BC outdoor grow still growing


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with MG soil. MG gets a bad rap from poor growers burning up their plants. They add nutes too soon. Not the soils fault, growers fault.


Active Member
Thanks man, although I could have easily burnt them, I started with 1\4 strength ferts only a month after transplanting into the MG MC soil. No issues yet. It has still only been 2 months and I use basically full strength ferts now. So it is possible to introduce ferts to MG after less than the 3 months they recommend.


Active Member
PRE FLOWERS TODAY!! Im fucking elated. and to top off it was my biggest healthiest plant!
i too, found signs of flowering today and im just across island (west coast).
hopefully we get a good fall to make up for this shitty foggy summer.

one thing i might add to your plants is some Dolomite Lime if you plan on using MG ferts (im an MG believer)
it keeps the PH balanced because MG is acidic. its also cheap.
sprinkle a handful per plant and they should do well.

they look green and healthy!


Active Member
These were started from seed on June 16 and grown entirely with natural light. You're right, it has been a poor summer here on the island, although we have got some sun as of late which was good.

I use Shultz 20-30-20 on top of that MG Moisture control soil... well I did as of yesterday. I will now use MG Ultra Bloom the next watering. 10-52-10. Watering\feeding have been every 7 days lately. I added perlite at the beginning and they hold a lot of water for a 7 kg pot.

Question: How many weeks for an F1 Kush

Question: My old mans favorite plant has a full 12 inch branch that just went pale, kind of vanilla looking and it looks to be migrating towards the stalk. The rest of the plant is healthy but this one branch is going to die.

DO we cut it off and hope for the best? HE has flushed his 5 G bucket with 10 G and will hope for the best. His is a 5 foot Kush


Active Member
GOOD NEWS! gotta another female maybe 2 more. Three out of four would be great.

Tallest is 32 inches now, next is 30, 28 and 20 inches. I'm thinking of losing the small one, but I couldn't until I know its sex

Not alot of bug damage, minimal really. I fight off the spider mites one by one as I chill out and smoke some.


Active Member
apparently he helped a yellowing fan leaf by cutting it off. That in turn shocked the branch into thinking it wasn't going to get enough light. The same thing happened to him on another plant too, so this is now proven in my books. Message: Don't Fuck with Fan Leafs.


Active Member
apparently he helped a yellowing fan leaf by cutting it off. That in turn shocked the branch into thinking it wasn't going to get enough light. The same thing happened to him on another plant too, so this is now proven in my books. Message: Don't Fuck with Fan Leafs.
good moral, bad story.
if the leaf was already yellow, the plant it about to shed it eneways (brocket99 anyone? :-P )
what im guessing happened is where he cut the off the leaf, mould moved in.
when the mould has a circle around a stem it cuts off nutrient supply. believe me, i know.


Active Member
i moved the plants to Victoria. I will take new photos in a few days. After not watering for a week they were a bit wilted but came right back. Quit the mission in the dark, walking backwards to not break or damage the plants in the thick bush. I left one behind, it was weak


Active Member
The tallest plant from the plants I brought down from Nanaimo is now 3 foot 7 inches tall. The other two are just over 3 feet


Active Member
tallest is 4 feet and the others are 3 foot 8. Very lush green and flowering nicely. No pics for a bout 10 days. Sorry


Well-Known Member
shout out from over the straight on the sunshine coast. late season this year it seems, waited for what seems like an eternity for my tall girls to start blooming!


Well-Known Member
all good ! first time growing this year, definitely doing something right. IMG_0035.jpg

how are things on the island