Bathroom Fans

Kursed Satan

New Member
We all have one in our bathrooms and turn it on when in the shower and what not, but i have always been skeptical when using it to clear out smoke. Do they actually remove the air out of the room? or is it just there to move around the air?? i have never actually looked in to this, so is it really safe to smoke up in you're bathroom? (if you're parents dont know you smoke pot?) i know there will be a left over smell anyway, im just wondering if it helps.
if you smoke in the bathroom your parents will know, your better off leaning out a window if its coming down to that.
if you smoke in the bathroom your parents will know, your better off leaning out a window if its coming down to that.
my parents are out of town right now, i just smoked a bowl in my bathroom and i just thought of the question. i smoke up in my house whenever my parents are gone, i wouldnt risk smoking up when they are home.
The fans suck in air, and take it through a vent to wherever the vent leads to, probably right outside. If your asking us if its "safe" to smoke in your own bathroom, you probably shouldn't be on this site. Suck it up butter cup and go smoke outside like every other kid has to do until they move out lol.
my parents are out of town right now, i just smoked a bowl in my bathroom and i just thought of the question. i smoke up in my house whenever my parents are gone, i wouldnt risk smoking up when they are home.

oh alright, i guess if they arent home then w/e but the smell will linger, only a few hrs but its noticable, y not just pop outside for a few seconds and not have to worry?
They definately help...

But you need bathroom fans, can of febreeze, wet towel at the door, and toilet paper tube stuffed with toilet paper for maximum filtration..

Aw the old days lol...
oh alright, i guess if they arent home then w/e but the smell will linger, only a few hrs but its noticable, y not just pop outside for a few seconds and not have to worry?
cuz i live in canada and it gets to be like -25 regularly, im not complaining im just saying its a lot easier smokin up inside. i guess i shouldnt have said "is it safe?" or coarse there is risk either way, my main reason to postiong this thread was to find out what bathroom fans actually do :P
lol you said your parents are out of town. Are you familar with a thing called "Jamaican hot box"? Because its fucking awesome, It was the craze back in the day. OKay, turn on shower, as hot as it will go and let it run, and turn on your sink tap also and run hot water. Have a joint prerolled, And just as the bathroom starts to steam up, light er up, and you can fill your entire bathroom with smoke, Like im talking cant see your hand in front of your face so much smoke. Lol But if your parents find out, thats a good way to get sent off to military school. happy toking:leaf:
you dont use farbric softener sheets? i use those things and they work better than smoking outside :P

Aw yes, works great except when you get too stoned and inhale while still holding it to your face lol..

Then again it's been about 8 years since I've had to resort to hiding my medicating...
lol you said your parents are out of town. Are you familar with a thing called "Jamaican hot box"? Because its fucking awesome, It was the craze back in the day. OKay, turn on shower, as hot as it will go and let it run, and turn on your sink tap also and run hot water. Have a joint prerolled, And just as the bathroom starts to steam up, light er up, and you can fill your entire bathroom with smoke, Like im talking cant see your hand in front of your face so much smoke. Lol But if your parents find out, thats a good way to get sent off to military school. happy toking:leaf:
HAHA hell yeah man i always do that shit, one time me and my buddy left the shower on by accident and it ran for like 4 hours XD we got down there and opened the door and just got hit with a huuuge cloud of steam XD it was fucking awesome :P
Not sure where the exhaust fans in the bathroom actually go, but I used to smoke a cig in the bathroom when I took a shit with the fan on when I was like 15. My mom could always smell it lol. Never got in trouble though, she would just be pissed that I was hogging the bathroom to smoke the cigarettes I took from her pack.

You should just go outside and smoke though, fresh air is good for you.
cuz i live in canada and it gets to be like -25 regularly...

I hope we get a heatwave like that soon here in Alaska. I usually just slide the window open and blow the smoke out but sometimes the window has frozen condensation in the bottom so I have to go in the bathroom and use the vent fan, like you're talking about. I slowly blow directly into the fan and it works pretty well. You can rig up a personal filter with activated charcoal from the pet fish section at Wal-Marx; I've been toying with doing that myself. I can smoke in my house and it's legal here but I never know when a visitor may drop in unexpectedly.
I tried smoking in the bathroom once; I wanted to relax in a warm tub. I got so paranoid about the fan just circulating the smoke, I ended up standing in the bath leaning out the window... it was cold!

Not worth the stress. Just smoke out of your bedroom window. Funnily enough, less of the smell wafts in that way than when I've smoked outside.
if you water cure your bud it will take away the weed smell off the bud AND the smoke. It makes it smell like nothing so it'll make it harder to be detected!
The first time I smoked in the bathroom, using the exhaust fan, I put the lid down on the toilet and stood on it. I fired up my bowl, blew it into the fan right above me and said "I'm high on pot". Get it? :)
you dont use farbric softener sheets? i use those things and they work better than smoking outside :P

Yes, dryer sheets work great! Learned that in the college dorms. The fan depends on if it exits outside the house. Check the attic/roof and see if you can spot it.

I used to toke in my room when I lived with my parents. It was always late, after they were in bed, just pop that window open and stick my head out. Did it for a long time, in the end I got caught. Not cause they smelled it, but because I got super baked and left the pipe sitting in the window. Wasn't a big deal though. My parents caught me so many times I know they just gave up saying anything at all and I learned they are pro legalization. My point is, if your doing it in their house, be prepared to talk about it because they will most likely find out.