BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D


Well-Known Member
I would not be able to wait.. I would have done something before it arrived, and if i had to pic it up at the post office- You would see me in the car outside with a blowtorch ;) haha j/k
You still waiting on thermos? or just the butane?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
no man i'm set got the thermos, butane, torch, globe rig. trim in the freezer but i've just not had chance. i need daylight and ethenol. which may be home soon.;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
apparently you must season the nail though?! which seems like a massive waste to me so i'm just going to let some of the stuff i was adding to the e cig pen stuff to dab/waste:roll:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
apparently you must season the nail though?! which seems like a massive waste to me so i'm just going to let some of the stuff i was adding to the e cig pen stuff dry to dab/waste:roll:


Well-Known Member
Just wait for the nail to cool down a little the first few times well fuk I alaways do now. Cause it flashes off to fast can ya Dig me Don??


Well-Known Member
Yeah your dome will become splattered if you go too hard the first few times. Gotta season it so it doesnt taste like metal/splatter everywhere. After that though it should work fine.


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube_share;kNzlfpJjdvI][/video] I went to this much better than the dome

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
[video=youtube_share;kNzlfpJjdvI][/video] I went to this much better than the dome
man, i had to turn the sound off guy was doing my head in lol. i've previously been of the school of thought that there's always going to be some new fangled way to complicate smoking shit, but i have to say i'm really interested in vaping. my buddy had a flight box and it wasn't really my thing i hear good things about davinci's but i figured fuck it i smoke mostly in the house or joints outside and a new volcano is crazy money for what they are.
i have been looking at this type but i have eyed the ones like hemlock has as well
I really ummed and aaah'd about getting the domeless one seemed much less work.

can anyone answer me why the Ti nail has an adjustable screw?


Well-Known Member
I'll second you on the annoying dude, lol...sounds like he needs to take a hit toute suite, hyper mofo, lol....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye was a bit like a kid at christmas eh.

in other news i might have licked the gnats in the veg area though the fuckers are still in flower. and them yellow strips you hang don't work for shit.

REMINDER: go back and work out how longs left on next lot


Well-Known Member
Put the yellow traps on top of your pots
but only peel one side. You'll catch the
adults as they hatch and can't fly properly
or mate yet.
They don't seem to have done any damage.
Your plants look fine to me.

Ps sticky side up or you'll get crap all over it

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
by counting back the pages the first pic i can see of the next lot to come out is page 85, 1/3/14 THEY LOOK QUITE FAR ON FOR HAVING ANOTHER 4OR 5 WEEKS TO GO UNLESS I'M A LUCKy boy and get some absolute stonkers.