Bat Guano?

I'm getting ready for outdoor season. I have 6, 30 gal pots and wondering how much bat guano I need to put in each soil? I'm making my own soil as well. Thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting ready for outdoor season. I have 6, 30 gal pots and wondering how much bat guano I need to put in each soil? I'm making my own soil as well. Thanks for the advice.
If you're making your own soil, would be -very- helpful to know what else is going in it.. and the type of bat guano you've selected... especially if it's peruvian seabird guano, which isn't actually guano - it's a pellet and it can make the soil quite 'hot' if over-used/used incorrectly.
As of now I haven't purchased the bat guano. I have purchased the following organic soil, sphagnum peat moss, organic worm castings, perlite, and azomite.


Well-Known Member
Good choice for the peat, a little caution has to be used... worm castings are a solid choice, perlite for drainage is good.. azomite is the go-to/all you'll never need for trace elements if properly amended.. the only thing I see missing in this equation could be a solid N choice that's balanced with the rest... you'll want to peek at the castings and see the NPK, as the ranges on worm castings can range from 3-3-3s (decent) to .3-.1-.1(almost non-existant) .. which has to factor into your balance.