my sleep patter is so fucked up it's not funny, i've been waking at half 3-4 for the last few nights. been gardening in the tent since haha.
well finally did it. ish, asked my gf's dad for her hand in marriage and he said YES!!!! i was so excited i told my gf though lmao who promptly told me it wasn't a proposal til she sees a ring lmao i told her it might be a while unless she wants a tap washer with a diamante glued on.
the garden is in better shape now, i've upcanned and waterlogged them, they should be fine when i get home in a week. have got a sitter coming in to keep an eye n made him up a weak bicarb spray just in case.
left to right psycho killer lemon pledge pheno fo sho!

fingerez in the middle and deep blue to the right, looks like it's going to give a good weight.

it ain't pretty but the smelly fingerez seems pm resistant the other lemon pledge not so sure, all the fans are burnt to a crisp with the treatment but it smells incredible so it's getting a bit longer lol at the very worst there's going to be a funk bubble run pretty soon lol.
right got to get ready, pack sell some tweed for spending money and get to the airport by 3. neee botha
see you all in a week for the final update to this ill fated journal!