BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mate my life is like this on the regular. i'm trying to figure out the best plan for the ones left, they look like shit but i'm going to pot them into 10L's and drown the coco before i go maybe leave an inch water in the tray so they can leach it and hopefully i won't need a sitter, but weather depending i.e if it's sunny someone will have to come and water the tomato's n chilli's cos they're drinking every other day. or i could do the same with them and leave a good drink in their tray. i dunno.

looking at what's left i kinda want to put them out of their misery but i haven't got time to chop them. lol merry go round or what. reet work emails done gotta chop a deep blue then get me haircut afore heading to graft picking up a case of empties and making beer tonight. fuck i need a holiday. i'll not know myself doing nowt for a week

mr west

Well-Known Member
aww i was hoping urd catch a fish as long as u r tall and a classic pic of u and it and big chesey grins lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
me too mate believe you me, ive wanted to since last year in florida and er landed just in time for the hurricane so that was a non starter too. it's on the bucket list, i want to noodle catfish, barehanded natcho;) spear gun fishing and big game, i wanna be strapped in to the chair with a marlin pulling the boat out to sea. not quite hemming way style hopefully lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Lol I have never liked killing things apart from bluebottles. I remember when we had chickens, had to get my mate to come an ring the necks of the young males. Messy shit.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
update :

Deep blue, i thought i'd snapped the main cola but the resilient bitch just topped and the bit i snapped died. fair bit of pm i had to just bin or trim to put in the hash bags

the rest are a sorry state got to pot these into 10L and drench em so the care taker should only have to visit a couple of times a week ( under the pretense he's watering the tommies lmao)


if i get time i'll snap some of the veggies they are looking fucking great lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i've kept a bit of the dog but tbh hands down my personal choice the dippy is a blinder. really nice high almost euphoric or some shit. deep blue has been speed dried unfortunately but it is what it is. it's been periodically toasted shall we say ffs.

what i've kept of the dog
way too strong for me.

tray of deeb blue:


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
done some general housekeeping, my tent's always a mess with these airpots half lifted a pot by it's stump from an old dead one and the rooball came away in me hand, the whole place showered with bone dry coco. looked like the desert.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
my sleep patter is so fucked up it's not funny, i've been waking at half 3-4 for the last few nights. been gardening in the tent since haha.

well finally did it. ish, asked my gf's dad for her hand in marriage and he said YES!!!! i was so excited i told my gf though lmao who promptly told me it wasn't a proposal til she sees a ring lmao i told her it might be a while unless she wants a tap washer with a diamante glued on.

the garden is in better shape now, i've upcanned and waterlogged them, they should be fine when i get home in a week. have got a sitter coming in to keep an eye n made him up a weak bicarb spray just in case.

left to right psycho killer lemon pledge pheno fo sho! :cry: fingerez in the middle and deep blue to the right, looks like it's going to give a good weight.


it ain't pretty but the smelly fingerez seems pm resistant the other lemon pledge not so sure, all the fans are burnt to a crisp with the treatment but it smells incredible so it's getting a bit longer lol at the very worst there's going to be a funk bubble run pretty soon lol.

right got to get ready, pack sell some tweed for spending money and get to the airport by 3. neee botha :shock:

see you all in a week for the final update to this ill fated journal!


Well-Known Member
Big Congrats mate. Thats wonderful news. Still remember asking my lady's dad for her hand. Was more nervous than asking her. Really chuffed for you man. Great work!

Dog is too strong for me as well.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations! That's just great news!
All the best to both of you, have a fantastic well deserved vacation.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Nice one donny mate, Ive never met the princesses farther lol least asked his permission to marry his daughter. It kinda happened when hatty was born on our way home as a family I said to lgp, "Spose we better get married then eh?" an she said if u want lol.