BBG (Baisic Bagseed Grow)


Well-Known Member
The copper shouldn't hurt them too much but you might think about using a nickle - slightly less reactive.

Cucumbers can definitely be trained. Most cucumber growers I know train them onto a trellis or fence as they are great climbers. Might considering training the plant up and over the top of your enclosure - they would likely receive enough light being above your plants/light and would not take away from lower grow area. Pretty cool to open it up your cab and see a bunch of hanging fruits :)


Well-Known Member
the thing is i dont have them in my cab, they are in the livingroom so the kids can watch them grow, i dont allow the kids to mess with the Cab lol

i was thinking of building something for them to climp cuz they are producing alot fo them "feelers" looking for a spot to get up. maybe ill let them climb the window blinds lol


Weed Modifier
woot glad to have you aboard, i seen you in Perkles journal and a few other places around here and have seen good info come from you so it will be a pleasure to have you along. i can always use some good advice :)
Thank you :mrgreen: I'll be watching.


Well-Known Member
Pretty looking tent but you can get the equivalent on ebay for $120. I guess they don't have clear windows though :( I wish my tent had a window.

HAHAHA i love that but i dont know what ppl would think if they walked in my spare room and saw a big ass BLack Tent in there lol

Dark room, duh. You're a photography enthusiast remember? Guess what the DR in the DR180, DR400... stands for. Dark room ;) Can't open the doors to show your guests because you have film developing! And those nasty chemicals are why you require a carbon scrubber...


Well-Known Member
ill just tell my friends im growing pot, since most of them come smoke it with me when its all done i dont think they will care lol


Well-Known Member
I must smoke too much. I'm so paranoid that I don't even show my tent to any of my stoner buddies but one. The rest know I grow but I guess they just assume I have two houses? Or pull it out of my ass?

Jeez, get robbed once and suddenly everyone seems suspicious. Maybe I need to smoke more and relax...or smoke less and relax? Uh, oh, here comes the paranoia!

:) j/k (kinda)


Well-Known Member
the way i look at it is if one of my friends is that grimy to rob me then i am the one who made out on the deal (got rid of a so called "friend") and they may have gotten a few free Oz of weed but lost a good friend in the process, i am a really generous person so the couple of Oz they got from robbing from me they lost lots more that i would just give them over time.


Active Member
im paranoid too, prob from the massive amounts of MJ taken to the dome periodically throughout the day, all day! No one knows about anything but my Wife who lives with me! Most of my friends smoke, my dad smokes, but i still dont want them knowing! Thats why i went Stealthy in my Spare Bedroom, i have not had one person ask about that Cab, if i had that sweet tent there would be no "oh that, yea thats just my tent" !


Well-Known Member
im paranoid too, prob from the massive amounts of MJ taken to the dome periodically throughout the day, all day! No one knows about anything but my Wife who lives with me! Most of my friends smoke, my dad smokes, but i still dont want them knowing! Thats why i went Stealthy in my Spare Bedroom, i have not had one person ask about that Cab, if i had that sweet tent there would be no "oh that, yea thats just my tent" !
out of sight out of mind, basement or attic that soab :)


Well-Known Member
its all lookin good bro and good luck with the clones. how many females did you end up with?
so far 1 definate female, the other plant is tiny and just taking a while to mature. im sure in next few days it will show but im going to bet its female as i read males generaly show before females. at this point i have 1 female, as soon as clones root i will be putting them into 12/12, not going to get a high yeild this grow, i could but with money coming in soon i just want to get this one over and done with so i can start up the next one with some good fem seeds.


Active Member
hahahahaha awesome. love coming to another thread and getting a lil background. both u n gastanker crack me up! so u think a tent is better than a cab? I'm debating expansion already lol...

so as far as yield is concerned, being heavy smokers (i assume we all are, comparatively, subjectively, objectively, sort of, kinda) what kind of space is necessary? i mean i guess from all the research, one can work with what one has, but lets say we get to a point where yeah we can consistently grow some quality nug. what kind of yield is typical of type A space where type A space is a 3x3x3 cube, a 4x8 oasis tent, diff light setups, etc.

basically, what is a respectable final endpoint size and setup for someone who doesn't want to take over the game, call attention, be a douche (lol) but wants to have a head stash that won't quit and be able to make a few dollars selling to close friends on the side...?

matt, totally dig ur grow man, i am amped to see where i can take it, you are an inspiration! lol I'm definitely going to pick up some tomato, basil, onion, pepper, garlic, and maybe a few other i may just start making all SORTS of grow cabs. hide in plain sight ya know? lol.

dig the photo developing story. i worked at a film store for years, so totally plausible for me personally. lol. hmm....


Well-Known Member
and also on the veggies. the dam dog got my pepper plant but its a good thing i have another one in my cab growing strong. just tied down my cucmbers again they are making thier way nicely around thier pots nicely. going to go see if i can find any reading on training cucumber plants lol since i just went ahead and did it without any research ><

i know these arent as cool as canabis but hell might as well keep updates of them as well in here :)

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Ha! I like the cucumber plant. It is circling very nicely! I'm going to have a small deck garden with my granddaughter this summer. She'll be 3 :smile:

And for your clones, if you can't get an actual propegator (they are like $8 for the bottom and a high dome lid with vents), do like Gastanker suggested and get a cake from the bakery at Shaw's or something. Actually, get two.

Take the top off of one and cover it in duct tape to block out light. Then cut holes in the base of one of the trays to hold your peat pellets and place the base over the dome that you covered in duct tape. Use the other lid to cover your clones.

DO NOT MIST THE CLONES DIRECTLY. Instead, lightly mist the inside of the dome and place it over your clones.

Lose the heating pad...that's asking for trouble.

Bring the light down close to the dome cover to create enough heat to start condensation inside the dome. After 24 hours, cut a small hole in the dome. Then cut another 24 hours later, and another the next 24 hours, then a fourth and final hole on day 5.

Also on day 3, start taking the dome off the clones for a little while, just until they start to look a little wilty, then put the lid back on. Leave it off a little longer every day until day 7. Then remove it completely and your clones should be nice and strong.


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha awesome. love coming to another thread and getting a lil background. both u n gastanker crack me up! so u think a tent is better than a cab? I'm debating expansion already lol...

so as far as yield is concerned, being heavy smokers (i assume we all are, comparatively, subjectively, objectively, sort of, kinda) what kind of space is necessary? i mean i guess from all the research, one can work with what one has, but lets say we get to a point where yeah we can consistently grow some quality nug. what kind of yield is typical of type A space where type A space is a 3x3x3 cube, a 4x8 oasis tent, diff light setups, etc.

basically, what is a respectable final endpoint size and setup for someone who doesn't want to take over the game, call attention, be a douche (lol) but wants to have a head stash that won't quit and be able to make a few dollars selling to close friends on the side...?

matt, totally dig ur grow man, i am amped to see where i can take it, you are an inspiration! lol I'm definitely going to pick up some tomato, basil, onion, pepper, garlic, and maybe a few other i may just start making all SORTS of grow cabs. hide in plain sight ya know? lol.

dig the photo developing story. i worked at a film store for years, so totally plausible for me personally. lol. hmm....
its really hard to give a yeild as there are many factors that take place. BUT with your grow box you should be able to pull 1/2 pound a harvest easily if you do everything right