BB: DOG KUSH GROW OFF!!! Mans best friend, all welcome.

yeah much the same man, had a fairly heavy weekend, but went bowling, ate some awesome stuff, was incredibly bad at bowling but still came 4th out of 6. finally scored some smoke and because the guy put me off for near a week now most of my usual crew have got elsewhere so i'm sat on a few onions for a bit. no drama really.

am half asleep at my desk here.

hows things over yonder i ponder? you got some nice little seedlings yet?!

biggest footballing game of the year next weekend the derby. I'm already having palpitations. waves of anxiety and then overconfidence. I'll be a wreck by sunday.
don't give yourself a heart attack before the match... save it for the actual match itself. :)

Things are good here, it's holy week so parades in town everyday. Yins are spitting out their 4th and 5th sets of leaves. It's werid the different strains. 4 of the Deep blues are completely yellow... like near white. And then 2 or 3 of the psycho killers are twisted knarled strange looking things. It's a trip to see their differences. The pool has been drained and cleaned. Now they just need to fill it back up and we'll be in business. I head home a week from Friday. Kinda excited, kinda nervous. I've come to enjoy the quiet around here.
hahah it's inevitable man. the atmosphere just walking the streets in the town this week is different everyone feel it. it's crazy.

Completely yellow sounds not good to me lad. you feeding them anything yet? or was the potting soil already jacked with stuff?

great news on the pool man! you'll be in there daily when that's done! and it'll be great to see the girls again man.
Weird ain't it ghb. There's 4 that look exactly the same. They seem healthy, and are growing just fine... just absolutely no green whatsoever. I'll need a bottle of calmag just for the 4 of them.

Everyone's getting their first feed today. Except the seedlings that were popped later.

And a correction, it is the Engineers dreams with the funky leaves, not the psycho killers.

I guess it will be good to see the ladies. I'm a bit worried though. Might drive me nuts being with the wife, the baby, and the mother in law after being able to sleep whenever I want, no one jabbering, etc. LOL And then there's the whole leaving them again bit. Ah well, such is life. It's a lot better than saying goodbye to them because I'm off to serve a few years in the joint.
almost albino wouldn't you say? healthy in every aspect except the colour.

you got canna nutes? you should have been feeding them earlier if they were getting pale, i'd give 2-3ml per L of coco A+B to the hungry looking ones.
Live and learn. They have been pale since they popped out the soil. I should have feed the whole lot last watering.

Where were you 2 days ago? ;)

EDIT: I'm using BioNova one part stuff. It's 7-3-6. Going 5 ml / L for the albinos. Ha... that is what they are like tbh.