Barneys Pineapple Express Auto


Active Member
Well I ordered my Barneys Pineapple Express Auto seeds on sunday 3/20/11. The package was shipped out on the 21st. I am hopeing to receive the package on Friday so I can Germ them!

I am still doing more research on the lighting to use with them since they are auto.

What is best 2700k or 6800k?
What is the best germination method?

If anyone has any opinions I will be more then happy to hear!!


Well-Known Member
I also ordered the Barney's farm Pineapple express (auto) and my package arrived today along with my auto assassin :)

I'm busy growing an MI5 (auto) at the moment I'm running 2 x 250 watt CFL's ( red spec and blue spec) at the same time and it's doing really well.
If I was you I would run both light spectrums at the same time as they auto's, even try get the dual spec CFL's

When I germinated my MI5 I just used the wet paper towel method until I saw the shell crack open the placed it into my soil medium (bio-bizz light mix)
my mate is also growing an MI5 and he just popped the bean into the soil medium and 3/4 days later he had liftoff.
But when you place your bean into the soil medium remember to use the pot that will house your plant until it's harvest day. (auto's hate to be transplanted)


Active Member
Awesome! I can't wait to get mine and start it! I'm gonna do the mixed spectrum sounds like the best idea. I think I might do 2 hydro and the rest soil. Or vise versa.


Well-Known Member
I would highly recommend doing only soil the first time. Unless you have the funds to puchases extras to ensure your hydro experiance is as headache free as possible.
My first grow was hydro and I quickly switched after having continous ph problems. My plants looked a week old and they were a month old...

Also, I would use the paper towel method, dampen the paper towel and place the seeds in and fold it over, place another plate on top and wrap it all in a towel or blankent and place it in a warm area. With this method, i've had a creat success rate.

For autos I would go with a light cycle like 18/6 and defintely mix in the spectrum as stated above.

I want to stress again that if you decided to do hydro and soil combined you are destined for problems if your a beginner. GL


Active Member
Whats up, I got the beans 2 days ago and germed them 3 of 3 poped but i lost one or i planted it and forgot, i was super high.... but i know for sure 2 are started in soil. I am gonna run those under 24 hr light for a week or 2.

here is my other problem. the closet i was gonna use currently has some unknow plant that is 3 weeks in budding. and on a 12/12... i am very limited on space but i have the Pineapple express in the bed room with a simple light for now.


Active Member
Turns out I didn't lose it i did plant it! as for 12/12 after two weeks I really dont want to i wanna do like a 16/8 or 18/6... so i am sortta stummped right now.


Active Member
Today one of the PE sprouted!! So far the seeds germed in 24 hrs and 1 sprouted in less then 16 hrs!

I am about to make a run to the local hydro store and get some nutes but I am not to sure one what to get... anyone have any suggestions??

I will be posting pics when they are worthy of uploading haha. as of right now nothing to special.


Active Member
Well only 1 came out... very disappointed. And of the 1 it really hasn't grown much it got the 2 new leafs but haven't got bigger I will post a pic in a few. Currently at work. And for nutes I didn't get any yet.. and the plant I have in flowering right now what's the best nuts for her?


Active Member
Here are some pictures

Pineapple express..
2 days old.

5 days old.

so far its not very express like to me :?.. I had it on 24 hr light the whole time. I think I'm going to switch it to 18/6...

Now some random bag. 1 week into flowering. Well thats how far they was when these pictures was taken. Right now shes asleep so I can't snap anything new. :-|



that pe auto will take off give it a week. as far as nutes i use jacks and dyno gro just make sure you get bloom nutes. what are you using for soil?


Active Member
Right now for the PE im using some seed starting soil going to go buy some fox farm friday when i get paid.


Right now for the PE im using some seed starting soil going to go buy some fox farm friday when i get paid.
how long will it be, when its finished growing, and can someone plz help me find a good small plant that i can grow inside my pc ? im a bigginer


Active Member
Turns out I didn't lose it i did plant it! as for 12/12 after two weeks I really dont want to i wanna do like a 16/8 or 18/6... so i am sortta stummped right now.
Autos need AT LEAST 18/6, better 20/4 for the ENTIRE grow. If you put them in 12/12 you will get an extremely small yield.