Battlefield 3

I forgot all about the new gears, another savage game to look forward to.

yup, it's always nice to throw a good third person shooter into the collection. plus these will be the only 4 games i buy (and have) after i sell reach and black ops.

that dead island looks good and im gonna have to check out the new silent hill.

they both should be fun, two good games to get into when you start to get bored of the shooters.


there's no way i'm even considering buying mw3.

60 bucks for a game that looks and plays the exact same as mw2, and then another 60 bucks for the map packs they put out during the year?
yeah, i think i'll pass on that scam.

but of course, everyone and their mom is going to buy it based on how popular cod4 was... you'll be disappointed.
Man this is going to be one EPIC game !!!

I get excited every year for BF3 no doubt the best looking game but the game play is like meh. It always seems fast paced in trailers and exciting but when you play its slow boring unlike MW series. The hit detection in BF series has always been horrible, and makes me dump it in a week every time I buy it. Hope I am wrong this time as I will buy it again.
played bf2 since sept 2005 and still play on a daily basis now, on the pc of course!
cant wait for bf3 tho,
i could never get into cod's played them all in story mode and they all look the same to me.
i can appreciate the comment on selling off the expansion for extra, spoils a good game if you ask me.
lol ea sold a few expansion off early on, then gave them away on patch 1.5 made a few people angry.
Available in HD !

This guy was very lucky to get a headshot on this one !!! :lol:
