Basic fertilizers needed before start? 50 year old garden - Never fertilized


I will be doing my first grow in a garden worked for 50 years with NO fertilizer added during use (basic garden plantings, tomatoes, corn, etc.). I am assuming many/most of the nutrients have been depleted over the years.

Over the next few years I will be trying an assortment of different strains (most leaning toward the sativa side). I can fine tune any nutrient needs with fertilizer with each individual grow but my question is this...

What should I add to the garden now that will prepare the soil for cannabis cultivation. I have read that manure and compost give a good "base" with which to start with as both will benefit all strains.

How many people recommend this as a good start? What else, if anything, would people recommend I add?

I am wanting to replenish the basics that have been depleted over the years, hope this makes sense.....

All input is Greatly Appreciated from this end.


FYI, first year planned on Tikal strain. Location, mid west USA (Missouri)...
Well, since you are in Missouri you have a good 5 months to study and get your answers. Lots of great info on this and other forums.

I am an indoor grower and cannot offer much information that would be of value to you. But Good luck and Good Grow!
Since fertilizers have not been applied for so long you're in a great position to start an organic grow...and time for preparation.
Check out the organics section.
Going organic was the best move I've done :weed:
Since fertilizers have not been applied for so long you're in a great position to start an organic grow...and time for preparation.
Check out the organics section.
Going organic was the best move I've done :weed:
Why the best move you have ever made? What do you consider the advantages of organic? Does it increase output, etc....
Once you're dialled in there's less work, buds are tastier, buds have no chemicals in them, better for the planet, plants are more resilient, etcetera etcetera The list goes on....
(And, to be honest, if you like tinkering then there is always something else to experiment with.... compost teas, worm cast, mulches. And I do love to play in my garden :lol:)
Since fertilizers have not been applied for so long you're in a great position to start an organic grow...and time for preparation.
Check out the organics section.
Going organic was the best move I've done :weed:

I was going to say this, take a look at what the organic people are adding to their supersoils and bring what you can outside. Learning the 17 or so essential elements would a pretty good starting point (moving onto microbes).