BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D


Well-Known Member
I'm not one of those "connected" folks, I don't have access to dispensaries and the like. A bit para to try and get something like that sent to me. I'm patient though and there are a load of bits to try in the meantime. Thanks for thinking of my options though! ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
help where i can man ;)

and now for something a bit different....

my buddy is growing a strain i made a while back but it's never done polyploid before, he's stressed them by underfeeding as he's got a newborn to look after which is understandably more important but check it.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well i put her together so i'm quite fond of her lol. it's fruity and cheesy, often pink. not too heavy indica, nice hybrid smoke. apparently good for ladies cramp!?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye it's a bonnie one, he's been growing it for over a year and never had this happen.

much like you guys there was no decent source round my way apart from one guy who would rob us blind on weights so i became my own supply too and put that mofo out of business. literally a year after my circle stopped buying from him he had to get a job. kind of a reverse biting the hand that feeds imo. he bit the hand he fed too many times lmao.

i'm passing on the blunt cheers SupaM off swimming this morning.. last night i hit a half a bowl and my joints just went spasm tastic. :cry: docs this after, see if the fucker will finally refer me to someone who knows more than him...

have a good one peeps.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ok ringing the changes, germingwe now have

3 breedersboutique 'blue pit'
3 GGG 'pepe le dank'
3 breedersboutique 'smelly dog' ( smelly cherry x Dog )
3 BreedersBoutique Black SS ( hemlock's handiwork )

hoping for a few males here n there or i'll have waaaay too many gals

swimming was a reet balls up. all lanes full, 2 to some lanes and gaggles of old buggers just milling about at the end of lanes, talking about the deals on cakes and shit in morrisons and two fat slags being chatted up by some wrinkly old codger in speedo's :spew: i managed half a dozen lengths by crossing lanes with a guy and fucked it off n sat in the sauna/steam room for half an hour.

can;t wait for the school holidays wrinklies and little shits. i think i'll start swimming down the tyne to work instead.


Well-Known Member
Damn Don I didn't know she was your baby. It was really the strain I wanted to germ the most the first time but some friends wanted other strains. So my third round will probably be my favorite. I may be getting some GGG as well so looking forward to that as well. That smelly dog sounds like it would be great.

I can't wait til I can start breeding a bit. I love the growing phase more than I do the harvesting if that sounds odd enough. lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha if ya don't know now ya know nigguuuh! Lol Man nothing sounds odd these days, I love growing more than smoking it, don't mind trimming, get in my zone iPod on n have some me time lol. Anyone can grow weed, growing awesome weed is an art form. I'm still amateur compared to a lot of guys who post here and the 600 club.

I still need to play out the f4's and do a full seed run. Tho folks don't exactly go nuts for it. Think most smokers want badass strength indica. Hence the new run is a heavy hitters.

I'm excited to see what comes of the smelly dog. If its pink I'm renaming it pink poodle lol.


Well-Known Member
Ok BIG. hah. Sounds like exactly what I did my last harvest. Just had some tunes on jamming. I'm not generally a huge fan of strong indicas but I'm beginning to dabble more from here on out. Pink poodle. What about red nose since there's already blue pit?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah believe me sweety i got enough to feed tha needy. love BIG.

red nose eh, i reckon they'll be a nice shade in the winter months but not so much right now.

well i have to go dismantle the cool tube and change a bulb before they're due on... laters man

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member


so here's half the update as the card reader is on the fritz :( getting a new work pc next week with a built in reader.

Critical Jack

A Male Deep blue, great structure, looks indica as fook. always the best lookers that tun male ffs. going to let him hang around a while and stick him in his own wank tank later.


Dippy about 5 days flipped.

the other pics were of the now not so cramped veg space and the not very massive DWC buds, that's all on me, haven't ph'd it or looked after it well tbh. hydro is a lot more work than coco.

tent's full again and perpetual is back on track, thank fuck. going to be a bit of a gap but i'm closing it with each rotation.


mr west

Well-Known Member
Very Narse mate, Im slowly getting back up to speed I just need to pot on a gazillion criters. Thinking of mixing compo and coco again see what i get.

mr west

Well-Known Member
jus coming to the end of 5ltr of plant majic, ill buy canna when im out unless u have a good suggestion?

mr west

Well-Known Member
Cant think how long ive had the plant majic but it was bk at the flat when i bought it lol.that was over a year ago