Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

My Laptop is Dead
Could not Defeat Cruel Trojans!
It had served me well...

Bought another One
I sold my Dried Green Daughters
Like Afghanistan...
gears break, black smoke flies,
my brain has overheated
yet still I haiku

life has grown hectic,
I start my flowering soon,
have only one male.

Awaken dead thread,
rise from the dust, ash, and waste,
from the depths of hell!!! :o
i just took a dump
ran out of toilet paper
used a dirty sock

this really happened
not just a haiku story
i threw out the sock

neighbor is sleeping
can't borrow any from her
more socks on standby
i just took a dump
ran out of toilet paper
used a dirty sock

this really happened
not just a haiku story
i threw out the sock

neighbor is sleeping
can't borrow any from her
more socks on standby

That's one of my worst nightmares
I'd have done the same...

Poor little Brown Sock!
It did not sign up for this
His mates reject him...
gears break, black smoke flies,
my brain has overheated
yet still I haiku

life has grown hectic,
I start my flowering soon,
have only one male.

Awaken dead thread,
rise from the dust, ash, and waste,
from the depths of hell!!! :o

Hark! The Raven Speaks
He resurrects my Dead Thread
I am a Pot Head

Can't find time to Post
My op's been at a Stand Still
Learning Flood & Drain

Seduced by the Ease
Turns out not to be the Case
I will Master This...