Good Luck on Pheno Hunting Bro. I'm stoked to running the Smelly Cherry. Pics at Bloom
fuck yeah when i find the stud n housewife shit's on man. i've been thinking i should reveisit the smelly cherry a while now but as it never really sells well thought better of it. but i know with a bit more work it'll come up trumps.
First row sports all the way!! Anybody going to watch the gunners game?? Ive been an arsenal fan for about 10years now, since i was 14, and although the past few seasons havent been great we are building to what can be called strong title contenders! A lot of people are abusing wenger and his policy and its fair to do that seeing as we havent won anything in a while. But all you gunners should have faith. He did state in the pre match conference that he is lurking and eyeing up talent. Remember last year with Santi?? Turned out to be the best player for arsenal last season. I have faith and i trust wenger will do whats needed to be done.
Now on signing a defensive midfielder would be great it would surely mean that either Jack or arteta could be bench players. Arteta after Vermaelen is the most senior and holds the captaincy. he did well with it last year so it will be interesting to see how the team develops with new players.
Don your veggies are looking very very nice so far

Those are some tomatoes on steroids! How do they taste?
your gonna fit in well here jasp lad, we love footy, weed, women, beer and veggies not necessarily in that order.... am gonna try n get to some away games this year if i can get the points/money up to do it.
I'm going to our pre season friendly next week NUFC vs Braga, hope our boys have their heads screwed on braga are no mugs. just praying our late offer tactics will work, and we don't sell any more fucking solid players.
@Fred if old 'Arry gets barton to stop you'll bounce back up no bother. in fact i'm going to put a bet on they go straight back up their squad is full of great talent. next year come up watch the game n i'll come doon if you fancy it, know your more a cricket man.
the veggies taste awesome man, the sun yellow toms are so sweet the dolce's are a close second but they make up for it in size and the beefsteaks are ok in thick slathers on yer BBq'd burger. the peppers are sweet the chilli's are too hot for me barring the hungarian waxers
made this yesterday:
chorizo and chicken tinfoil baked to keep the moisture and steam in the chorizo oil, on salad from the garden, dressing was balsamic with added olive oil herbs but alas i had used the lemon in drinks
Hÿdra;9426283 said:
i get the feeling this dude is one helluva guy....
we're all in our own way special, hahahha some more than others....
Omg, with that bike don is almost a hipster lmfao
hadaway n shite yee. Don't be dissing cherry-anne! nee bobble hats round here lmao. though the missus was quite taken with thebike bird who won british gold's bike, pendleton her name was, looks like the clunkers you see all over the dam, i was like they want 300 pound for one hahahaaaahhahahhh
bad news last night, my mother lost her case, some kid threw a cup of water over her so instinctively she threw the jug over the kid, he didn't press charges but the authority did, ruled against her and now she's sacked with no case again it. not in the union. never going to teach or work with kids again. 7 years to retirement. no way to support themselves, i could and have cried.
dads on loopy pills to stop him gettin aggy, they kicked him off benefits like every one else n when he took the docs note to say look i should be on permanent disability( some diabetes meds they gave him fucked his legs up so he can't stand long periods) the fuckers turned round and said you aint paid enough stamp your not entitled to claim for anything.
can't go to the local paper as she's on official secrets act ffs. kills me to see honest people like that who have worked for their lives get shit on like this. fucksake my dads only been out of work 10 year. i've told em get a tent & get on it. get on the fiddle like every fucker else claim as much as you can. and normally i'm the one who goes mental about freeloading spongers off the state.
sorry for sharing this here but i if i talk to my normal mates i'll fall apart in tears or do as i have been the last week get off my face. 4 outta 7 i've woke up on the couch this week. aint helping no one.