bc bud depot girl scout cookies & the purps


Well-Known Member
How many Ultimate Purps have you run? I've been trying for awhile ... ok smoke, no hermies, but no purple either.
you may want to try jordan of the islands, the purps.. it does not come in feminized and is like 15 bucks a seed, i have not tried it or bought it, but its a fast finish, and sais it is purple regardless of temp...ive run many dif purple strains and the only purple bud i got was grand daddy purple, but was a really small yield..wright now im just sprouting dutch passions purple#1,, hope its purple and a decent yielder we will see.. idb like to try the jordan purps but refuse to spend the cash on reg seeds.. ive lost over $700.00 so far on supose to be purple's.. think im giving up on the quest,,to damn expensive, to time consuming, to be continually let down...


Well-Known Member
Damn I wanted to grow some purple buds I just order purple trainwreck even if its not purple I'm sure it will be good bud


Best way to purple a good purple strain is making sure that you temps have a 10 degree difference between your day and night cycles. I run my dayou at 72 and night at 62 and I getting purple from Super Lemon Jack and Critical Kush. Both look gorgeous with GIANT buds, harvest them the next 2 days