Batcave of Weed


Well-Known Member
So I can't be the only one who has dreamed of such a glorious place. I consider myself to be a very amateur architect (mostly just crude sketches) but I have always wanted to design and build my own house. One of the features of said home would be a bunker-type secret room Bruce Wayne style. I would like a basement for normal purposes, my workshop and such. Behind an ultra secret entrance would be a magical paradise of beautiful bud ;-) I'm thinking even a basement under the first basement. It would be built in such a way as it would take an EXPERT who already knew it was there, to ever find it.

The engineering side of things would be my forte, I'm still learning about plants. With current events the way they are, this would only improve the home's resale too. Sure the design would be geared for plants, but the amount of stealth and brilliant design would make a perfect "safe room" or similar secure area in case of disaster.

Who else has dreamed of a home with an ultra-secret "batcave" type grow room? If so, please do share :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm typing this from my lair right now, hanging upside down while I inspect my plants.


Well-Known Member
i got a little bat cave but its got major humidity issues that need to be dealt with....
sketching up ideas for a bigger one.


Well-Known Member
A "basement under the basement" is a terrible idea. You would be going deeper than the foundation, compromising the integrity of the structure, leading to collapse.


would love to post pictures and details of the batcave that was near me, but i live in a smallish area.

it did help that one of the men was a builder, not sure on the other but it was like interior decorator.