• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

BB & SSH Hydro Grow


Well-Known Member
Thx hash, just picked up one of those magnifine galasses on ebay.....Im searching for hairs and have a shitty magnifine glass right now.


Well-Known Member
I believe most anything and most everything Greenman says about growing but I think there is some confusion in regards to using the term potency.

Potency and high THC levels do not always go 100% hand in hand. Durban Poison is considered to be a potent pot and is from an equatorial to semi-tropical region but it has a lower percentage/level of THC compared to many strains that are not considered to be as potent.

The right combination of THC, THCV, CBN, CBD, CBC and CBL create potency.

A landrance sativa from an equatorial region is going to have different percentages of THC, THCV, CBN, CBD, CBC and CBL that different types of marijuana.

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) gets a user high, a larger THC content will produce a stronger high. Without THC you don't get high.

CBD (Cannabidiol) increases some of the effects of THC and decreases other effects of THC. High levels of THC and low levels of CBD contribute to a strong, clear headed, more energetic high.

Cannabis that has a high level of both THC and CBD will produce a strong head-stone that feels almost dreamlike. Cannabis that has low levels of THC and high levels of CBD produces more of a buzz or stoned feeling. The mind feels dull and the body feels tired.

CBN (Cannabinol) is produced as THC ages and breaks down, this process is known as oxidization. High levels of CBN tend to make the user feel messed up rather than high.

CBN levels can be kept to a minimum by storing cannabis products in a dark, cool, airtight environment. marijuana should be dry prior to storage, and may have to be dried again after being stored somewhere that is humid.

THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin) is found primarily in strains of African and Asian cannabis. THCV increases the speed and intensity of THC effects, but also causes the high to end sooner. Weed that smells strong (prior to smoking) might indicate a high level of THCV.

CBC (Cannabichromene) is probably not psychoactive in pure form but is thought to interact with THC to enhance the high.

CBL (Cannabicyclol) is a degradative product like CBN. Light converts CBC to CBL.

If you are a grower, you can experiment with different strains of cannabis to produce the various qualities you seek.

A medical user looking for something with sleep inducing properties might want to produce a crop that has high levels of CBD.

Another user looking for a more energetic stone will want to grow a strain that has high levels of THC and low levels of CBD.

In general, Cannabis sativa has lower levels of CBD and higher levels of THC. Cannabis indica has higher amounts of CBD and lower amounts of THC than sativa.

So all it takes is altering the percentages of the different active ingredients of marijuana and something with a lower level of THC can have a seemingly more potent effect on someone and other times it will work in an opposite manner.

You can take several different strains with 21% THC content and depending on what the percentages of the other active ingredients in the marijuana is one can stand head and shoulders above the rest and one will lag far behind in their effects because certain active ingredients work against others and others work with and increase the effects of others.

That is why a strain like Durban Poison that came from an equatorial to semi-tropical region can have a THC content, depending on whose strain you pick it can run from 5% to 15%, can give you a much more amazing ‘high’ than something with a lot of indica in it that has a 21% THC content.

It is not higher in THC content but the percentages of the different active ingredients on the marijuana work to give you a more soaring more impressive more amazing head high so to the smoker they say, wow this stuff is POTENT even though it is not as high in levels of THC as other stains that they will just say, this stuff is pretty good. And it is that sort of soaring more impressive more amazing clear cerebral head high that landrace sativas from equatorial and semi-tropical regions gives you.


Well-Known Member
hey man. see i gave the info you already know, plus you got more. but my initials were messed up. Def thc is not the only active chemical in mj. This piece you have here describes it perfectly. For sure total thc content is not the most important thing when growing. Its the combination. The only prob is that getting this technical is almost pointless for us as we cant measure any of these things accurately. Or basically at all in the home. Maybe i'll actually look at my weed through a high powered microscope and see what i can see. Maybe youll acyually be able to break the parts down. Good read man. Wish i knew how to use the info. lol


Well-Known Member
im going to take some profesional bud shots next week.. thank god i have a photo journalist as a roommate lol.. i never even thought about askin to borrow his $10K camera, or whatever it cost, to take some bud shots... any suggestions or should i just shoot photos of the bud


Well-Known Member
Man i just got a crazy digital slr camera to use to. had it for the last week but dont know how to convert the files to put on here. I'm working on it. man when you get it on here you can take some nice pics. someone posted on my thread a couple really close up shots and they were nice as could be. get them up man!!! lol

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Yea for 5 bucks, about what a pack of cigs cost nowadays....cant beat it.
Ya, I quite smoking 3 weeks ago. My boss made a deal with me, quite smoking and I would get a 5 dollar an hour raise. With that and not buying cigs really frees up some money to spend on the grow. That's a good incentive to quit. Here in CT they around $6 for brand names.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
hey man. see i gave the info you already know, plus you got more. but my initials were messed up. Def thc is not the only active chemical in mj. This piece you have here describes it perfectly. For sure total thc content is not the most important thing when growing. Its the combination. The only prob is that getting this technical is almost pointless for us as we cant measure any of these things accurately. Or basically at all in the home. Maybe i'll actually look at my weed through a high powered microscope and see what i can see. Maybe youll acyually be able to break the parts down. Good read man. Wish i knew how to use the info. lol
The point would be to buy the seeds for the strain that has the characteristics that you are looking for. And unless you know what you are looking for a high powered microscope wouldn't do any good.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
im going to take some profesional bud shots next week.. thank god i have a photo journalist as a roommate lol.. i never even thought about askin to borrow his $10K camera, or whatever it cost, to take some bud shots... any suggestions or should i just shoot photos of the bud
Come on man, you know what i"ll say to that.LOL Everything looks better with a hot naked chick in the pic, right?? Check out a mag called "Soft Secrets" it's a weed mag and is really pretty good. If you send them pics you can get free seeds!!! If you have any trouble finding it let me know.


Well-Known Member
Ya, I quite smoking 3 weeks ago. My boss made a deal with me, quite smoking and I would get a 5 dollar an hour raise. With that and not buying cigs really frees up some money to spend on the grow. That's a good incentive to quit. Here in CT they around $6 for brand names.
Yea i would deff try to quit for a 5 dollar raise..I do need to quit but not right now, lol

Yea their 4.05 a pack around here, but i buy cartons normally....found this website simplysmoke.com that has name brand smokes (marlboros) for $20 a carton shipped, so i get 3 every 25days. They shipped out but have not got them yet......

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Yea i would deff try to quit for a 5 dollar raise..I do need to quit but not right now, lol

Yea their 4.05 a pack around here, but i buy cartons normally....found this website simplysmoke.com that has name brand smokes (marlboros) for $20 a carton shipped, so i get 3 every 25days. They shipped out but have not got them yet......
Just think of the cool grow stuff you could spend the money on instead.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
That would be a good idea roll, organic tobacco. Without all the chemicals and shit the company"s put in it to make it more addicting.. Then maybe you could smoke it in a vaporizer too


Well-Known Member
I have been a tobacco smoker since i was a kid. I started smoking constantly since i was 14 years old. Well i quit smoking last year for a few months with only have a cig now and then. Currently i quit smoking 5 months ago but last week i had a couple of cigs and i had a few drags last night and this morning. I can not stress has much I want to quit smoking for ever. But I am starting to accept the fact that im an addict for life and that i probably wont quit 100%. I am still not giving up on the idea of quiting all together but i guess as long as i dont start buying packs of smokes then ill be content for the moment. If you guys can quit then do so. Smoking tobacco is extremely dangerous and there really is no benifit unless your addicted and then the only benifit is the calming of the nicotene rushing into your physiological system. Good luck all!


Well-Known Member
Thats does suck. My dumbass started mixing cigs with some weed from florida when i was there. i'm canadian. The weed there looked like road tar so we mixed it. i started this at age 25 and honestly am prob the only person that does this in canada. i dont smoke the cigarettes ever alone but i will literally put tobacco in the pipe with some white widow even just because i want to. why do i want to? i think i'm getting addicted!!!! But everyday i cant make myself puff weed without tobacco in it. my friends hink i'm crazy. I should try to stop. Also anyone trying to quit anything at all. The best way i found is to go on a long vacation. that way you dont have the normal access and your preoccupied. my cruise was the only time i ever went a week without weed. good luck man


Well-Known Member
you are going to kill me!!!! it can be done. but damn!!!!
Structure and Reactions of Chlorophyll

James Steer


Chlorophyll is a green compound found in leaves and green stems of plants. Initially, it was assumed that chlorophyll was a single compound but in 1864 Stokes showed by spectroscopy that chlorophyll was a mixture. If dried leaves are powdered and digested with ethanol, after concentration of the solvent, 'crystalline' chlorophyll is obtained, but if ether or aqueous acetone is used instead of ethanol, the product is 'amorphous' chlorophyll.
In 1912, Willstatter et al. (1) showed that chlorophyll was a mixture of two compounds, chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b:
Chlorophyll-a (C55H72MgN4O5, mol. wt.: 893.49). The methyl group marked with an asterisk is replaced by an aldehyde in chlorophyll-b (C55H70MgN4O6, mol. wt.: 906.51).
The two components were separated by shaking a light petroleum solution of chlorophyll with aqueous methanol: chlorophyll-a remains in the light petroleum but chlorophyll-b is transferred into the aqueous methanol. Cholorophyll-a is a bluish-black solid and cholorophyll-b is a dark green solid, both giving a green solution in organic solutions. In natural chlorophyll there is a ratio of 3 to 1 (of a to b) of the two components.
The intense green colour of chlorophyll is due to its strong absorbencies in the red and blue regions of the spectrum, shown in fig. 1. (2) Because of these absorbencies the light it reflects and transmits appears green.

Fig. 1 - The uv/visible adsorption spectrum for chlorophyll. Due to the green colour of chlorophyll, it has many uses as dyes and pigments. It is used in colouring soaps, oils, waxes and confectionary.
Chlorophyll's most important use, however, is in nature, in photosynthesis. It is capable of channelling the energy of sunlight into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. In this process the energy absorbed by chlorophyll transforms carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen:

CO2 + H2O <IMG alt="------>" src="http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/local/projects/steer/arrow.gif" align=middle> (CH2O) + O2
Note: CH2O is the empirical formula of carbohydrates.

The chemical energy stored by photosynthesis in carbohydrates drives biochemical reactions in nearly all living organisms.
In the photosynthetic reaction electrons are transferred from water to carbon dioxide, that is carbon dioxide is reduced by water. Chlorophyll assists this transfer as when chlorophyll absorbs light energy, an electron in chlorophyll is excited from a lower energy state to a higher energy state. In this higher energy state, this electron is more readily transferred to another molecule. This starts a chain of electron-transfer steps, which ends with an electron being transferred to carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, the chlorophyll which gave up an electron can accept an electron from another molecule. This is the end of a process which starts with the removal of an electron from water. Thus, chlorophyll is at the centre of the photosynthetic oxidation-reduction reaction between carbon dioxide and water.
Simple reactions of chlorophyll

Treatment of cholorophyll-a with acid removes the magnesium ion replacing it with two hydrogen atoms giving an olive-brown solid, phaeophytin-a. Hydrolysis of this (reverse of esterification) splits off phytol and gives phaeophorbide-a. Similar compounds are obtained if chlorophyll-b is used.

Overall reaction scheme for the hydrolysis of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll can also be reacted with a base which yields a series of phyllins, magnesium porphyrin compounds. Treatment of phyllins with acid gives porphyrins.

Overall scheme for the reaction of alkaline with chlorophyll. Extraction of chlorophyll from plants

In plants chlorophyll is associated with specific proteins, for example, chlorophyll-a binding proteins are referred to as CP I, CP 47 and CP 43. With improving biochemical techniques for use on the membrane systems there has been an ever increasing success in the isolation and characterisation of these proteins.
Initially, detergents are used to break down the membrane into fragments, and these fragments are further broken down by the use of different detergents. These detergents work by replacing the membrane lipids which surround integral membrane proteins. The resulting particles are separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (a standard biochemical method) in the presence of sufficient detergent to keep them 'solubilised'. The activity and polypeptide composition can then be assayed as the particle is purified. The detergents work by substituting lipids at different spots in the membrane, this is also affected by the concentration of the detergent. One such detergent that is very commonly used is SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide). This is generally used as it has several advantages over other detergents: the separation can be carried out fairly rapidly and it also gives a good overall picture of the distribution of chlorophyll.
Photosystem I - Fig. 2

Fig. 2 - Photosystem I showing the constituents of PS I-110 particles. This figure shows a schematic representation of the major subfractions that can be isolated from thylakoid membranes. In PS I (photosystem I) an initial solubilisation produces large particles (called PS I-110). These particles contain two chlorophyll-protein complexes: the reaction centre chlorophyll-a protein (CP I) and a chlorophyll a+b complex (LHC I, light-harvesting complex) (3). PS I-110 also contains 6 to 8 polypeptides of lower molecular weight (8 to 25kDa, where 1 dalton=1 a.m.u.) that do not bind to chlorophyll, called Subunits II-VII. CP I, the reaction centre P700 chlorophyll-a protein, can be isolated from any of these mixtures by treatment with SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) or LiDS (lithium dodecyl sulfate) followed by electrophoresis.
Initial experiments done by Ogawa et al.(4) and Thornber (5) isolated two complexes by SDS-PAGE from SDS-solubilised membranes. One of these complexes, CP I, had a high apparent molecular weight and contained only chlorophyll-a. CP I is the most stable of the complexes and retained the photochemical activity of P700, the reaction centre of chlorophyll in PS I. It has a chlorophyll to P700 ratio of ~45 (6, 7, 8, 9, 10) and a beta-carotene to P700 ratio of ~8.
The nature of the reaction centre of chlorophyll, P700, is still unknown, as there is conflicting evidence. It has been suggested that this could be explained if there is a pair of electronically interacting chlorophyll-a molecules in the ground (reduced) state (P700), and that the unpaired electron of the P700+ (oxidised) state is localised on only one of the chlorophyll's (11). The other 40 to 50 chlorophyll-a molecules of CP I act as antennas, and are thought to be responsible for the 721nm fluorescence emission maximum (12, 13).
Photosystem II - Fig. 3

Fig. 3 - Photosystem II showing the constituents of BBY particles. Improved extraction procedures gave oxygen evolving PS II (photosystem II) particles (BBY's). These particles are large pieces of granal membranes, probably lipid depleted (14, 15, 16, 17). Other detergent treatments have been employed to isolate the core particles from PS II. These core particles contain two reaction chlorophyll-a proteins, CP 47 and CP 43 and several non chlorophyll binding polypeptides (D1, D2), but are free from chlorophyll a+b complexes. Core particles which retain manganese have been successfully isolated with the two chlorophyll-a proteins and a limited number of other polypeptides. CP 47 and CP 43 can be purified from the other components of PS II by the use of SDS-PAGE or HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) but they have no photochemical activity in isolation.
In 1977, a minor chlorophyll-a complex was detected by SDS-PAGE. The complex was rather unstable a contained a much lower percentage chlorophyll than CP I and was named CPa. It was then discovered that CPa was really two complexes: by solubilising thylakoid membranes with octyl gluside (a detergent), Camm and Green (18, 19) demonstrated the presence of the two complexes. These complexes are now named CP 47 and CP 43.
The PS II reaction centre is significantly more complex than the reaction centre of PS I, where P700 is clearly localised on the green complex CP I. P680, the reaction centre chlorophyll of PS II, is difficult to determine because the P680+ Pheo- charge separation decays within a nanosecond. P680 is currently considered to be a chlorophyll-a dimer, at least in the ground state.
Porphyrin derivatives

Chlorophyll is essentially two parts: a substituted porphyrin ring and phytol (the long carbon chain). The porphyrin ring is an excellent chelating ligand, with the four nitrogen atoms binding strongly to a co-ordinated metal atom in a square planar arrangement. There are many examples of this including heme and vitamin B12.
Heme consists of a porphyrin similar to that in chlorophyll but with an iron(II) ion in the centre of the porphyrin. Heme is bright red. In the red blood cells of vertebrates, heme is bound to proteins forming hemoglobin. Hemoglobin combines with oxygen in the lungs, gills, or other respiratory surfaces and releases it in the tissues. In muscle cells, myoglobin, the name given to hemoglobin in muscles, stores oxygen as an electron source for energy-releasing oxidation-reduction reactions.
Vitamin B12 contains a cobalt ion at the centre of the porphyrin. Like heme, vitamin B12 is bright red. It is essential to digestion and nutritional absorption in animals.
Some other examples of porphyrin derivatives are shown below.

A porphyrin ring co-ordinating a copper ion (20, Beilstein registry number: 1168401). Another example is a co-ordinated iron species in which the porphyrin ring is also substituted:

Octamethyltetrabenzoporphyrineisen (II) (21, Beilstein registry number: 1203779).

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I have been a tobacco smoker since i was a kid. I started smoking constantly since i was 14 years old. Well i quit smoking last year for a few months with only have a cig now and then. Currently i quit smoking 5 months ago but last week i had a couple of cigs and i had a few drags last night and this morning. I can not stress has much I want to quit smoking for ever. But I am starting to accept the fact that im an addict for life and that i probably wont quit 100%. I am still not giving up on the idea of quiting all together but i guess as long as i dont start buying packs of smokes then ill be content for the moment. If you guys can quit then do so. Smoking tobacco is extremely dangerous and there really is no benifit unless your addicted and then the only benifit is the calming of the nicotene rushing into your physiological system. Good luck all!
As much as you smoke it doesn't sound like a big deal. Smoking weed is just as bad for you but just does not really get physically addicting. But can be mentally addicting. All the stuff in the weed that burns off of it over a certain temp. Plenty of bad chemicals there too. That is one thing I like about hash, less veg matter to burn. Cooking with it would also be good, I want to try some "Green Dragon". Anybody try that? I want to try a vaporizer. Maybe a small hand held one. Has anyone tried one?