BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

mebbys should a had a spoons breakie fog mind. but meh one line i can still polish off bacon and eggs lol.

on the rather disappointing side, I found a few adult flies on top of the coco right next to the hot shot strip ffs. I dunno what to do man, last time this happened i got shot of every plant and bleached the fuckin room down.
I've had good luck getting rid of fungus gnats with a product called mosquito dunks. They are meant to kill mosquito larvi and contain a bacteria called bti. This also kicks the shit outta the fungus gnat larvi stopping their life cycle. You will still have the adult fliers to contend with , I just put up yellow stickies for them. The best way I've found to use the dunks is to smash them up in small granular pieces. Then I sprinkle the half a teaspoon of it on the top layer of your grow medium. Every time you water for the next couple weeks it will release the bacteria thus infecting the larvae and killing off your problem. After 2 weeks add another half a teaspoon.
Also a layer of sand on top of your medium will trick the adults into thinking it's to dry to lay eggs. Diatomacious earth is good stuff to , only if it's dry though. Kills the little bastards by death of 1000 cuts.
Tried DE stuff, layers of sand does nowt as they simply go to the base of the pots which I then duly buried the pots in sand.

Its literally the few larvae under the pots in the saucers. Which I wash out each day. I've crumbled up loads of the dunks to go into the saucers and doubled up and top dressed the coco.

I dint get it, the larvae shouldn't be able to reproduce on their own at that stage.

Next week nematodes and pred mites.

Lax gnatrol should be what is active ingredient in the dunks bri or whatever.

Pruned a bit more out today with I had a few more ft.
I can send you some nematodes if you want. One pack is meant to do a huge area.
I normally mix them up in a jug and pour it on to the roots but I'll have to separate them into eight portions then pour into each pot. I don't have gnats at the moment but I treat for everything as a precaution image.jpg
I just noticed I better shove them in tomorrow or today. It also says ten million which I presume is how many is in a pack
It won't be a full pack as that's the only one I've got but I'll gladly share it. Like I said they go a long way. One pack does an acre or something ridiculous like that
An acre lmao I only got 3*3 hahaha cheers lad. Am away to pick up a sample off Yorkie, cant wait. Am sat with my best mates and their bairns and its doing my fuckin swede in.
Lol no he's been running jack frost. Rock hard frosty nugs I thought it was cos they been vac packed but it ain't they're just dense as fook.

Few different numbered phenos but they pretty uniform all hard and frosty as mostly keepers out his bag he said but expensive pips man
Mosquito. after checking the trays under them the additional crumbled up dunks seem to have them dispersed I have a feeling they'll have just fallen back to just inside the pots.
it's freaking me out more not having the ventilation running to make tyhe hot shot strip work. I put it on for an hour last night to change the air but who knows if that was the worst idea or best haha. past caring now they're flipped come what may!