

Yep....complete newb.....never grew a plant before. did you know....what gave my virgin grower self away Sherlock??


Well-Known Member
lol,that was in the early 80s me and a buddy went on vacation there for 3 weex,oved it,lol the smoke I got was from a dude riding one of those 3 wheel bicycle tourist cars turned out he was my neighbor at the hotel we were stayin at pitchin smoke livin the good life,and yes some of the best smoke love Hawaiian indi by far,, our hotel right in front of the water haf blok or so by the twin condo buildings in Waikiki North Shore,am I there yet,lol.


Well-Known Member
the four legged beast is lemon og from DNA or reserve privada,and single cola purple og same company.rite now 90% indicas,Blueberry,GDP fems,east coast purple diesel,double bubble gum.


New Member
Since seeing the email they sent back, my guess is 1 - they legitimately accidentally sent an extra pack, and 2 - went through old stock and stuffed them with cotton. Maybe they were getting too many complaints of cracked/smashed beans from customers. G13 Labs packs come with cotton in vials too.


New Member
that comment reminds me of some ted bundy or dhamer movie where they stuff his asshole full of vaseline smeared cotton so he doesn't shit everywhere and make a mess when they fry his ass in an electric chair.


Well-Known Member
Probably put the cotton in because you bought it from a middleman who pkgs well, cotton would hinder a shake and listen test.
I bet the cotton is SOP and it was missed in the 1 pack.
