Basic fertilizers needed before start? 50 year old garden - Never fertilized


I will be doing my first grow in a garden worked for 50 years with NO fertilizer added during use (basic garden plantings, tomatoes, corn, etc.). I am assuming many/most of the nutrients have been depleted over the years.

Over the next few years I will be trying an assortment of different strains (most leaning toward the sativa side). I can fine tune any nutrient needs with fertilizer with each individual grow but my question is this...

What should I add to the garden now that will prepare the soil for cannabis cultivation. I have read that manure and compost give a good "base" with which to start with as both will benefit all strains.

How many people recommend this as a good start? What else, if anything, would people recommend I add?

I am wanting to replenish the basics that have been depleted over the years, hope this makes sense.....

All input is Greatly Appreciated from this end.


FYI, first year planned on Tikal strain. Location, mid west USA (Missouri)...


Well-Known Member
Any gardener faced with your situation

would see this depleted spot as a place of respect and challenge

many good books abound take a look in the organics forum

I'd stick to organics even using this spot as a trial run

5 tons of chicken shit does wonders for character and yield

and lasts and lasts for years


It is common for farmers in the area to fertilize their fields with chicken manure. Would you consider adding compost a necessity or not necessary considering the use of chicken manure?.....

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
like mentioned above get soil test done first they will tell you how much of what to add to soil for perfect balance that is first starting point knowing where soil is before blindly adding amendments


Intend to have soil analysed by local college extention, I have been told that TOMATOES is the closest legal plant whose nutrient requirements match those of cannabis. When asked what I am planting (cannabis illegal here) should I say tomatoes? (Are they the closest match to cannabis?).....


Well-Known Member
Other than Human Blood, ... Chicken shit is the hottest ever...dilute with river sand or perlite if cheap enough

love the soil test idea tho ...yeah get a test


like mentioned above get soil test done first they will tell you how much of what to add to soil for perfect balance that is first starting point knowing where soil is before blindly adding amendments
Intend to have soil analysed by local college extention, I have been told that TOMATOES is the closest legal plant whose nutrient requirements match those of cannabis. When asked what I am planting (cannabis illegal here) should I say tomatoes? (Are they the closest match to cannabis?).....

Kevin the Great

Well-Known Member
Yes, tomatoes are a close nutrient match. Also, I prefer cow manure over chicken because you get the straw bedding with the cow manure, adding aeration as well...