Bc bud depot - shiatsu kush


Active Member
Has anyone had any expierence with this strain? I found some info on it but can't seem to find who sells it. Just asking to see what u all think..

Cut & paste info:
Going above and beyond the call of duty, BC Bud Depot recently traveled to Japan to meet in secret with the underground breeders of Shiatsu Kush - a strain developed on the island of Amami Ōshima- bred specifically to target theshiatsu regions of the body. Having previously never left the shores of Japan, BC Bud Depot acquired these special genetics to make them available for worldwide release. A quick finisherwith greatyieldsand tremendous bag appeal, the Shiatsu Kush is an exotic strain that has particular medical benefits for those suffering chronic pain - by way of releasing all stresses and tension. Extremely relaxing and ridiculously potent
I had been eyeballing these for awhile and decided to get me some. Not much info on the actual grow of these available, but I have 3 moving right along...popped 10-25 in FFOF, Orca and RO; this is all they receive until flower...2 SK are vegging under 200W CFL Flora Wing in 1/2 gallon pots with plenty o' air. 1 SK is in flower since 11-12 (8 inches tall), no nutes until I determine sex...here are some pics (sorry for the jumbled order), same plants at different ages...1 Island and 3 Shiatsu Kush in middle pics...outside pics are 1 Island and 2 Shiatsu Kush.
Hope this helps...be safe!

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God Bud sounds killer, wouldnt mind tryin em myself...see how these cooperate and grow from there.

Update: The 1 SK put in 12/12 on 11/12 has started showing first signs of male jumblies...damn. All the others are TBD.
Unfortunatly I have a week to choose and way to many to choose from, I have been trying to pick for a month now and the present run of White Russian and Critical Kush is winding down. I think the GB is sold out at my outlet and didn't see the SK at all. I am also looking at Kosher Kush which looks nice as well.....again too many lol. I do have some John Guy seeds as well but think they are regs and I really dont have time or setup to veg, flower, clone and revege. Always on the verge of running out sadly. I will be watching your grow with great interest and anticipation lol.
I hear you my fren, too many pretties to choose from...good problem I suppose! The Critical Kush has peaked my interest, but I should concentrate on what I have now. Or make concentrates of what I have now... Cirrently running purple mayhem, holy grail kush, cheese #1, boss hogg, shiatsu kush, island, purple dream, sour kosher, martian kush, pennywise, hippie killer, and killawatt. Will keep this as up to date as possible...
I've ran the Critical twice now and its ok but time to move on lol. The white russian is one of my favs but it stretches beyond belief! I am getting some kosher tomorrow i hope. Ill germ it in about 12 days i think, both trays should be wrapped up by then. Ill post a couple of pics of both tomorrow.
Would love to see the WR and CK, both look appetizing. I have a Sour Kosher sprout and have heard all sorts o' goodness bout the Kosher Kush, keep me posted.
Here's the crop. The right hand side is the WR and the left is the CK at 46 days of flower. The bud pic is WR, pretty sure it still has a ways to go. crop111813.jpgwr111813.jpg
Beautiful pics my fren...the WR looks so nice...where are those from? (breeder or bank) thanks for the pics...keep up the good fight
Seed bank, serious seeds. Ordered the kosher today be here next week Ill keep posting updates as it starts.
Definitely keep me posted on your progress.
Here is the 1 Island (left) and 2 Shiatsu Kush (right) at 28 days from seed. They are going to to transplanted this week into their final 3 gal. destination...pics to come as well.

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Calamity strikes the grow room!!! Fan fell down, hit light knocking it off one end off its hangers (T5's HO). Laid against about three plants for ??? and burnt and broke the shit out of them. luckily they are near about finished so could have been worse! Could have been the 600 ahhhh! Imagine that could have been the end of the grow shed lol. Also Im having a bit of an issue with the PH on the white russian as it just keeps falling like 3 decimal points a day, so it went from 6.1 to 5.8 over a day then to 5.6 the next. I raised it to 5.9 and next day back to 5.6. perhaps the nutes are a bit hot?? Im running around 650-700 at week 7 flower, so not real high IMO. Any thoughts?
Sorry bout the fan (it wasn't me) and light. Happy there was no serious damage to you or bystanders. I am always making huge messes as well. Hope the ladies give you something nice...are you using tap water or filtered? Are you adding anything new or in heavier quantities? Praying for you and your babies.
Well the tray that had the light fall on it is done tomorrow so no worries lol. The thing with the PH is its not happened before? I do use well water so maybe something has changed. My PH does have a tendency to drop but takes a week before that happens, now its 3 days and a rapid fall. Its interesting to say the least? plants dont seem to suffer much as I keep on to it with up. Guess I'll see how the new plants react after the clean up of the trays (I hate that job lol) Friday night will be spent trimming the girls!!! The White Russian still has a week or two left but the Critical is 60 days to the day flowering and 80 days total from seed. I get the new batch of seeds tonight and plan on setting up the seperate veg room this weekend so I can clone these girls (I hope!). Im real excited to grow out the Jean Guy! I smoked some a month ago and it was like time stood still lol. Nice sativa buzz! Thanks for the prayers!
So I'm confused and a bit concerned lol. Just got the seeds tonight, buddy dropped them off. So he has a relative who has a seed store and yes he has Kosher so ok get me a pac. Shows up with seeds in little zip bags marked with marker. 4 kosher, 4 jean guy, 4 AK48, and lastly, get this! 4 blue elephant!! I didnt have to pay for them but dont want to waste time on bag seed lol. Guess ill try them outside in the summer and clone if good. Its off to the real store lol.
Happy to hear your trimmin those ladies...wish I was there. Never heard of blue elephant, but it sounds nice. Never know, it may dominate. But then again, space is precious, haha...always my problem anyway. Keep posting on the newbies very interested to see a few of those. As far as the water, not sure my fren. Just keep an eye on it, troubleshooting is the best sometimes...then again, it can make us cry!!!
Shiatsu Kush in the left pic (1 week in flower), Island (left) Shiatsu Kush (right) getting ready to go to flower also...

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The 2 SK are now both in flower and are looking great, will post pics when they wake up tonight...be safe! On a side note, the Island is also in flower...she is a beauty as well.