Barney's Red Dragon Grow - Organic


Well-Known Member
leaf structure looks amazing! congrats on the tent, looks very roomy. how much longer in veg? droopy leaves, is that from over or under water? they look great broo, good luck on all female plants!


Active Member
Looks like you may have over watered. If you haven't already, you should really get a fan blowing on those babies. (didn't see one in your pics)

Looking great tho!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys - I think you're right about the over-watering. When they were transplanted to these bigger pots, i'd watered them a few days earlier....then I had to water them in to the new pots and that may be where they got a bit much. It's okay though - gonna hold-off on the next watering now and give them time to perk up more. I'd like to get in at least one more veg nute feeding before the straight watering just before the lights switch to 12/12.

I've got my temps holding steady at 70 F and 40% humidity with a small fan blowing across them right now, but as they get bigger i'll need to invest in a larger-size oscillating fan for the tent.


Well-Known Member
Well, i'm approaching the 6 week mark which is where i'd planned to switch the plants over to 12/12. They look like they should be ready by then, but I may wait until the weekend to switch 'em all over.

Each plant is still looking really unique and the rest of the journey will be quite interesting to see which ends up performing the best! :leaf:

On with the pics!!



Well-Known Member
Looking good! I ended up ordering some RD seeds, they are on the way now!

I love how clean and well-designed your grow room is. I'm hoping to get mine to be this nice-looking once I get it all set up, but I definitely appreciate how much thought and effort goes into getting it that way.

Can't wait to see how your RD performs compared to the others.


Well-Known Member
Ok - well i'm now at 6 and a half weeks of veg for these girls and they're on thier last light cycle now, with the timer set to turn off the lights at 7 am tomorrow morning. Just before 7 pm tomorrow night i'll remove the ducting from my cooltube and change the bulb to my HPS one for starting flowering! :leaf:

Night-time temps will have to be monitored closely now since no light means no heat, and my basement isn't super warm... we'll see. I bought a small space heater today so I can always set it up near my intake fan and have it suck warmish fresh air into the tent during the dark cycle so it doesn't get too cold.

Here's a pic update. The first two are groups shots and then there's a pic of each plant with the last pic of the biggest red dragon in the center - looks exciting already! :weed:



Interested to see how they bulk up in flowering phase, nice work!


Ok - well i'm now at 6 and a half weeks of veg for these girls and they're on thier last light cycle now, with the timer set to turn off the lights at 7 am tomorrow morning. Just before 7 pm tomorrow night i'll remove the ducting from my cooltube and change the bulb to my HPS one for starting flowering! :leaf:

Night-time temps will have to be monitored closely now since no light means no heat, and my basement isn't super warm... we'll see. I bought a small space heater today so I can always set it up near my intake fan and have it suck warmish fresh air into the tent during the dark cycle so it doesn't get too cold.

Here's a pic update. The first two are groups shots and then there's a pic of each plant with the last pic of the biggest red dragon in the center - looks exciting already! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Lookin nice man, Red Dragon is a nice fucking plant to have. It's a really strong, tough plant that makes some of the most fire bud you've ever had in your life. Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Lookin nice man, Red Dragon is a nice fucking plant to have. It's a really strong, tough plant that makes some of the most fire bud you've ever had in your life. Keep up the good work!

Thanks loop! I'm always looking for more info and experiences with the strains i'm any 'inside info', personal comments or opinions on the Red Dragon? Please share! :weed:

EDIT: I just went through the Red Dragon journal of yours in your sig link...really, really nice!! I hope mine fill out as nice as those! I'm not using any of those 'booster' type nutes that aren't organic though - just organic stuff. I'll be adding some molasses and AN Nirvana to the flowering feeding coming up, but i'm trying to stay as natural as possible.


Well, the light was switched this evening to eht HPS bulb and the girls are looking really, really happy! It was like they appreciated the dark cycle and are looking real sexy and green under the reddish HPS light. I've been foliar spraying them quite a bit since the humidity level in the tent hangs right around 40% and the extra spray helps the leaves keep thier stomata open enough so they don't dry out on me. I've heard from a few people that the Red Dragon strain likes to have it fairly dry and extra dry in the last few weeks before harvest. I won't have any problem with that since it's so dry here - it's more of a challenge to keep the humidity level up...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the interest heady! The girls are telling me that they're hungry, so tonight (their next morning time) they are going to get thier first actually bloom feeding at 1/2 strength. I've seen some nice growth since starting flowering - it's going to get exciting very soon!


- The light, the filter/fan and the intake fan are all on their own timers now. The light is of course on the 12/12 setting with the light coming on at 7 pm (actually 6:50) and going off at 7 am. The filter/fan is set to be on whenever the light is on, as well as for 15 min each hour during the dark cycle to bring the humidity levels down some. The intake fan runs for 15 min each hour the whole time and forces in nice fresh air as opposed to acting as a passive intake the rest of the time. I've noticed this works well to keep the temps more even as well during the dark cycle as long as the filter/fan isn't sucking out all the warmth the whole time. Temps and humidity are staying in the 60-75, 40%-65% range with this setup. Later on during flowering, these settings will have to change a bit so I can bring the humidity down more during the dark cycle, so that will mean changing the filter/fan to run more often with the lights off.

Pic update is planned for tomorrow evening once they've had a day to eat and drink!


Well-Known Member
Personal journal note:

The plan is to try and 'thin out' some of the branches 'inside' the plants as well, to allow more light penetration and air-flow. There should be enough nice fan leaves now to allow enough light-uptake that I can sacrifice some smaller foliage to allow better circulation and encourage performance in this phase of the grow.


Well-Known Member
Okay, the girls all got food and water tonight. I'm trying out using distilled water since I've never really tried it before and would like to compare it to my previously pH'd tapwater.

Half strength bloom nutes and Nirvana went into the 2nd and 3rd 5 litre buckets of water they received this evening. The first 5 litre bucket of water was just straight water - didn't want to apply nuted water to the dry soil...

The pots have all been now moved down off of the styrofoam pieces now as well. I bought some nice 14" plastic saucers with 1.5" lips on them which should work well enought to catch water that goes through the drain holes. It will be nice to have when flushing time arrives too.

Well, here are the pics since feeding. I was going to wait until tomorrow night but had time to do it tonight so got it all done. There's a group shot, 1 of each plant, one of the nutes i'm using and a few of some trimmed leaves I took as well. Enjoy! :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Here we are nearing the end of week 2 of flowering. The girls have grown quite alot this past week, stretching out as expected. Bud sites are showing more and more hairs now as the buds begin to form as the stretching slows. They will all get straight water tonight, as they haven't had anything for close to a week when thier first 1/4 strength feeding was. After this straight water feeding, i'm going to try and start feed/water every 3-4 days as they begin to require more moisture and can use the extra bloom nutes.

For those just joining or who may not have read this journal from the first page, please note that the 2 back plants are not Red Dragon, only the front 3 ones. The two back plants are a bagseed plant and a Mr.Nice's Dreamtime. The bagseed plants was never looking that great - started out okay but is looking kinda pale. The buds are coming along nicely however and are looking to be a quicker finisher than the dragons. The Dreamtime plant is showing similar characteristics to the other 2 Dreamtime plants I grew in my first grow - not a real pretty plant, having straggely thin leaves and not really impressive growth - but the seeds were very cheap and NOT feminized. All 3 seeds I got from Mr.Nice ended up female though, so I'm not complaining! The plant is a lot more healthy than it looks...the others just kinda put it and the bagseed plant to shame with thier fancy genetics!

Pic update - enjoy!!



Well-Known Member
Here we are nearing the end of week 2 of flowering. The girls have grown quite alot this past week, stretching out as expected. Bud sites are showing more and more hairs now as the buds begin to form as the stretching slows. They will all get straight water tonight, as they haven't had anything for close to a week when thier first 1/4 strength feeding was. After this straight water feeding, i'm going to try and start feed/water every 3-4 days as they begin to require more moisture and can use the extra bloom nutes.

For those just joining or who may not have read this journal from the first page, please note that the 2 back plants are not Red Dragon, only the front 3 ones. The two back plants are a bagseed plant and a Mr.Nice's Dreamtime. The bagseed plants was never looking that great - started out okay but is looking kinda pale. The buds are coming along nicely however and are looking to be a quicker finisher than the dragons. The Dreamtime plant is showing similar characteristics to the other 2 Dreamtime plants I grew in my first grow - not a real pretty plant, having straggely thin leaves and not really impressive growth - but the seeds were very cheap and NOT feminized. All 3 seeds I got from Mr.Nice ended up female though, so I'm not complaining! The plant is a lot more healthy than it looks...the others just kinda put it and the bagseed plant to shame with thier fancy genetics!

Pic update - enjoy!!
Wow those plants are taking off like crazy, you could placate the damage to the planet done by logging with your closet !


Well-Known Member
I was able to get another identical 600w cooltube light on ebay - same exact kit as the first one! I plan to set up the new light in the other half of the tent and put the next batch of plants under it 6 weeks from this weekend - or whenever they look to be ready for flowering.

I've got 6 more beans germinating right now and expect to have them started by Monday. This is what will be in the next round:

2x Barney's Farm LSD (fem)
2x Barney's Farm Crimea Blue (fem)
1x Barney's Farm Red Cherry Berry (fem)
1x bagseed (picked from about 20 seeds - chose the best looking one!)

There's also a 5-pack of Barney's Farm Vanilla Kush (fem) on it's way in the mail from Attitude seeds along with some nice freebies as listed below:

Attitude Seed Bank
5x Barney's Farm Vanilla Kush (fem)
1x GHS Super Lemon Haze (fem)
1x GHS King Kush (fem)
1x GHS Bubba Kush (fem)
1x GHS The Church (fem)
1x Dinafem Powerkush (fem)

The Vanilla Kush will be germed at the end of this month and started. The others I'm not sure yet, but would like to create some mother plants out of those singles and then clone, clone, clone! :leaf: