So I got 16 feet from wall to wall
25 feet in length
350 sq ft total
In contemplating LED.. King plus 1000w in particular, what do you guts think ?
If you want to do LED, you should go to the LED section on this site, do some research, and build your own. You seem handy, and committed to do it right, so that is the way to go. I've never heard of the brand you mentioned, so it's probably offense, just saying. COBs are the only way to go when it comes to LED. If you don't want to go through that, CMH would be my next suggestion. I would mainly be concerned if your electric service is up to the task. Room buildout, mini split, new electric service......350 square foot grow, you're looking at investing another 10-15k minimum if you do the work yourself. You said you were investing the last of what you had in this, you might want to start with a smaller room initially, planning ahead for expansion once you start to recoup your funds. It takes time to get dialed in, and additional expenses will pop up, so leave yourself a little breathing room.