BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D


Well-Known Member
biggie got that one from him though don, as with most of his stuff it wasn't exactly original, but he made it so. that why he still gets more airplay than tupac even though he sold less than a third the albums tupac did.

oscar my knob is 12" on flop btw :lol:


Well-Known Member
Your moms'll set that ass up, properly gassed up Hoodie to mask up, shit, for that fast buck
she be laying in the bushes to light that ass up.

#4 i know you heard this before............


Well-Known Member
has this thread suddenly turned into the uk growers thread???
Oh yeh u want some. U cant grow 4 shit n I
got more bigga guns than u got. I jus gotta get
sum bullets n then ill blam in your face.

i might even shoot you after I've blammed
in your face lol

@Don KRS One said that in '88 when Smalls
was merely chubby lol


Well-Known Member
biggie got that one from him though don, as with most of his stuff it wasn't exactly original, but he made it so. that why he still gets more airplay than tupac even though he sold less than a third the albums tupac did.

oscar my knob is 12" on flop btw :lol:
i wish mine was 12 inches instead of this
fucking great thing.


Well-Known Member
schooled on hip hop:( and in my own thread.... oh the shame.

well, i wonder if Cardiff will knock us out the tin cup today.
I hope you win and knock Cardiff out and
that causes a slide to relegation so it teaches
the owner a lesson. He is everything that is
wrong with the game.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Well it will make no difference where you're going. They don't watch much soccer/footie in Oregon
they will when i get there :)
I hope you win and knock Cardiff out and
that causes a slide to relegation so it teaches
the owner a lesson. He is everything that is
wrong with the game.
do you mean our owner or Cardiff's??!?! that statement could be aimed at both teams...
they deserved it tbh. toon were shite, second half was woeful. it didn't help the ref was making shocking decisions but can't knock cardiff. their support were FAF too.

guess we can concentrate on the PL now though..... lolz


Well-Known Member
i almost wish we got knocked out don, the fa cup has had me heartbroken a couple of times recently.

we need to finish in the top 5, that is all that matters!

i would love to win the cup don't get me wrong, but realistically you need a lot of luck and you need to apply all your energy to it.

you alright this sunday? it must have been a light one for you.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
see toon fans are used to heartbreak. practically every season. most are happy if we're top half finish, kinda set your sights low and you won't be too disappointed sorta thing.. christ last season we just scraped into europe and then fielded shit teams in the games. what's the point in that ffs.

and no i'm pretty hanging today. was my cousin's 30th do last night. last thing i remember was drinking champagne out the bottle in the taxi home. had a skinful friday night too. alarmingly i feel better today than i did yesterday. not drinking for a while now though. liver nerds a rest.
all owners of football clubs are in it for one thing to try and make more money and tans no different other than he don't understand the game to well lol
but he can see that Cardiff can be a bigger club than most clubs England with investment the fan base if they do well will be up there with the top 5 teams
and with that comes income and top flight football for a welsh club that all the English clubs hate to see;
tan may not have the football experience of other owners but is In it like all the other owners to try make money
no owner is in it for the love of the game these days
its nice to see two welsh clubs giving you English clubs a go
allways shit on the English side the bridge lol
look out as if Cardiff do well they will be a bigger club than most of English as the fan base will be up there in the top 5 clubs
so look out you English clubs


Well-Known Member
That two days short of eight weeks. It'll get ripen for nine days then chopped at nine weeks.No point leaving it any longer. Its as done as its going to be at nine weeks