bc outdoor help


Active Member
hey all im brand new to this but this forum is making me excited i have a buddy coming here with his lap top so i can upload my pics. but im preaty sure my plants going on 2 months i hope its a female, i got a couple quik questions does flowering mean budding? and i only water my plants and used reg potting soil is this aight i got unknown seeds. my concerns is maybe to much sun im in bc and the suns out from 5 or 6 till 8-8:45 ive been trying to do my research on here but if some peeps would mind showing me the routs that would be great.
pics up within 2 hrs


Well-Known Member
Technically yes flowering means budding, however flowering occurs well before you can actually see any real buds. Once you start to see the pistils (hairs) or balls (nuts) then they will start to swell with resin. Once they are fat then they are considered buds. As for the soil I would say since it's already been growing for 2 months you should be fine, but I would say look into flowering nutes just so you have them when it's time. Hope that helps happy growing.


Active Member
thanks alot man i got my pictures up in a thread at the beginning of this forum page 1.
i want to keep them small how big you think they will get if i leave them in that 5 gallon bucket i want them to be only 1 foot bigger lots of neighbors around, let me know thanks


Well-Known Member
Alright the plant I have growing now I started to cover it once it got to a 1'. Doing this makes the flowering hormone start to kick in. I just found out today that it's a chick. To keep them short some people suggest topping them, meaning to cut the very top 2 or 3 growths sticking out, before it starts to flower. In a 5 gallon bucket you should have no problems but definatly look into topping on the growFAQ cause I don't really know much about it. Good luck bro.