To start off, I removed the right and left lighting chamber lids. Each contains six little screws and it doesn't take long at all.
I left the main CFL running during the bulb switch. Here are a couple of shots from above and inside.
For the vegetative stage I used x2 Artemis 400W metal halide bulbs.
For the flowering stage I'll be using x2 Artemis 400W HPS bulbs, x1 Sandblaster 125W CFL, x2 strips of 4ft. T5 lighting. (I would like to eventually add another two T5 strips along the outside edges as well.)
I decided to take of the middle chamber lid that contains the brains of The Producer. Pretty awesome looking!
Now it's time to drain the hydro tub in preparation for flowering.
Next come the nutrients. This week I'm using:
- 68cc Voodoo Juice
- 68cc CorboLoad
- 94cc Sensi Bloom Part A
- 94cc Sensi Bloom Part B
I'll be introducing B52 in about a week or two.
My local hydro shop carries these which I don't currently have:
- Connoisseur Part A
- Connoisseur Part B
- Piranha
- Bud Candy
- Tarantula
- Sensizym
- Bud Ignitor
- Rhino Skin
- Bud Factor X
Are there any that I simply shouldn't ignore? The plan is to test them all over time, but any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated!
Here's a shot of some of the root growth right now.
Another mini-project for today was replacing all of the CubeCaps with these much more simple Block Covers.
With the hydro tub refilled, everything appears ready to go...
Super Critical flowering is now in full effect!