BBG (Baisic Bagseed Grow)


Well-Known Member
Lol. thought it might be MG. Pretty high numbers - you might want to run at 1/4 strength the entire time.


Well-Known Member
ok, thanks for the tip. i used the 10-52-10 this summer and my plants loved it but only got up to full strength towards the end of the grow so never really got to see if there were any negative effects


Well-Known Member
well after a bit of debating i took my strongest plant and did some LSTing and placed the ScROG screen i had made earlier over it, lets hope this one is a girl because its going to fill this screen up nicely in about another week



Well-Known Member
thanks man should know soon...i hope. my next project is a caulking gun and some silicone for att he edges of the cab, kill them light leaks and make it so no smelly air is escaping.


Well-Known Member
I think you'll like the lst bro! It'll help fill that screen out for sure. You tied the main top down right? When you have.the main top lower than the side branching it redirects the auxins (growth hormone I think) to the side branching making them think they are tops too. I just couldn't tell what exactly you tied down? starting to get real exciting.


Well-Known Member
well im kinda bummed, one of my tops broke. i set it up so that the wound is back in place the best i could. hoping she heals up herself. if not ill take it as a clone


Well-Known Member
That's lame bro. Hopefully she mends herself quickly!
yeah hopefully, i guess it dosent matter tho. not sure what will happen with the top now but i may just toss some cloneing powder on it and sow it right into the same pot the mother is in and let it grow up through the screen. i dont want to mess with them right now and i have class soon so im going to take them out when i get home before lights out and get some pics and maybe try and plant it. right now i have about 9 other tops that are going to grow through the screen. really wish these ladies would show me what sex they are so i can clear up some room in my cab. once i clear up enough room im going to put the slider in and start working on the vegg room. maybe even take some clones from a female and put them in the vegg room.


Well-Known Member
dam my neigbors have been jacking my interwebz had to put a password on it.

really pisses me off when people use my shit and suck up all my bandwith, i mean i dont care if they use it to surf the web and play facebook games but gaurentee they are streaming movies or downloading tunes


Well-Known Member
Heres the "girls" (i hope)

and below is the poor top that got broken, should have done something with it when i noticed it now its abit droopy. probally wont root but worth a shot.



Well-Known Member
the first pic is a pic of the "Main top" its not quite below the rest but i want it to grow into the screen, right now i can put at least 4 tops through the screen but im trying to let them grow a bit and place them in the outermost holes so that i can put any new growth into the middle holes.

the top is weak right now but going to tie it down to the rim of the pot tomorow and let it keep growing around untill it stops then i will pluck it up through a hole.


Well-Known Member
dam my neigbors have been jacking my interwebz had to put a password on it.

really pisses me off when people use my shit and suck up all my bandwith, i mean i dont care if they use it to surf the web and play facebook games but gaurentee they are streaming movies or downloading tunes
Which is why, along with a password, my network SSID is "Nachos" - Not yours... LOL