Basically, I could use some advice.

First off, Id like to say hello to everyone here. Ive long since lurked these forums and made much use of the advice Ive found in my forays and adventures.

My current delimma is this:
I recently obtained about an Oz of rather unpleaseant smelling mexi-style schwagg and, figuring upon the notion that product of this quality is rarely "cured" in any way, I decided to try and flush out any nasties with a "water cure."

for 7 days I submerged the bud entirely, with pieces of wrapped cloth and wood holding them down on the bottom of a mason jar. I changed the water at least once every 24 hrs., and on the seventh day, when the water seemed almost entirely clear, I removed the material and set it in a particularly enclosed area of my entertainment cabinet to dry over a period of hours.

This particular spot, on top of my stereo unit and inches directly below my television set, gets rather warm after an hour or so of either/ both appliances being run. I assumed this would be ideal for a relitavely fast ( less than 24 hr.) dry. I also sat the material directly in front of a fan for a period of maybe an hour, between periods of drying in the space on my stereo.

after about 7 or 8 hrs, I found the plant matter to be reasonably dry, and smokeable.

The result however, has me speculating. It tastes rather "smokey".. almost hints of a "stemmy" taste but... not really like much of anything at all.
And the smell of the material itself... is kind of like a vegetably, earthy garlic sort of smell, but very faint.
Smoke has very little odour.

Also, I can now visually see what appear to be "trichomes," which I have examined under 8x magnification, though they arent clear and sticky looking like the triches on some nice KB, more like little milky white forms....

I guess my worry here is, have I molded the bud and thus have I been smoking mold? I wasnt really expecting this stuff to become amazing, afterall it was only "reggie." Ive kept the original as a control in this little experiment, its much lighter in colour much harsher and more of a taste, though its a nasty reggie taste.

The water cured bud is darker, in colour, lighter in weight, more "fluffed out" and dried to the point where it is crumbly. It has strange (to me) looking trichomes that are sparse but evenly dispersed(leading me to believe its not mould) barley visible to the naked eye, easily observed with 8x magnification.

The taste is smokey, almost stemish... but bland...remains a bit harsh. I figured its cause it was regs but....looking for some advice? If it was mould, would I know for sure?? I am very experienced with most areas concerning this subject but the whole water thing has me a bit nervous and i ould use some advice from anyone wit hany experience with mouldy buds/what reg triches look like ccompared to KB?


Well-Known Member
i have no input on water curing, but it was an intersting read and would like to see what others say, ill be back for sure


Well-Known Member
Just a shot in the dark here, could it have been the wood that rotted from being submerged?
(Possibly adding to the unpleasant taste and aroma).



Well-Known Member
yeah the wood thing sounds suspicious from a taste point of view, but i doubt you've molded ur bud. mold needs oxygen, so it could only have started to develop since you dried it, and in my experience mold ALWAYS looks EXACTLY like mold lol. there would be little white hairs at least somewhere on your bud if it was mold, and obvious colonies that would quickly get bigger. so if its been a couple days and it looks the same, id say you're home free.
ive never water cured but ur report sounds like what i've read.


Active Member
Trichomes do not mold. The cloudy nature of the trichomes indicate that you will receive a mostly head high from smoking the buds.

Water cures are not magical overnight things either. Water curing may be quicker than the proper way to cure but rushing a 24 hour cure doesn't allow much time for it to work properly at all.

The buds are a darker green? The point of a water cure is to remove the nasties that are left in the bud when not cured or not cured properly. The color tends to be a lighter green. This may be a result of your rush job.

The loss of smell and taste is normal. You just washed your buds. The added unusual tastes are definitely from the wood. Not only are they unnecessary they could potentially ruin your bud. Be careful!


Well-Known Member
I would say that you should quit buying schwag, but thats only an option if you've another source for smoke. Then even if you do have another hook-up you still run the chance of picking up a particularly shitty bag now and then. I would suggest that you stack up a few bucks(you could probably get away for a hundo) and invest in some cflz, soil, nutes, space blankets and grow some of the seeds from ur schwag. Yes you'll still be smoking the same bud, but ur home grown bag seed will be about a million times better than any bag o' schwag.