battling an equatorial sativa into flowering


I recently first indoor grow didnt research enough to know i had planted two long flowering sativa dom plants and 1 mo in i started 12/12 then a mo and a half l8r no pistils othe than.the lil one when sex starts showing so i upd p and k levels amd kicked into 8 on 16 off 3 weeks later of this monster sativa stretching into ceiling and growing acros finally flowering

Po boy

Well-Known Member
never thought of trying to grow photo plants close to the equator. i guess an outdoor grower could go nuts trying get a plant to flower there. that's damn funny! good luck on your grow and hope your plant yields 4 pounds. GL
Mate sounds like you have a big ass plant lol.
You know to keep the lights close to the leaves? it helps to keep the plant short.
But I'm curious, is it a boy or a girl?


She a Goliath bitch with arm length skinny nugs just hit her with snowstorm.ultra and gravity today in hopes of thickening her out


Well-Known Member
i too am drawn to these sativa's, they were so nice many years ago
but what projects they are, but i watch for experiences and tips
one i did see sounded worth repeating, don't veg a sativa seedling for any time, try to get it to flower ASAP
then reveg and clone, flower the clones to get more compact sativa's
still large time investment, but a more compact sativa has to be a better sativa indoors(i would think)