Bathroom Fans

Yeh they don't work trust me, I had to take a massive dump just to cover up the smell of the weed, then I sprayed like crazy to try and get rid of it.
Seriously though, back when I lived at home I used to smoke in my room, and blow it out the window I thought, If I took the toke in one hit (I always do) and got it all out of the room out the window there wouldn't be any smell, then I'd stumble my way back to the playstation (playstation 1) or computer in my teen lounge.

It doesn't! My older sister, who still lives at home (smart girl), as soon as she would come up the stairs and be like were you fucking smoking inside. And I'd have to give her a toke or she'd rat me out. This shit wasn't even as dank as this shit I'm growing for personal (And this shit stank!). Thus I had to start smoking on the balcony, at night. Seriously, dont smoke in your room unless you live alone. And yet, I like the smell of weed, but I don't like it lingering,. If you must smoke at home at least get a vaporizer.