BBB - Bowls Before Bed

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Well-Known Member
Tonight folks, we're smoking some bombies, covered in OG kush keef. We're already pretty fucking high, but we're going to blaze this bowl in honor of the Karmic Rep Love Thread, gone, but not forgotten.


Well-Known Member
It's that time once again....

Tonight we're blazing OG kush bowls....we're very tired, we've been kickin fdd's ass in a smiley war, it's harder than it looks.

I hope I have pleasant dreams...of Stanley.....lmao, I just can't get over it.


Well-Known Member
i had trouble sleeping before i started smoking bowls..And After i took a rip out of my bubbler..*i have a lamp that does different shades of mellow lights every other minute* laid on my bed listening to North american flute music that i picked up at a fair in chicago..and slowly..yet surely...closed my eyes..

try it some time, lying on your bed thinkin of things you wont remember tomarrow and slowly drifting to sleep..awsume durdE!

Birthdays on 4:20

in j0 face!!


Well-Known Member
one the web cam thing is awesome and two I suffer from insomnia and I am glad to have the BBB term because I have to hit it to put me down


Well-Known Member
Aw let's just admit it ... We'd all smoke at any time, any reason,* crack of dawn.. hey dawn how's it going, *fire....light it up man the flames are over there we got time, *cops at door.... light it up man, there's a deadbolt...we got time...well you get it...
.......and proud of it :)


Well-Known Member
lol, true. Once my friend wanted to get some good shots of smoke, so she had me at her pad, rippin bong loads and blowing the smoke for her to take pictures. The coolest part, is she's a real photographer, like she went to school for it, graduated, did an internship with a celebrity photography she's for real. lol, blazing bowls for artistic purposes is pretty fun.

I got SO fucking high, I started getting dizzy and had to lay down until the room stopped spinning.


Well-Known Member
I do at least a good hit or two before bed, just to make sure I sleep well.

I had a reaction a few years ago to an anti-depressant that fucked me up (I might as well have been doing meth I didnt sleep for almost 7 days..), so they put me on ambien to even get me to sleep, I don't have dependence on it but I just have had bad sleeping even years after its happened.

Bowls before bed make me sleep so well, but it also got me to where I can sleep naturally with no problems


Well-Known Member
I too smoke EVERy night before bed, I'll light some bowls then watch tv till I fade. Been doing it for years.

I never wake up once in the night, and I get a wonderful nights sleep, I have wonderful mornings knowing I slept like a baby.


Well-Known Member
DAYUM, new job means I have to get up early...meaning I have to go to bed earlier. Since I'm not tired, bowls before bed is what I'm counting on to get me to sleep tonight.

Tonight we're smoking more of the keefy bombies. Gonna have to rip the bong to get uber faded to crash out.

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