BC: Kelowna Readies Bylaw Change For Medical Marijuana Grown On Farms


Well-Known Member
From 420 Magazine...

Changes to the city’s agricultural zoning bylaw regarding medical marijuana production facilities are coming soon.

Planner Melanie Steppuhn says city staff have been working with bylaw standards put forth by the Agricultural Land Commission in 2014 in crafting an amendment to the city's A1 zoning bylaw.

Steppuhn says the standards will be used by communities across the province and set out parameters on such things as minimum lot size and building height.

Because it is now an allowable farm use, communities cannot stop a medical marijuana producer licensed by Health Canada from setting up shop on agricultural land, but Steppuhn views the bylaw standards as helpful.

“The standards are positive for local government because it gives us some ability to have input into such things as lot coverage and adjacency to parks and schools,” Steppuhn adds.

The ALC bylaw standards suggest a maximum 35 per cent lot coverage with a 150-metre setback from parks and schools and a building no higher than 15 metres.

Medical marijuana production facilities will need a 30 metre buffer from residential areas that are not within the agricultural land reserve and must keep the same distance away from watercourses.

Steppuhn says the city’s bylaw cannot exceed those standards although they are free to set a lower standard in some cases.

While the city has lost some control over where the facilities are located, Steppuhn says the security standards demanded by Health Canada means people living near a production facilty have little to worry about.

“The overall permitting and licensing is done through Health Canada and it’s a very rigourous process,” she says.

The city’s industrial zoning bylaw already allows medical marijuana production although Steppuhn says no one has asked yet to set up shop.

“We’ve had enquiries and people coming to us saying they are in the process but nobody has been approved yet,” she adds.


Well-Known Member
its hypocritical that the province has this stance, when it would have had to turn off the lights more than once if it wasn't for the bm cannabis industry over the last 40 years but when medical patients want to relieve pain and enjoy a better quality of life they get up in arms upset...


Well-Known Member
Not really sure what the big deal is. This is no different then the way liquor stores, adult entertainment and other retail uses like headshops are regulated through local jurisdictions. They routinely have spatial separations and other regulation informing land use.

Kudos to Kelowna for being progressive and getting ahead of the curve.