BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i knew there'd be religion at the cause of the problem somehow... i remember passing through states trying to get to a liquor store before they shut at 5pm lol.

i'd be making pruno within a month if i lived in those states lol.


Well-Known Member
not here these people will pop a beer going the truck at the store. no blue laws you can get what you want.


Well-Known Member
I was surprised that there are also some alcohol free areas down in South Africa, whole villages and small towns that don't allow alcohol sales. And then you have Shebeens in the townships:shock:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Religion is the root of all evil!
never a truer few words spoken.
I had some interesting moonshine this weekend, I think it was made from pineapple.
ananas! lol. i love how we are the only country in the world to call them pineapple.
I had some moonshine in North Carolina that to this day was some of the smoothest hard alcohol I have ever sampled. It was clear and in a mason jar :)
if you're gonna do wrong do wrong right!!
not here these people will pop a beer going the truck at the store. no blue laws you can get what you want.
that's the state for me. is mmj legal? can i carry concealed?
I was surprised that there are also some alcohol free areas down in South Africa, whole villages and small towns that don't allow alcohol sales. And then you have Shebeens in the townships:shock:
war gin man friggin war gin :( waregi

well i'm offline for a few days, might steal a few moments to keep up but i'll be back sunday. stay lit peeps


Well-Known Member
good luck with those teachers geez!!! by the time you are back it'll be countdown time to the next BB excursion:)


Well-Known Member
What strain is conkers?
Horse Chestnut tree mate:) conkers is a game that most boys from the UK with access to horse chestnut trees would play.....we use the word to describe what is more commonly called "webbed", or in this case a hybrid webbed and pinnate fan leaf.


Well-Known Member
that's the state for me. is mmj legal? can i carry concealed?

no mj is not legal, but things are changing. they are lowering the punishment here. yes you can carry here this is the south man
2nd amendment boys.


Well-Known Member
Conkers IS the game! You take the seed from the horse chestnut tree, dry it out (some varnish theirs, dip them in vinegar, all sorts of tricks to make em harder), then you put a string through the middle of the seed (trying deperately not to split it when doing that), then you go up against a foe with a similar conker, each boy holds the conker by the string at arms length with the seed hanging down on the end of the string, then the opponent swings his conker trying to hit the oppositions conker as hard as possible (in order to break it). Whoever smashes the other conker first wins the match:)
What was the game?


Well-Known Member
Alrighty folk's, just in time for the conker's crack! I would spend day's throwing stick's or climbing the tree's to get the biggie's, to find out they were'nt ready to play with :-(
and the vinegar and varnish job to harden them lol, sore fekkin knuckles though!
That was a conker fan there Donny, what was that one ? You hit the psyco with the fireball's yet? I just recieved some fireball's, Platinum fire and SSk ? going to have to ask about they one's.
Just passed the vegging plant's i had on to flower at a friend's and going to pop a few of these and pick another couple out the stasche! Between this pain in the arse blowback order and not being too well ive failed to set up my fan/filter ect.... but up early, eager and excited to open the new set-up :-) It's deff. an all or nothing grow, i wouldnt pass go or collect 200 this time! But what else am i going to do, vegging small thing's is no difference if it goes bad, just trying to figure out how to close up my cab and keep my temp's ok, think the fan i have might be a bit overkill and have to make air-way's somewhere. I'll have it rocking soon lmbo.
Been waiting on this Casey Jones and Extreama coming ready for wee while now, shouldn't be much longer................

So i hear yous have an excursion coming up, any chance of a sun tan while there haha! Sound's like it will be a blast!