BBQ Gathering of Rocky Mtn growers

i have enjoyed many pontoon boats tons of times and have never been arrested or been in trouble.. For one I'm sure we can arrange a DD or someone who just wants a beer or two and still drive plus I'm sure not everyone is going to get totally blitzed out of there mind and drive all the way back down to the front range. If its hard for you guys to control yourselves then maybe this isn't the gathering for you but as long as we act like adults and take our pontoon boat to our on lagoon i have no reason to believe we will get in trouble for cracking some beers grilling and smoking some doobies on a boat. The rangers up here can care a less what you are doing on a boat as long as your not driving like a maniac and putting other people in danger.
Same here. Got the potoberfest in october near denver. Did a bbq in june. Be nice to meet some of the peeps with their heads in the clouds. Just got back from the bong a thon in southpark. elevation is between 10 and 11K feet. Hope I can make the trip.

Hey man, it was great to meet you at Avo's! I'm down for Potoberfest, for sure!
Little get together with ghouls and creatures in october to smoke some weed, maybe compare a few samples and enjoy food and drink. BYOB. Best costume and prizes for cup contest. Takes place near denver. Look at the link in the signature about last year.
The pontoon idea sounds great and all. I would totally be down but not to sound like a Debbie downer I think it's prob not a good idea for a group of people like us to put our selves out there so to speak. I agree with Snaps that ranger rick could be a dick and fuck with us all. We all have a lot to lose. I like the idea but.. I would still be down to meet at the brewery and meet whoever shows up

Plus you get stuck out on a boat. If someone is annoying or someone gets drunk and weird, you're just stuck there with a bunch of people you don't really know. Just seems like a little too personal for a first meet IMO.

I'd like to feel someone out a bit before I jump on a crowded boat.
Plus you get stuck out on a boat. If someone is annoying or someone gets drunk and weird, you're just stuck there with a bunch of people you don't really know. Just seems like a little too personal for a first meet IMO.

I'd like to feel someone out a bit before I jump on a crowded boat.

hahaha I was legit thinking the same exact thing...
Well i guess a CO gathering in the Mtns won't be going down any time soon. Its funny these CA growers have a bbq every year in a public park and somehow the CA growers aren't so scared to enjoy there fruits of their labor. Ive lived in a ski resort for the past 6 years and its such a more relaxed way of living but unfortunately everyone else in CO seems to be super paranoid.

Maybe next year... i just thought it would be cool to meet other CO growers but who knows
I'm down but where at is the queston?
Somewhere they rent out, shut the fucking door and could care less what you do as long as you don't destroy the place. There must be some place like this!
I've certainly got some stuff to gift at a gathering.
Not many people will pay for a location. A bar would be better to meet. One that has an outside area for smokers and sneek a tokes.
Find out a spot someone has been to before and is fimiliar with the crowds. Somewhere close to a main road for ease of travel.
Having outside dining with chairs and tables is a bonus. If it's a sunday, having tv with football this time of year would also help.
Not many people will pay for a location. A bar would be better to meet. One that has an outside area for smokers and sneek a tokes.
Find out a spot someone has been to before and is fimiliar with the crowds. Somewhere close to a main road for ease of travel.
Having outside dining with chairs and tables is a bonus. If it's a sunday, having tv with football this time of year would also help.
Vine St cafe on 17th in Denver? Not too far off the main drag and I don't see them policing the patio ever.