BC now accepting pot shop applications

Has anyone been able to get those micro licenses or have they been stalled like LP applications?
No clue but there are no restrictions on obtaining licenses as long as you qualify under the regs, and fork over the license fees of course.
Annnnd just as predicted it almost mirrors the maple syrup model. You put in the time and effort only to sell it to a middleman who marks it up more and resells it, probably making more than the person who grew it.
That what i've been trying to point out......no thanks. That system always works for the middleman. The grower would be under thumb imo.
I view it as a way to get setup for when they eventually relax the laws around growing/distributing and thy become mor like with alcohol
...where is the micro license application?
The processing licenses are federal and you apply through HC. The retail license is Provincial and you'd apply through the appropriate provincial site.

Attaching a recent document from HC explaining the process for the cultivation licenses.

For BC, this is the site with info related to retailing licenses.


Now that would be an idea to slow the BM....offer them more than they are getting now wholesale. That would switch a few guys.
What's the point of applications when cities like Langley and Surrey are no where near having the by laws ready for months and even till mid next year. The gov should have waited till at least the major municipalities were ready with their bylaws.
What's the point of applications when cities like Langley and Surrey are no where near having the by laws ready for months and even till mid next year. The gov should have waited till at least the major municipalities were ready with their bylaws.
The municipalities knew what was coming, why couldn't they have bylaws written by the deadline? They should have started working on it as soon as the Libby's got voted in, it was the reason they got voted in.
The municipalities knew what was coming, why couldn't they have bylaws written by the deadline? They should have started working on it as soon as the Libby's got voted in, it was the reason they got voted in.

I've only checked Surrey and Langley but after those I didn't bother with going to White Rock, Delta and New West. Langley not till April 2019. Surrey you have to email them.

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the regulations and requirements for cannabis retail and/or cannabis production in the City of Surrey. At this time, we are not accepting applications and do not have any detailed information available.

We are working through number of issues related to the upcoming legalization of cannabis, and the retails sale of cannabis and therefore, ask you to review information available from the Province of British Columbia regarding the establishment of private retail stores at: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/...quor-regulation-licensing/cannabis-regulation

We will provide further updates in the early Fall once the Province’s online application portal for businesses is launched and fully operational. The City’s process will be linked to the Provincial process and will be publicized to the general public once finalized.