i tried allsorts before i got rid. that stuff you sent me is probably as good as any of the sprays. it's all about breaking the cycle mate. you have to get the girls out and thoroughly pray every nook n cranny. it's a right chore, then repeat i think every 3 days (also they get immune to certain things, the little shits) . i hear sulfur bombs are good but you won't get them in uk. don't bother with predator mites or ladybirds, waste of time. a combo of treatments spread over their cycle is best imo.
i saw spider mites on my chilli's yesterday and i think the thrips or some sort of aphid are in there too. they fucking love my tommies

made 3 chilli strings yesterday got a boatload of them. and against better judgement i'll be going to the chilli festival this weekend

that should kill the tunisian tummy i've had all week. or me whichever comes first...
good luck rasc lad!