BB & SSH Hydro Grow

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Here is the new setup. It is basically a recirculating DWC. About 1/2 gal with air stone in the bucket and 6 gal with air stone in the res. All three air pumps are rated for 30-60 gallon fish tank. The 2 gal were getting way to small and could not hold enough water to keep things even for more than 1 day. Got a cheap ppm meter this week and found I had my nutes way to high. 2400 PLUS!!! I might convert this to a drip system later. That's why I did it this way instead of 1 big tub. Plus with this the water level is always the same, no fluctuating up and down. I saw a really good thread on water levels and will post it next. It would work with the system just the way it is. I would just need a bigger pump and put drippers on the lines.. I can also add more buckets to the system also. Gotta have room for expansion right? And these are the two girls I have in it.



Well-Known Member
Here is the new setup. It is basically a recirculating DWC. About 1/2 gal with air stone in the bucket and 6 gal with air stone in the res. All three air pumps are rated for 30-60 gallon fish tank. The 2 gal were getting way to small and could not hold enough water to keep things even for more than 1 day. Got a cheap ppm meter this week and found I had my nutes way to high. 2400 PLUS!!! I might convert this to a drip system later. That's why I did it this way instead of 1 big tub. Plus with this the water level is always the same, no fluctuating up and down. I saw a really good thread on water levels and will post it next. It would work with the system just the way it is. I would just need a bigger pump and put drippers on the lines.. I can also add more buckets to the system also. Gotta have room for expansion right? And these are the two girls I have in it.
Thats a real nice setup you got there. The plants look good, too. Dont feel bad, i have a ppm meter and i think i burnt the sht outta mine too... I think they will be ok though, their still young.


Well-Known Member
I got a 3 gallon bucket setup now. Its looking like a cleaner and more professional setup now. My nutes are up to 1500ppm and so im going to watch very carefully for nute burn over the next day. I had to cut a whole in the new net pot so that i can squeeze the roots thru it.

Ill be posting a video shortly....
Dam thats a nice setup too, all these new containers and setups are making me want to build some new sht...

You just need one air stone in there? How big is the root ball on her?


Well-Known Member
Here's a better pic of inside the buckets. Was in a hurry yesterday and didn't get them. Needed to finish before people came over.
I really like how you built the buckets right into the wood, looks clean and neat.

Good info on water level also.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Ya, I like having as much as I can out of sight and out of the way. I need the inflow tube on top though so when I decide what I want to do it will need to be on top of the clay. I don't think they look to bad for all the nutes they had. They were looking fantastic until a couple weeks ago. Theres going to be some big buds on those 2. Gave them a really good flush along with all my other ones. So what are you going to build roll?


Well-Known Member
Yah dude and I totally appreciate you saving me hours of work and some cash... Ill pay you back someday .... Im trying to grasp the concept of your flow system but can you elaborate on how the water system works.

Cool man, I did my conversion to day also and will post some pics soon. Wasn't someone saying you should go to much smaller container early on?? Good work though. I know a lot has to due with only one plant now but it will be easier to deal with.


Well-Known Member
yah dude this new setup is really cool and easy to work with. the root ball is around 2-3 ft long. You can see it on the video on my earlier post. What type of setup are you wanting

Dam thats a nice setup too, all these new containers and setups are making me want to build some new sht...

You just need one air stone in there? How big is the root ball on her?


Well-Known Member
Nice video greenearth, did i ever mention that fckin thing is HUGE!!!!!

"So what are you going to build roll?" Thats a good question, i have no idea yet, i just put my 6 into a 10 gallon container. Depending on how many females i get, ill have to wait a bit.... they are only 29 days old and i believe im seein some balls formin..... ill keep you guys updated.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Yah dude and I totally appreciate you saving me hours of work and some cash... Ill pay you back someday .... Im trying to grasp the concept of your flow system but can you elaborate on how the water system works.
In the buckets I have the drain with the riser on it and the other one drains the bucket to the bottom. That is what the red valves are on. That way if I want to drain the whole bucket I can. The system is kinda like a couple different types together I think. I have the water running through the buckets all the time like a nutrient film techniqe, with it coming in on one side of the bucket and draining out the other. But I keep the water higher like in a DWC. The net pot is 4 1/2 inches from the bottom of the bucket and I have the water level at 2 1/4 deep. With a separate stone and air pump for each bucket and another one in the tank. The water comes in from the top side of the bucket but does not spray on the roots. But I may change that. Not sure yet.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Sometimes, but I try not to. Mostly just when leaves get to bad. Maybe if the plant gets really bushy and not much light can get into the middle parts of the plants. Maybe 15 to 20% off the outer layer.


Well-Known Member
its getting bush enough to start blocking the light off from some of the buds.. i was thinking about cutting 20% of all the leafes off

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
They look a little like mine were getting when my nutes were sky high. I would try cutting back a little on the nutes, Maybe 1200 or so. The only thing is the damaged leaves won't get better so keep track that it doesn't spread and watch the new growth. The only other thing I would say is a calcium deficiency. I read a thread that suggested that if you use distilled water you should use Calmag as an additive. This is the thread:


Well-Known Member
i was suspecting nute burn... im going to change the water tonight.. thanks god i have a 3 gallon res lol

EDIT: Im also getting brown spots on the tips of the long white hairs on my bud...