BC Northern Lights Producer grow


Active Member
Day 14 Flowering

Clones seem to be dying. That makes 5 unsuccessful attempts.

I have a total of 4-5 inches of clearance left on the top of the grow chamber before the plants start hitting the glass. This is a bit of a concern, as I've read that vertical growth could continue for another week or two! As soon as I tie a top down, it starts reaching back up to the light, so I tie it down again. Is this going to create an impossible situation for me? Will I have to do something drastic to slow the vertical growth?

Here is a list of the week three nutrients that I'm using...

Sensi Bloom A: 80ml
Sensi Bloom B: 80ml
Big Bud: 160ml
Vita Boost: 90ml
B-52: 151ml
Carboload Liquid: 50ml
Sensizym: 252ml

Total ppm = 1100
My neutral water ppm = 50
Nutrient ppm = 1050



Active Member
Yah i could tell by the pics of your clones you are doing something wrong. If you clones droop you got air in the stem. Alot of steps have to be taken and if your planning on taking clones again let me know ill put down some guidelines.

Only time will tell about the clearance. I remember about 3 weeks ago i told you to flower!!!! this was the reason why lol. They have a few more days to a week of stretching. Turn off co2 also shut off the hps 6 hours of the day only leaving the cfl on. This will slow growth down for the week.


Active Member
Yeah, you were right! I should have flipped them sooner. I shut off the hps lights and left the veg light on. BCNL also advised me to trim some of the lower leaves as well.


Active Member
Day 15 Flowering

Smokedup, let me answer your question with pictures, and you can let me know how it looks...



Active Member
[FONT=&quot]Flowers just starting on the first pic. It should still continue to stretch, hopefully by the end of week 3ish it will stop.



Active Member
Day 17 Flowering

Clones are dead. Now I have to start thinking about buying new seeds and starting from scratch. I really like Northern Lights so far. They have been extremely simple to grow, forgiving of mistakes and has produced vigorous amounts of growth. However, I'm leaning towards purchasing 20 Crystal seeds (or "Chrystal") from Nirvana. They are a Northern Lights and White Widow cross. Seems to be exactly the direction I'd like to go.

Here are the pictures I took today of the entire box and buds that are forming. Tying down has been extremely tedious and I'm looking forward to NOT having such excessive amounts of growth next time. I've been turning off the HPS lights 4-6 hours early each night to attempt to slow the growth rate until things naturally slow down.



Well-Known Member
Quick question....y not just buy some clones...and cut down on the grow time... i mean thats what i did...i dont plan on growing from seed untill i get a mothership and maintain them from there....just a thought...i mean I am pretty sure you could find someone with some clones that you would like to grow....i just posted some pics wi


Active Member
I really wonder how those buds are gonna form
Why is that?

Smacc, I know someone who will sell me two rooted Crystal clones for $50. They wouldn't be rooted for another 10-14 days. Then I have to clone them successfully 18 times about 2-3 weeks after they rooted. Just don't think this is a good option. Instead, I'll buy 20 Crystal seeds, save the best two seedlings as my mothers, and put the rest in the box. That will cost me about $150 more, but think it's my best option.


Active Member
Day 21 Flowering

I've turned this grow somewhat SCROG out of necessity (running out of space). Check out the ghetto rigged screen! I'm still worried that the buds are going to grow right into the light. I have about 4 inches of clearance. One drastic solution would be to bend the branches to the point of snapping until it makes a 90 degree angle in the stalk. It would repair itself and continue growing. I've accidentally done this on a couple branches while tying shit down. What do you guys think is the best option here?



Active Member
Day 25 Flowering

For some reason I've notice the left light in my box burns hotter than the right. All the top buds on the hotter side of the box began to really burn. I had to tye down some and bend others until they broke (still attached). Between the heat and all the snipping and bending, I'm sure these plants have got to be pretty stressed. Probably enough to somewhat effect yeild. Below are new pictures of the jungle and some of the healthy buds forming.

Sensi Bloom A: 90ml
Sensi Bloom B: 90ml
Big Bud: 180ml
Vita Boost: 110ml
B-52: 173ml
Carboload Liquid: 56ml
Sensizym: 288ml



Well-Known Member
dang man they filled out that box. Are the screens working out good? I would think the stretch should almost be done. They look super healthy. They've grown alot in the past week. Looking good!:blsmoke:


Active Member
dang man they filled out that box. Are the screens working out good? I would think the stretch should almost be done. They look super healthy. They've grown alot in the past week. Looking good!:blsmoke:
Thanks. The screens are doing a decent job at damage control. I think without them it would have been much more difficult to keep the buds from growing into the glass. I've got burned buds as is. I'm hoping they manage to repair themselves.


Well-Known Member
man yours are growing so much faster then mine....maybe its because u grew from seed....looking good though....and u only have 8 growing in there right....man i can only imagine if u had all 18....crazy....


Active Member

Thanks. I pretty much just ghetto rigged the screen to hang about 5 inches from the glass as a last ditch effort to keep the tops from burning up. It only filled up so much because I waited so long before switching over to flower. Next time I'll lower the screen (or try no screen at all).